
Holo Alter

a creatures that's supposed to not exist, by any chance, he came to life—living an average life on planet called Earth. Until, his existent took a certain god's attention. The god who find out his potential—thoughts and tried of many plans; that is to cause misfortune in his life to accelerate his negative points, to replace him, so he can safely retires his job as a god... only for everything to be in futile. Lifetime worth of staging the world in fail, the god decided to give up on him and send him to foreign places in different universe. Here, his 3rd life unfolds as he live the life of average person without being bothered by any higher beings—unbounded by destiny on characters that appears on story. ----- Edited in 2022/1/16 Many information will contrasts from original works but I won't mess with the characters' emotions too much. At first, I thought of making the hololive characters as main focus of story but writing up to a hundred chapters, I couldn't do it. So the hololive characters will only be appearing when the time is right. But to keep their uniqueness intact, I will make them slightly or more 'special' compared to others characters... (with a reason) Viewpoint can change from 3rd perspective to 1st perspective depending on the situation. Fanfiction based on [Hololive Alternative's Teaser] and **Author's Imagination & Author's Deep Analysis Supported by Author's Immense Knowledge.

R4IN · Anime & Comics
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192 Chs

Alliance 4

"(Before we, Winter Elves go along with your proposal, may I ask a question to you?)" In a slight serious face, the winter elven girl asked a question, while drinking her vodka.

"(Please do.)" Akuna nodded in turn.

"(Did… the White Lion King come to your country?)" At this question of her, the two elven turned their head to her.

If that was true, they shouldn't even think of attacking the Reign Empire—by any slim chances, if that creature thought Reign Empire as a good place and is willing to protect it…

instead of conquering Reign Empire, their nations may fall in ruin first… at least with the 2 combined power (Leon and White Lion), their countries have close to non ways to protect their nations.

"(Yes.)" Unfazed by her question, Akuna nodded.

"(Then, along with white lion king, did one of my citizen came in as well?)" She asked another question.

Nodding to her, Akuna continued.

"(Along with the White Lion King, one of your citizen have indeed came. From my observations, the White Lion King are working at one of our fast food restaurants making an stable income.)"

"(While your citizen who came along with the White Lion King are working at the tavern… though she sometimes cause troubles.)" Akuna didn't mention past that as he have only heard a little bit about it.

"(I see…)" deeply thinking inside her head, she seems to have made her decisions as she nodded.

"(Alright. We, the winter elven will agrees to your proposal—for half a year, I will personally observe your country.)" At her sudden judgements, the two widened their eyes a little.

"(Understood. May I know the rest of the two's decision about this proposal?)" Akuna nodded to her unsurprised while he took this opportunity to ask the rest.

"(Then I will ask the question next.) The one who opened his mouth are the nature elves leader.

"(What would happen to do elves nation who didn't accept to your alliances request half-a-year later?)"

"(As for that, nothing will happen. You see, our current lord is rather peace-loving. He doesn't really want to go on a pointless war so there's nothing to fear about it.)" Akuna knew what the nature elf wanted to know.

"(Doesn't that mean your country is weak?)" This time, the one who asked question was sun elves.

"(That's not true, the first example of this the showcase of power our knight leaders did before.)"

"(Aside from him, our manpower is steadily growing as well, due to a certain 'research' which has been going well lately.)" Akuna answered to their question diligently without showing a trace of panic.

Seeing his face which told that he's not going to tell what 'research' was, ignoring the nature elves, the sun elves asked another question.

"(What is Reign Empire's goal, what benefit do you guys will get if we had an alliances?)"

"(To make it short, we Reign Empire, want to do a certain thing; that is, to break the seal casted in this world and travel around the galaxy. To do tha-)" Akuna's sentences were cut short…


Due to the lightning strike that fell from the sky. Which of course the building blocked it like Zhang Xuan's in past chapters.

"(To do that, we need the elven nations' help.)" Of course elven's manalogy won't be enough, it would be one step closer.

"(Interesting enough. We sun elves will also agree to your propose—and carefully observe whether your country is trustworthy.)" The sun elves smiled as he added a words…

"(Someday, let me fight with that Leon guy.)" He showed his temper of sun elves which battle maniac not lesser than the Oni's.

"(I will try my best to ask for him.)" While Akuna nodded, from his side the nature elven began to


"(The nature elves will also agree to your proposal.)"

Confirming that his 2nd task succeed without a problem, Akuna nodded as he shook hand with all three of them.

They weren't as prideful, clean-freak, pain in ass to deal with as written in the novels (in Reign Empire), so Akuna were glad about this.

"(May everyone introduce as it is awkward to call everyone by their titles?)" After shaking his hand with them did Akuna remember that he doesn't know their name.

"(My, my. I thought you already know about our names. I am Shirayuki Yukina. We will be in your cares.) The winter elven were rather cheerful…

While the other…

"(Fio Rosenthal.)"

"(Shiranui Blaze.)

They seems to have no interest at all.

After a simple talking and simple questions did everything end as Blaze challenged Akuna to battle only for Akuna to run away using his small trickeries.

At the present, Blaze who were enraged by Akuna's small trickeries and refusal, he was chasing Akuna half-angrily and half-interested.

"Run! Run!" While running away from the elven nation, Akuna shouted to the knight division as the knights prepared their horse…

When Akuna got to the troops, the horse were already riding and Blaze seems to have no intention of chasing them away—duel could wait later.

"What happened? Did you fail?" Leon unsurely asked him.

Because it was Akuna. It's rare for him to fail in this kind of work.

"No all the required task have been completed, we just need to welcome their 'observation' just… I may have provoked the sun elven leader too much." Akuna smiled slyly.

"Oh, is that so." Riding in the horse, Leon figured out that Akuna did his usual tricks which involved some illusions magic.

That illusion was even enough to temporarily trick him… and Akuna's personality were sometimes those of children, specially when his using that illusions of him.

As such, Knight Division's journey to Elven Nation finished quicker than the plan as they did not need to travels to the three nation to personally convince the three elves.

[Task: Convince the Three Elves Nation]


Times Taken: 8 Months, 15 Days

Casualty: 0 (is this realistic? Because from my analysis, it's impossible too kill a person under Leon's watch).

Alliances arcs complete! It took long. I can finally go back to Kuro and Ayame which I wanted.

God imagine dropping the novel here after spending a years to create the world setting.

Definitely not want to do unless I died due to accident.

Hopefully I am not unconsciously lazy when I wrote this chapter.


1,000+ words

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