
Hollywood Road

This is a dazzling circle, where every step up requires tremendous effort and stepping on countless competitors’ heads. Countless geniuses come to Hollywood with their dreams, but most of them fall on the road to progress and eventually become ordinary people. In the process of climbing upwards, talent often plays a greater role than effort, but opportunities are more important than talent and effort! This is a story of a small person who seizes every opportunity and embarks on the road to fame in Hollywood ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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312 Chs

Chapter 121: Scared to Faint

These sounds were simply unbearable. Daisy finally couldn't hold it anymore, bent over, and retched. The two boys beside her were already scared stiff, hugging each other and trembling, seemingly at a loss for words or actions.

The sound of retching echoed in the theater.

Over at Long Island, the sound of retching seemed contagious, spreading around Louis-Gonzalez. People felt a chest-tightening discomfort but couldn't tear their eyes away from the screen, watching the doctor sawing off his own leg!

The doctor crawled to the corpse, picked up the gun, checked the bullets, and then aimed at the one secretly filming.

He shot the spy as the mastermind instructed, feeling horrible about the killing, and burst into tears again.

At the theater near Columbia University, the screening was a bit slower. Kara-Faith closed her eyes, unable to watch such scenes anymore. She admitted she was scared too and was contemplating how to settle accounts with Murphy, the bastard, after her training ended in six months.

"Help! Help! Help..."

A woman's cry for help suddenly rang out, clearly not from the movie, but from the front row. Kara-Faith opened her eyes. In front of her, a young black girl, about twenty, was looking at a middle-aged man in his forties beside her, crying for help.

Only the two of them were seated in the front row. The middle-aged man slumped in his seat, eyes rolled back, showing only the whites, with a trickle of saliva dripping from his mouth.

"What's wrong with him?"

A kind-hearted person had already jumped to that row. "What's happening?"

The black girl stammered for a moment before squeezing out, "He got scared when he saw the leg being sawed."

This quickly became the focus of the theater. Others ignored the struggle between the caretaker, the doctor, and the not-dead spy on the screen and looked over. Several good Samaritans went over to help.

One middle-aged woman, apparently with some medical knowledge, checked the man and said, "It's okay, just scared too much."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Kara-Faith felt a bit regretful for not bringing her camera, missing such a good piece of news.

She looked again and suddenly realized the fainted man seemed to be a professor from Columbia University.

A few people surrounded the professor, following the middle-aged woman's advice, lifting his feet, helping him breathe, and fanning him. After some busywork, the fainted professor made a strange sound, his eyes no longer entirely white, and his twisted face gradually returned to normal.


The people around the professor occasionally glanced at the screen. One of them suddenly said, "The killer isn't the caretaker."

Others immediately forgot about the professor, all eyes on the screen. Due to earlier misleading scenes, they all thought the caretaker was the real killer, but the ending revealed otherwise...

The spy found a camcorder on the dead caretaker and pressed play. "Hello, Mr. Indore, known in the hospital as Sep. I want you to make a choice."

This voice had appeared several times before. Everyone knew it was the voice of Jigsaw, indicating the caretaker wasn't Jigsaw!

He wasn't the mastermind.

Everyone stared at the screen, watching the flashbacks, trying to find the answer.

"You have ******** in your body, and only I have the antidote. Would you kill a mother and daughter to save yourself? If so, the rules are..."

He was also a subject of Jigsaw's judgment!

Who could it be? Who could it be? Daisy anxiously scratched her head.

Not him? Louis-Gonzalez quickly reviewed the main characters. The doctor sawed off his leg, the caretaker died, the cop also died, who else?

Could it really be Amanda, the girl? But it didn't seem like it...

As everyone pondered the true mastermind, someone slowly got up behind the spy. He tore off the disguise on his head, like a god waking from slumber, opening his eyes!

The corpse in the middle was Jigsaw! Louis-Gonzalez sat in his seat, so shocked he forgot to breathe!

The corpse in the middle was Jigsaw! The skinny black guy and the fat white guy on either side clenched their fists, too stunned to speak!

The corpse in the middle was Jigsaw! Daisy unconsciously hugged herself, suddenly feeling very cold!

The corpse in the middle was Jigsaw! Kara-Faith stared at the screen, unable to hide her astonishment!

The corpse in the middle was Jigsaw! All the audience was stunned by this ending!

How could this be? That was their reaction!

