
Chapter 74

Fierce explosions and action scenes emerge in an endless stream. The cold humor in it will relieve the tension of the audience in a timely manner. The applause has not known how many times it has erupted on Alcatraz. The film finally ushered in the final moment.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

There were nervous and excited voices from the fans from behind. Sarah understood their feelings. The Air Force's Hornet was about to fly over Alcatraz Island. If Gusbee could not rush out in time, the island would definitely become a sea of ​​flames.

"Run! Run quickly!"

Even the media gallery near her heard cheering for Gusby.

At this time, Gusby was injured and his consciousness began to blur, but his pregnant fiancee had already arrived in San Francisco. Eighty-one hostages were still trapped in Alcatraz prison, and the federal government's airstrikes had already begun, so he needed Strengthen your consciousness and then insist on sending green signals!

"The tempo of the film has started to slow down." Sarah whispered.

The rhythm of the film here is obviously slowed down a lot, the color of the picture is more intense, and it happens to show a kind of momentous situation. With the fighter rushing to Alcatraz Island in the picture, Gusby stood up hard to send a signal, FBI∏, Bureau The nervousness of the personnel, a highly nervous and anxious mentality that no one knows whether the task is successful or not, behaves just right.

Who said Duke Rosenberg would only shoot fast-paced action scenes? This shot clearly makes people feel the complex mood of all the characters in the film.

This is a feeling that Sarah herself can't explain, but the gorgeous pictures made by Duke Rosenberg, paired with a heavy and soothing soundtrack, can be said to complement each other.

In particular, the telephoto lens in the distance captured the moment when the protagonist sent the green signal, representing hope and end. The picture was transferred to the fbi headquarters with the music. When the order to cancel the attack was issued, the audience held a handful Khan's emotions began to disappear in an instant, turning into hope.

Although there was a dramatic plot like the 'bomb perspective' which is the finishing touch of the entire film's production technology, but the film's development to this point, all emotional expressions have ended!

As a national hero, General Hammer did not hesitate to commit a military ban, earning a pension for his fellow robe, but he got his old life. He could have retired safely and survived his life; Mason disappeared in the crowd, Before that thing lost its function", he gained the freedom he longed for; Gusby sat on his wife and reaped the truth about the suspicious case of Kennedy's assassination in this century.

Regarding General Hammer, Sarah felt a little regretful. At the cost of their lives, could he and his comrades in arms win normal courtesy for the soldiers who died in battle?

After thinking a little bit, Sarah let go of this regret. In fact, the film has already explained it vaguely. The federal government, which is good at covering up the facts in the film, cannot be counted on. Since justice cannot be placed on General Hammer, it is natural. It cannot be pinned on the Federal President who knows the truth.

They have not compromised with terrorism, but they are good at evasive and indifferent.

At the end of the film, Sarah did not want to participate in the premiere press conference. Hope, she is most interested in the young director of the film, but she interviewed Duke Rosenberg, she can see that the other party does not like it. When dealing with the media, what he says is often a pre-arranged set of public relations. The director is only a behind-the-scenes profession, and presumably he will not mention any new and interesting topics at the press conference.

After delegating the right to interview to her cameraman, Sarah simply sat here, reminiscing about the "Brave to Death Island" she had just watched.

The excitement of the film is beyond doubt, Duke Rosenberg's directing techniques are more sophisticated and sleek, and the performances of several major actors are also perfect.

Sarah remembers very clearly that before the role of Gusby, Nicholas Cage's play was always alternative, wild, and fringe. He often played some neurotic roles and hardly appeared in mainstream commercial films, but Gusby, a nerd, he knew He's quite in place, the eyes that look around at any time because of tension; the swinging legs in the cabin; and Mason's forced smile when he is alone all fully reflect his acting skills.

The role of Christopher Lee, who was fired up to the legendary level in advance, can only be described as a very successful one. Silver white beard, full face wrinkles, thick voice, cold temperament, a majestic, calm, wise, brave and decisive. The image of the old agent of the actor emerges on the screen, especially the unspeakable but clearly felt aura, which makes people can't help but think of his real experience. He is definitely a natural actor candidate for John Mason.

General Hammer played by Ed Harris is her favorite role. The one-man show for nearly four minutes at the beginning is really cool. The medal that almost covers the entire chest shows his achievements; the monologue to the late wife appears again. Affectionate, there is no more perfect image of a soldier than him...

