
Chapter 465

"Film has the difference between business and art. These are the two major types that make up Hollywood movies. The countless past history, especially the glory of the golden age, proves to us that only art movies can create permanent classics and drive Hollywood into a world movie. The center of the industry."

"The art of film needs to be respected. The commercial and entertaining nature of films must first comply with the artistic nature. However, since the 1990s, the commercial elements in Hollywood films have become increasingly concentrated, and a large number of superficial films have gradually become the mainstream of the market. It is a group of directors headed by James Cameron and Duke Rosenberg who rose up during this period, abandoning a coherent storyline, full character images and deep thoughts, and only one-sided pursuit of visual stimulation and sound effects. The effect has led to a serious decline in the level of movies throughout Hollywood."

"It's even sadder that there are more and more such movies. Looking at the entire North America, the number of ideological, humanistic and artistic movies shown in theaters is decreasing. Instead, the visual junk is flooding the big screen, leaving the audience with nothing. There is no choice."

"Fortunately, we still have Oscars and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Oscars still insist on using art as the criterion for judging films. The judges of the academy also abandon commercial films and focus more on literary films. This is all It's worth celebrating ▼♀, something to celebrate."

"As an authority in the North American film industry, the Academy has been working hard to maintain Hollywood's final artistic bottom line. They have not compromised with business in the past, and they will not compromise with business in the future!"

"The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences must also adhere to the art line of defense and resist commercial invasion. Oscars are the last artistic position in Hollywood that is constantly commercialized. For film art, we must hold on to this position!"

——Roger Albert!

The Internet is not just a tool used by Hollywood. Old-fashioned film critics have also noticed this emerging soil. For example, famous film critics such as Roger Albert have also opened up their own online columns on the Internet.

As soon as the Oscars ended, film critics headed by Roger Albert published their own commentary articles on the Internet, praising the results of the Oscars. At the same time, I am reminding the old men of the college that we must stick to the bottom line of art next year.

"For commercial films, Oscars must be vigilant. For film workers, there is a trade-off between immediate profitability and responsibility for the artistry of the film. Some directors who are not responsible are not worthy of the Oscar. Little Golden Man, in this era when everything can be used for entertainment, it is imperative for the college to reject such directors."

—David Denby.

These film critics are in their own column. It was almost impossible to name and point out that Duke was not worthy of the best director Oscar.

"It seems that the contradiction between the film critic and Duke Rosenberg will always break out in "The Return of the King"."

After closing the pages he browsed, Martin Bob said with some gloat, "Roger Albert and the others have been eyeing "The Return of the King"."

"We also have to stare at "The Return of the King"!"

Michael Ovitz is standing by the French window, looking down at the city of angels in the distance. He can't help but think of the years he used to be in Hollywood, but now he is forced by a director in his early thirties not to face the battle. "As long as someone makes a mistake . We attack as soon as possible!"

"Would you like to make people hype Billy Boyd and Ian McLean again..."

"No!" Michael Ovitz raised his hand and interrupted Martin Bob. "These have expired. It's useless. Let people stare at the main crew members of The Lord of the Rings and check their old bottom at the same time!"

"Hmm..." Martin Bob responded and said, "Our people are already doing it."

"The Lord of the Rings crew is so huge, it's impossible for everyone to be like Duke Rosenberg. There is no other black material to dig except for love affairs!"

Speaking of this, Michael Ovitz turned around, "There are many people in Hollywood waiting to see Duke Rosenberg. As long as we can provide them with suitable opportunities, there must be many people and companies willing to offer Come and step on it."

"The best way is to grab the handle of Duke Rosenberg himself." Martin Bob sighed. "He used to have romantic affairs that could be used for hype, but now he has become a good man guarding his girlfriend..."

He couldn't help shook his head. Since a few years ago, he realized that the other party could not be measured by common sense.

Hollywood directors are more talented than Duke Rosenberg, but they don't have a clear and unparalleled grasp of the market; directors who can grasp the market, but not as good as him; directors who can produce excellent commercial films, but do not His versatility in blogging...

Such a director has never appeared in Hollywood.

"Good man?" Michael Ovitz sneered, "Martin, do you think Hollywood really has good men?"

Without waiting for Martin Bob to answer, he said to himself, "Perhaps there are really good men in Hollywood, but they definitely won't be Duke Rosenberg."

