
Chapter 80

If according to previous living habits and logic of thinking, Duke must be humble and cautious when facing this kind of problem, he must praise his competitors a few words, and then appropriately belittle himself and "Breathtaking Island", otherwise it will be inevitable. Will attract criticism.

However, he has lived in this country for more than 20 years. Not to mention that his way of thinking is completely Westernized, he has assimilated a lot. Appropriate modesty is not bad, but being too modest will only be regarded as weakness and lack of confidence. In the fiercely competitive Hollywood, others have stepped on it. If he is still modest and cautious, he will only be regarded as a bully in the future.

"I watched "Interview with the Vampire" but I didn't finish it."

In the morning, Duke once went to the theater to get to know his competitors briefly, "Maybe it's not the type I like. The biggest feeling the film gives me is the slow pace and dull content..."

There were bursts of laughter under the stage, followed by applause. Most of the people who can sit here are action movie fans, and to a certain extent they understand Duke's production style.

Spreading his hands, Duke shrugged again, interacting with the audience off the court with a silent expression.

"It looks like I'm not the only one who thinks so." Duke continued, "I was playing ⌒←, in the theater where "Interview with the Vampires" was filmed, and I saw some situations. Many viewers were boring to doze off, even not Young people are like me, leaving early because they feel dull and boring."

This is not just empty talk. According to the data reported by the survey company, the exit rate of "Interview with the Vampire" is indeed higher than that of a fast-paced popcorn movie like "Brave to Death Island".

"Also, there are problems with the actors." Duke did not intend to stop at all. "The vampires played by Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt are cool and handsome enough, but their acting skills..."

He shook his head directly, "Frankly speaking, I think Kirsten Dunst is far better than the two of them in performance!"

"Do you think there is a problem with Tom Cruise's performance in the film?"

The host Leno immediately caught the point of Duke's words, which is a slam dunk to increase the ratings, "Can you talk about it specifically?"

"In fact, this is a very obvious problem." Duke spread his hand, without even thinking about it, and said directly, "From "High Aspirations" or even earlier, later "Thunder and High Aspirations" and "Born on July 4th" In films such as "Earth Ambition", Tom Cruise has left a very deep impression on people, but do you really remember the role?"

After thinking about it, Leno shook his head directly, and more people were shaking their heads in the audience under the stage.

"The reason is very simple. In these movies, Tom Cruise turned all the roles he played into Tom Cruise!"

After hearing Duke's words, there was a clear sigh from the stage, and it was obvious that his words were recognized by many people.

These are all things that were once recognized. Tom Cruise and the one in the ship undoubtedly played the role as his own model. The difference is that the latter dared to make himself an uncle in order to make a breakthrough. , While the former has been playing cool and handsome and showing his face for decades, almost no improvement in acting skills.

Smearing is also a subject that requires technical content. Naturally, Duke will not be slanderous, so as not to embarrass himself in the end, whether it is the evaluation of "Interview with the Vampire" or the opinion of Tom Cruise's acting skills, it is all based on objective facts.

When he returned to the lounge, Duke suddenly discovered that he had forgotten a few words about Black Sean Connery, but it didn't matter if he thought about it. Whether he discredited or not, the old man's image was terrible, the other day. I also heard Nancy mention that Connery's divorce case is undergoing legal proceedings, and even his son and wife may sue him for domestic violence!

Walking out of the nbc studio, Duke specifically called Nancy Josephson into his car.


After starting the car and driving on the road, Duke said, "It is said that Tom Cruise believes in Scientology?"

"That's right, that's right." Nancy Josephson nodded. "He should have been introduced to Scientology by his ex-wife."

"I heard that this sect has a bad reputation?" Duke turned the steering wheel and the car turned to Seventh Street.

Nancy is a smart person, and immediately understands, "Duke, what do you mean?"

"I believe many tabloids are happy to report."

Hearing Duke's casual voice, Nancy was slightly dissatisfied, "This should be the job of public relations, not an agent!"

"Hey, dear." Duke tilted his head toward the position of the co-pilot. "Don't forget that there is your revenue share in my investment. This suppresses the competitiveness of "Interview with the Vampire" and pulls "Course to Death Island" as much as possible. The box office numbers are good for us."

Any kind of relationship and friendship is not as convincing as these. Before arriving at the Duke's studio in North Hollywood, Nancy has already taken out her mobile phone and started making calls, contacting Warner Bros' public relations department, and mobilizing herself and icm's Media relations.

This is the case in this circle. In front of the media and the public, you can stand together and laugh and take a group photo, as if you are the closest friends in the circle. When competing in private, they will ruthlessly pour black water on each other. Duke is not The first person to discredit a competitor will not be the last.