There are also two monologues in the film, reflecting his profound line skills and acting skills, and Mason's line "He is a soldier, not a murderer"; the president's line "We ignore a great soldier like Hammer", for this The role is defined-he is a patriot!

Even Sarah thinks Ed Harris is fully qualified for an Oscar nomination for best supporting actor, but unfortunately the subject and type of the movie...

Not to mention the three leading actors, even the actress who played Gusby's fiancée is very brilliant. Perhaps because of the role setting, there is not much room for acting, but the beautiful screen image makes people shine, especially It is the kind of soft temperament that can inspire protection, and it also reflects the need for Gusby to take risks!

Although not a particularly professional person, Sarah, as a worker in a related industry, still has basic judgment on acting skills. The main actors in "Break into Death Island" are extremely brilliant.

If you count Uma Thurman and Keanu Reeves, who are popular in "Life and Death", Duke Rosenberg is obviously unique in selecting actors and mobilizing actors on the spot.

Think about it, Duke Rosenberg, who manages all the human and material resources of "Death Island", is only 23 years old. This is only his second feature film, the first a-level major production. , But its skill is enough to shame many directors in their 40s and 50s.

However, the young director who was highly praised in the hearts of female reporters, after answering a few informal questions, gave the press release to actors who were more able to attract the attention of the media and the public. Resting place.

This is the need for the film's publicity strategy. In this era, no film's publicity is centered on the director. Even "Jurassic Park", which was released in June, did not put the publicity point on Spielberg.


After looking around and not finding his mother, Duke walked directly to Sofia Coppola and asked, "Where is my mother?"

"Aunt Leah just picked up a call," Sophia pointed to the chair next to him, and waited for Duke to sit down, and said unhurriedly, "It seems to be a call from an underwear manufacturer. She is going to New York. ."

Hearing these words, Duke immediately thought of Victoria's Secret, which is Santa Fe's biggest business right now. There must be an urgent matter. After he found out his cell phone, he dialed his mother's phone and briefly said something. Sentence, things are similar to guesses.

"Hi, Duke."

A brown-haired woman in a short, low-cut evening gown walked over here, "It's been a long time."

"Sania..." Duke stood up and gently shook the female singer's stretched hand. "You have also come to the premiere? Why didn't you see you?"

"I'm late." Shania Dunn raised her hand to straighten out her hair that was a bit tangled by the sea breeze. Just as she was about to say something, her agent came over and reminded, "Sania, we should return. San Francisco."


Beckoned to the back, Shania Dunn approached Duke's ear and whispered, "I live in Suite 1706 of the Fairmont Hotel on Mason Avenue."

"I like this room." Duke gently blew the floating hair from her forehead.

Smiling at Sophia Coppola, Shania Dunn turned around in high heels, leaving only a **** back for Duke.

"Isn't it the first time for you?" With a monotonous nasal voice, Sophia looked at Duke with her arms folded, and deliberately stabbed him, "It seems that you will not be short of women in the future."

"No way..." Duke shrugged, changing into a less flat tone, "Who makes me the most attractive of Hollywood directors."

Sophia Coppola immediately rolled her eyes, almost vomiting.

Only with friends like Sofia, Duke will make some jokes. He is not a dogmatic person, nor a person full of humor.

Little stars set off the San Francisco Bay, and ferries shuttled between Alcatraz Island and the piers of San Francisco. After experiencing the hustle and bustle and the explosion of the screen, the island returned to calm.

It was late at night. After Duke disembarked, he confessed a few words with Sofia and rushed directly to the Fermont Hotel's appointment. On this night, it was not only him who was in a hurry. In the southern Los Angeles, the premiere of the Holy Auditorium also fell After the curtain was over, Tom Cruise and other major actors left confidently in the siege of media reporters.

The main creators of the two crews can rest, but the relevant staff will continue to be busy. It will not take long before the midnight scene of the film will kick off. Investigative consultants located across the United States will rush to major theaters to collect Feedback from fans at midnight so that the issuing company can make appropriate adjustments in time.

The midnight scene is a special show for **** fans. Fans of Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt are already ready to go, just waiting for the moment the film is released.

Compared with the natural advantage of "Interview with the Vampires" in terms of cast, the midnight scene of "Brave to Death Island" appears to be a bit weaker. There are almost no directors in this era. Fans say Ed Harris and Nicholas Kay The combined box office appeal of Qi and Christopher Lee is probably not as good as Tom Cruise.