
Chp 12 : Treat Or Trick?

"I will choose Mr...." At the same time, his assistance came from outside and said, "Mr. Spielberg, you got a call from Mr. Tanen." Ned Tanen, the president of MCA Universal Pictures.

After Spielberg received the call, he brings out some bad news to the crew, He sighed and said with a dispirited voice, "Sorry everyone, because of the company condition, the budget was changed from $11 million to $7 million, but I will find a way to take care of this." But one more thing that made Spielberg confused was the higher-ups hoped that Henry Thomas played as a leading actor. Who's backer this guy is, Spielberg won't know.

"For the leading actor, I think we need postpone it for a while, I think some participant got some backer in Universal." Heard that, some casting director who knew who was going to be chosen feel lost, while the other who wished he didn't get chosen smiled from ear to ear.

"Okay everyone, dismissed we will begin casting other characters tomorrow," Spielberg said.

Although Spielberg could just not show up when audition, he still wanted to know everyone he will work with and he likes everything under his control.

The next day, Ari come to the orphanage to bring bad news, "Bad news Al, according to my insiders there, you are supposed to be chosen directly by Spielberg because of your performance but someone from Universal called Spielberg and recommending someone."

"Wow, it is bad news." Said Al, so both of them having a talk and re-planning what will they do.

"I'm sorry Al, although my parents knew Spielberg if those guys said something, even Spielberg can't do anything." According to his resource, Spielberg signed a 7-year contract and have to make a few films for Universal Pictures. But now he needs another plan if Al can't get the role.

"Don't worry, we will find a way Ari... wait, did you say that Spielberg really wants me to be lead role?" Ari had no intention to hide it and said, "Of course, Spielberg really determined to make you a lead role according to my sources."

Al smiled and said, "It seems that cats out of the bag earlier than I expected." Ari confused, take a while to process it until he realized "Oh you mean that, but will Hollywood studios make your way harder."

"I will only reveal to the public my children's book Ari, I need more power and influence before revealing my other alias, also those want to make an offer to me only animation studio and toy companies, I can manage them." He said while convincing Ari. Ari smiled and said "Let's do this, my career fully depends on you now Al hahaha"

Meanwhile, some house in San Bernardino Valley

Carolyn Thomas, Henry's mother is just from a farmer's family in Texas, her husband is just an engineer working in Texas. Although she had her own suspicion about Hollywood but heard her son want to be an actor, she also want to make her son's dream comes true.

Luckily, her husband's friend from Texas is a higher-up in Universal so with a few calls, she assured her son that she'll try to get him a role.

"But mom, what if I'm not chosen?" Henry said.

"It's okay honey, I'll make sure you get another role for you, your father's friend is an important man in Universal, he will definitely help you." She soothed her son.

The next day, the Los Angeles Times made shocking news.

"Man Behind Toy Story"

And the summary was like this:

As you know, the phenomenal children stories in the Los Angeles Times children column every Sunday morning and also a writer of some children picture book is a man named Alphonse. But until today, we only know his name, but in reality, the one who wrote <Toy Story> is not a man at all but a boy, an orphan boy named Alphonse Edward Brandt.

As the LA Times tells his background story, exclude his parent's names, only their origin, and occupation also his face photos. This shocked entire states, a child millionaire who get it by writing children books and drawing cartoons.

His works include Toy Story, Lion King, Up, Finding Nemo, Ice Age, Põ the Dragon Warrior, Big Hero 6, Night At Museum, Zootopia.

When news came, many animation companies include Disney, want to buy the rights for filming. But Al only accepted if he was satisfied with their offer, cash, and a 20% dividend in every film they shot. This scared many animation companies and adopt wait and see attitude.

Steven Spielberg who was drinking coffee after open the LA Times was agape. 'This kid, not only a genius acting but also a good writer and drawer. He was also full of imagination, which really matched with my roles' As you know, although Spielberg is already 30s, he always adopt his childish thinking so he won't run out of imagination and inspiration.

He packed his belongings, carry this edition of LA Times, and ran out to Universal office, ready to fight for his movie budget and main role with Ned Tanen.

Few weeks passed, in the CAA office, Ari began his search for roles that match with Al. Suddenly, a phone call rang, "Hello Mr. Emanuel, there is someone who wants to talk to you on-line 6." Ari changed his telephone line and talk to his caller.

They have a pleasant chat, he closed his telephone with a smiled face and rushed to Hope Institute Orphanage.

When he arrived, he saw Al with other boys playing with Atari VCS while the girls playing with Bella and Lola.

See Ari came over, Al gave control to Jon and go to the living room and talk with Ari. "Good News Al! You.Got.The.Role and not only that, Steven Spielberg invite you to his film premiere on 11th June in Regency Village Theatre!"

Al agape, "NO WAY!! I can't believe it, it is so good to be true! Am I dreaming now Ari?" Ari laugh and said, "I think we both are dreaming Al."

Heard a commotion in the living room, Mrs. K come, "What is going on you two! Why are you screaming!"

Al saw Mrs. K approaching also inform Mrs. K, " Look, Mrs. K, I got a role in Spielberg's movie!! Not only that, he invited me to his movie premiere at Village Theatre on 11th June next month!"

Mrs. K was also surprised, " Oh my goodness, it's happy news, let's celebrate it, Al, Let's held a little party for you! Finally, your dreams came true!"

Mrs. K went back and tell Mary and the other kids. They also feel happy for Al and held a little party for him. After they finished their celebration, everybody went back for rest.

While Al goes back to sleep, he suddenly remembered something. He rose from the bed and began to concentrate. A moment has passed and finally, he got some understanding.

After his soul fused, he also inherited his dream and experience. His utmost dream is to make Mrs. K, Mary, and other kids having a good life without hardship and second is he wanted to become an actor!!

Predecessor longtime wish is to become an actor but unfortunately, he didn't find any famous person named Alphonse in his last life. 'Your dream is also mine, so we will also become the best actor in the world!!' He said to himself.

Suddenly something inside him began to shake and a feeling of clarity came from his body. 'So you also agree' Al also smiled. 'Let's work hard together!'

To Be Continued...