Scenes began to flash back on the screen, leaving enough clues. How could this not be possible? They simply hadn't thought of it!

"He likes to watch his twisted games up close!"

Someone suddenly shouted, "The movie had already told us the answer!"

"Move aside!" Another voice called from behind, "Hurry, you're blocking me."

A big hand reached out, ignoring the person who had just helped him, pushing him aside, staring dumbfounded at the screen. Seeing Jigsaw walk to the door, he shouted, "So he is Jigsaw!"

The fainted professor slapped his leg hard, "Oh, I missed such an exciting scene!"

He didn't care about fainting at all, complaining instead about missing Jigsaw's grand finale.

The others laughed. They were no better than the professor. This ending was too shocking, completely unexpected.

It was perfect!

"Game over!"

Jigsaw closed the iron door, the screen went black, and the credits rolled: Director Murphy Stanton, Writer Murphy Stanton, Producer Murphy Stanton...

The movie ended. Kara-Faith picked up her purse, ready to leave the theater, only to find everyone still staring at the credits, not willing to leave, many even in a daze.

Louis-Gonzalez was also in a daze, recalling the final flashback scenes, slapping his forehead. Why hadn't he thought the corpse in the middle could be Jigsaw?

He must have missed many details. He decided he needed to watch it again.

He was the first to stand up, pulling the skinny guy on one side and the fat guy on the other, reminding them, "It's over, let's go."

"It's really over..." The fat guy muttered, standing up.

The skinny guy seemed reluctant to leave, "Why was it so short?"

Their little team stood up one after another. Some looked back at the screen reluctantly, some were lost in thought, and some took three steps back with each step, taking three times as long as usual to leave the theater.


As soon as they exited the theater, someone said, "The director is amazing, fooled all of us."

The fat guy replied, "But in a beautiful way! I'd rather be fooled by such a brilliant film than watch a bad one."

"What's the director's name?" The skinny guy stood at the theater entrance, scratching his head, "I was stunned by the ending and didn't catch the director's name."

Louis-Gonzalez moved away from the theater steps, "Murphy Stanton, and he's also the writer!"

"I don't remember any such director in the horror genre." Another person chimed in, "He must be a newcomer. A newcomer director..."

He didn't say anything more, just gave a thumbs up.

Checking the time, Louis-Gonzalez reminded, "It's late, let's head back."

For them, movies were relaxation, entertainment, and fun, but not life. They waved goodbye and walked to their cars.

The skinny black guy was the last to leave. Before going, he told Louis-Gonzalez, "I won't be at the party tomorrow, but don't forget to recommend this movie there."

"I won't forget." Louis-Gonzalez patted his back, "With such a great film, I want to share it now."

Starting his car, he wondered if Murphy Stanton was really a new director. Could a new director achieve this level? When did such an amazing newcomer appear in the film industry? Why hadn't he heard of him before?

Daisy had a stern face when she arrived at the theater and still had a stern face when she left, earlier from exhaustion of finding the theater, later from being shocked by the movie.

That director, Murphy Stanton, really didn't follow the rules! His first film had Little Red Riding Hood castrating the Big Bad Wolf, and this one had a pervert lying in the middle enjoying his murder game...

Was he a pervert too? Daisy had that thought but shook her head. Even if the director was a pervert, he was a talented one.

Despite feeling nauseated by the bloody scenes, she left satisfied.

"Amazing director, amazing writer, absolutely a divine twist..."

Listening to people discussing as they exited the theater, Kara-Faith took out her phone. She had also watched "Hard Candy," and besides Little Red Riding Hood's counterattack, it was quite average. She even suggested Murphy switch to journalism, thinking he wasn't suited for the film industry and would succeed more easily in journalism.

And now? She smiled, realizing she might have been wrong. This horror film was unexpectedly brilliant. The expressions on the faces of those leaving the theater said it all.

Kara-Faith leaned against her car, dialed Murphy's number, and the ringtone went on for a while before he picked up.

"Why did you think of calling me?"

Hearing his familiar voice, Kara-Faith got straight to the point, "I just watched your new movie."

Standing at his studio's entrance, Murphy walked into the yard, "How was it? Wasn't it exciting? By the way, was the theater full?"

"The show I watched had about twenty viewers."

Hearing this, Murphy nodded. It was, after all, a Friday morning. Kara-Faith continued, "It was terrifying.

 A professor at Columbia University fainted from fright!"

"Fainted from fright?" Murphy raised an eyebrow.


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