
Holo Alter

a creatures that's supposed to not exist, by any chance, he came to life—living an average life on planet called Earth. Until, his existent took a certain god's attention. The god who find out his potential—thoughts and tried of many plans; that is to cause misfortune in his life to accelerate his negative points, to replace him, so he can safely retires his job as a god... only for everything to be in futile. Lifetime worth of staging the world in fail, the god decided to give up on him and send him to foreign places in different universe. Here, his 3rd life unfolds as he live the life of average person without being bothered by any higher beings—unbounded by destiny on characters that appears on story. ----- Edited in 2022/1/16 Many information will contrasts from original works but I won't mess with the characters' emotions too much. At first, I thought of making the hololive characters as main focus of story but writing up to a hundred chapters, I couldn't do it. So the hololive characters will only be appearing when the time is right. But to keep their uniqueness intact, I will make them slightly or more 'special' compared to others characters... (with a reason) Viewpoint can change from 3rd perspective to 1st perspective depending on the situation. Fanfiction based on [Hololive Alternative's Teaser] and **Author's Imagination & Author's Deep Analysis Supported by Author's Immense Knowledge.

R4IN · Anime & Comics
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192 Chs

Asking Out Again

All materials Kuro used to built the piano were very expensive. It cost him more than 300,000 Golds. Because of that, Kuro nearly lost his status as a millionaire.

As for Kuro's craftsmanship—he may not be called as the legendary builder, he was rather skilled because in the past he used to help Ayame.

Countless magic rune inside the piano were written as to make up for his lacking craftsmanship. So as the results went, this piano were actually comparable to those expensive piano in Earth.

Then why can he play the piano? Ask that to 21.

Despite his average impressions; national-level soccer player, learnt piano… if this fanfictins took one step wrong, this fanfictions may have turned into novels with 21 as the main character.

Now that you think about it, Hololive is actually quite amazing for attracting this multi-talented guy. How magical.

'Ah, that's right.' Taking care of the piano, he covered it with cloth once again.

The doors which was supposedly locked were unlocked… maybe she unlocked it when getting out of this room.

As Kuro got out of the room and walked down the hallway to call Ayame out—the door near the room which Kuro was in opened up.

"Okayu, Okayu! Let's try that strange thing out!" Despite the soundproof room Kuro made it into, Okayu and Korone used their Ki Sense to find out inside.

"Koro-san, Koro-san, won't Kuro be angry if we used it without his permission?"

"It's okay, it's okay!" In contrast of Okayu's worry, Korone shrugged it off as they went to the piano room.

Meanwhile Kuro on his way to Ayame suddenly thought. 'Should I try making a switch that coat the whole room to avoid the Mana Detection and Ki Sense?'

Kuro were considering of this idea and thought that he'll ask their opinion if they want Kuro to coat their room—though it doesn't matter as Kuro don't have the hobby of peeking to other people with his Ki Sense.

Oh, right. Speaking of Ki Sense, his Ki Sense has grown so much past this 7 months and he has surpassed even the two in term of progressions.

After all the whole 7 months were used in training this Ki Sense. [God's Eyes] is only one of the ability he developed in this past 7 months. And this will be used to great extent based on his plan from now on.

'Ah, there she is.' Staring at the space in front of her, Ayame doze off seeming to think of something else.

Kuro felt that it was a little bit unfair. Although Ayame seems like she can read his thought easily, Kuro could only read her most of them time—not always.

For example now, in front of him—he couldn't tell what she was thinking as she stares to the blank space.

"Ayame-chan~" Trying to get her attention, Kuro called her out as he waved his hand in front of her view.

"Eh, huh? K-Kuro…?" Her sentences ended with 3 dots—contrasting from her sentences which usually ended with exclamation mark.

Seeing that she was less cheerful now, Kuro couldn't help but feel suspicious… he may have did something wrong! But what did he do?

Maybe it's because of the piano. That's strange, does she not like singing?

"Y-yes, miss. This little one would like to ask the humble princess." It was so strange that it was laughable.

The moment Ayame shown a signs of strangeness, Kuro, like a chain effect also turned strange.

"…hm?" She tilted her head in confusion as well indicating to hear out what Kuro has to say.

"Ojou (Her Highness), I would like to ask such a humber thyself on another date." Looking out at the formal Kuro, the Oni couldn't handle it anymore.

She laughed as Kuro was acting too strange—unbefitting of his usual personalities. And strangely, she wouldn't care less about her beating heart anymore.

Trying her best to stop her adorable giggle, she opened her mouth.

"Why are you speaking so formally like that, Kuro?" In the end, she couldn't hold it anymore as she ended up laughing.

"…is it… okay?" Still being slightly suspicious, Kuro nervously asked her.

"Haha! It's okay!" She continued laughing because Kuro's figure were too amusing. He looked like a pup who did something wrong but doesn't know about it.

The more she laughed, the more her curiosity and caution dissipated while the heat travelled up to her head turning her face slightly reddish due to the excessive laughing.


It took a breath for Ayame to finally stop laughing because Kuro couldn't bother to stop her.

The existences of creature called Nakiri Ayame (Virturan) were too strange to him. As far as he may try, in the end he can't exactly understand her.

At least her state in Nakirium Mode were much easier.

"Ah, I am sorry… where are we going?" Until now she was laughing, now she was red all over because embarrassment.

Although her embarrassment could be explained, Kuro couldn't figure out her reasons for laugh… wait a moment, why is he thinking so deeply about the reasoning behind her actions?

Isn't this supposed to be a simple and normal invitation occurred in every day? Turns out that the strange was him!

'Uwwah, I am so strange' Mocking himself, Kuro finally opened his mouth as his usual tone returned.

"Our destination is in the forest between Rise Land and Reign Empire. And I'd like only the two of us to go there."

"I am fine with it but… why?" It is Kuro that she's talking about. The point isn't; 'Kuro must have a reason,' but, 'why does Kuro want to get there with her alone?'

"Of course there's nothing else but to… Train You!" It is just a speculation and a possibility which Kuro doesn't even know if it is even a possibility.

But he wanted to try it out. Because Ayame is his main character.

Hear out my explanation why this novel is so slow paced:

It’s because Kuro isn’t the main character. That’s why no troubles come out of his way and his life was smooth-sailing.

(Not really if you count how much time he almost died. No, seriously. He could have died at least 5 times in this short time.)


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