As a result, many tabloid newspapers across the United States on Sunday, especially the gossip newspapers owned by Warner Group, began to accuse Tom Cruise's beliefs for seemingly problematic, especially for interfering with Nicole Kidman's freedom of belief. After marriage, the latter was forced to abandon Catholicism and change to Scientology.

This is a country of freedom of belief. Generally speaking, other people cannot interfere with the freedom of belief of others. The same is true for the media. However, tabloids are not big newspapers after all. They have no bottom line at all. They are talking about Tom Cruise's beliefs. At the same time, for fear of not being convincing, they also listed some absurd things that Scientology has done...

Among them, there are even tabloid publications that the marriage of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman is not because of love at all, but is based on the planning of Scientology and agency companies. This is simply a game to fool the public.

It is not an exaggeration to say that many tabloids have implicitly portrayed Tom Cruise as a standard cultist.

As for the Church of Scientology, these tabloids don't care about trouble. They can't wait for someone to make trouble every day, and they will attract attention every day.

Duke and Warner are hacking the main creative team of "Interview with the Vampires" headed by Tom Cruise. The other party is also discrediting him. Why recommend an actress who is close to them into the crew? Success is not because of personal efforts. It's the family relationship. Apart from sabotage, the movie has no creativity at all.

Compared with the Cruise couple who are said to have suddenly quarreled while shopping, Duke has a very good mentality. After reading it, he will forget it with a smile. He has a strong personality. In the era of the information explosion, there was no bottom-line propaganda method. Ever?

Of course, according to Duke's guess, Tom Cruise's tantrum was also related to the single-day box office of "Interview with the Vampire" on Saturday.

No one can deny that "Interview with the Vampire" has been maintained at a professional media rating of around 8.7 points. After the explosion, "Course to Death Island" has dropped to a professional rating of 7.3. If the two films are placed in the awards season to impact the academics In terms of awards, the latter has no chance of surpassing the former.

Unfortunately, this is a summer holiday, a time when popcorn movies are rampant. Caa and Twentieth Century Fox have obviously overestimated the box office appeal of superstars, underestimated the influence of film types, and ignored their first appearance in the super The role of movie ads on the bowl!

On Friday's North American box office, "Interview with the Vampires" did stabilize the head of "Risk to Death Island", but the role of **** fans among them should not be ignored. As the premiere day temporarily consumed the enthusiasm of their **** supporters, the audience Word of mouth and publicity and promotion efforts have played a vital role.

The audience reputation of "Interview with the Vampire" has been declining, followed by a decline in box office numbers. The single-day box office on Saturday fell to 8.2 million US dollars, and the upward trend of "Brave to Death Island" is unusually obvious. The power of word of mouth has brought substantial box office figures. The North American box office surged from 10.13 million US dollars to 15.66 million US dollars on this day!

Most importantly, Duke is convinced that there is no water in the box office of "Risk to Death Island", and it is hard to say how much of the "Interview with the Vampire" comes from Tom Cruise's pocket.

If it weren't for the discredit from the competition, Duke even felt that the box office of the film could hit 20 million US dollars on the second day, but he knew that this was impossible. The film wanted to crush it all the way in a pure and good world without competition? Please, this is Hollywood!

This box office number has inspired the spirit of Warner Bros. Although they have never clearly informed Duke, Warner's forecast for the film's first week's box office is $25 million. As long as this number can be reached, follow Warner's promotion. , The film's North American box office eventually exceeded 100 million yuan is not a problem at all.

"Unexpectedly, it only took two days,"

Sitting in his office chair, Warner Bros' ceo Kevin Trasuha said with emotion, "The film's box office reached 25.79 million U.S. dollars. Jeff, you strongly advocate cooperating with Duke Rosenberg, and go. A very correct move."

Although he was only smiling, anyone could tell that Jeff Robinoff was in a great mood. He said, "The following is still a problem with the theater. Kevin, Caa, and 20th Century Fox have been talking to amg and Emperor Entertainment puts pressure on it, and we should do something."

"I will call their CEO personally!"

If he can achieve a good performance in the final stage of his tenure, Kevin Trasuha can not only find a better next home for himself, but also get a large bonus, "I will inform the group company , Let them also exert pressure."

With Kevin Trasuha's words, Jeff Robinoff puts down his little worries. The box office numbers of "Risk to Death Island" are here, and the theaters cannot give up their profits. , But pushes films with worse box office and potential, and he does not seek to expand the scale of screenings, as long as the number of theaters can be maintained next week is enough!