Martin Bob thought for a while and nodded in recognition of Ovitz's words, "With his status, he has been tempted in Hollywood. There is too much confusion. He can stay by Ivanka Trump now, but in the future. Not necessarily. When the freshness passes, there will be gossip scandals in Hollywood..."

He paused and said in a joking tone, "Michael, why don't we let the beautiful actress in the company seduce him and trigger the relationship between him and Ivanka Trump. It must be able to distract him and affect film."

"and many more!"

It seems that Martin Bob's words have brought inspiration. Michael Ovitz squeezed his chin and walked back and forth by the floor-to-ceiling windows, saying, "Martin, do you know Michelle Braun?"


Martin Bob nodded slightly, but his face was slightly embarrassed. He was once a client of the other party.

"You should have heard of Duke Rosenberg's aesthetics circulating in the circle?"

Hearing Ovitz's words, Martin Bob thought for a while and said, "I've seen some in the tabloids, blond or brown hair, long legs, thin waist..."

He understood what Ovitz meant, "Michael, you mean..."

"That's right!" Michael Ovitz said, "There is no chance, we can help him create an opportunity to let people contact Michel Braun!"

""The Return of the King" will be released in one month, is it too late now?"

Michael Ovitz waved his hand, "Our war with Duke Rosenberg has lasted for almost ten years. I have the patience to wait a few more years."

Seeing Martin Bob was about to make a call, Michael Ovitz said again, "Don't forget, stare at the rest of the Lord of the Rings crew!"

Although there is no competition between works, they will not sit back and watch their long-standing rivals continue to succeed steadily.

Back in his office, Michael Ovitz picked up the phone and dialed a number in Burbank. After being transferred by the secretary, the call fell to Walt Disney's chairman and CEO Michael Eisner. Hands.

This pair of former childhood friends turned against each other in Disney's tenure, but as time goes by and the direct conflict of interest decreases, the relationship between the two parties has gradually eased. Although they can no longer go back to the past, they will also affect the interests of both parties. Consistent on the events.

Listening to Ovitz's words on the phone, Michael Eisner looked serious, "As long as you can catch the opportunity, Disney's media will cooperate with you!"

After hanging up the phone, Michael Eisner walked to the window and looked into the distance. The Warner Building was faintly visible. What he was looking forward to taking away fell into the hands of Duke Rosenberg again.

After the "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" went viral, Michael Eisner conceived a big plan that had never been mentioned to anyone. His people have been in contact with Joanna Rowling, wanting to bring Harry Potter The special series is introduced into the Walt Disney system. This is a completely child-oriented series. Disney's platform can maximize the advantages of the series.

He even thought that if an agreement can be reached with Joanna Rowling, not only the peripheral products of Harry Potter can enter the Disney Town, the Disneyland can also open up a Harry Potter area, with the power of this series, His position at Disney is bound to be more stable.

Unfortunately, all this turned into a delusion after Joanna Rowling signed a new cooperation with Harry Potter Studios.

If these additions to what happened in "Pearl Harbor" only made him unhappy, then another incident has made him see Duke as a potential enemy.

The hand he and Disney reached in front of Harry Potter had been retracted, but Duke Rosenberg's hand on the Pixar studio did not mean to take it away.

The other party frequently contacted Steve Jobs, especially since last October, he and Jobs would visit each other's home every once in a while.

Even if Michael Eisner was slow, he would not think that Jobs would discuss Apple's development plan with Duke. Jobs was also his enemy. He knew Jobs, and Duke Rosenberg never discussed it in front of Jobs. Apple's future qualifications.

There is only one topic on both sides-Pixar Studio!

By now, Michael Eisner can see very clearly that Duke Rosenberg and Warner Bros. are interested in Pixar Studios!

And what about Pixar Studio? The conflict between him and Steve Jobs is so acute that it is almost impossible to reconcile. After the release of "Finding Nemo" this summer, the contract between Disney and Pixar Studios will leave the last animated feature film!

How important is Pixar Studios to Walt Disney? Michael Ovitz has no doubt that if he loses the Pixar studio in office, he will be removed from his position by angry shareholders.

"Since you refuse to take your hand back, I will beat him back!"

Michael Eisner is waiting for the right time. (To be continued...)