
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · Urban
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161 Chs

Chapter 51

"Bang!" The sun shade slammed down again.

   "Keep your mouth clean in front of my son!" Pooh pointed at the son beside him and yelled at John.

   "CUT!" Zhang Dongcheng yelled and stopped, and Pooh looked at him immediately, there must be something wrong.

"I said Baby Pooh, you said you should keep your mouth clean in front of your son, but your tone was very unfriendly, and your anger was too much, do you understand?" Standing up, Zhang Dongcheng shouted at Pooh .

  Pooh thought for a while, nodded and said, "OK, I'll change it."

   "Keep your mouth clean in front of my son!" Pooh pointed to the son beside him, with a flat tone of threat and warning.

  HOHO, this time is not bad, Zhang Dongcheng secretly praised in his heart, indicating to continue.

   "Jesus Christ!" John couldn't help but raised his head and shouted with a sore nose.

   "Bang!" He was still answered by the sun visor that was slammed shut.

   "No blasphemy!" Pooh said domineeringly and rascally, pointing to John's nose and frowning emphatically.

  John touched his bleeding nose helplessly, and could only obediently listen to Pooh.

"Tell me, John, how can you concentrate on basking in the sun when you have more important things to deal with? Well, although it looks beautiful!" Pooh's silver necklace trembled, and the big leather coat almost fell on John's. On his face, he said with a cheerful tone.

   "Tell Harry," John said before the sun visor slammed shut again.

   "Tell Mr. Harry, I'm busy, I'm about to get paid!" John's nose bleeds, more blood than the original version, making the scene even more hilarious.

   "Son, go check his clothes!" The experienced Pooh would not be fooled by John, and turned to his son.

"He is very rich! There are more than a hundred pounds in his wallet alone!" Little Harris said happily, and then smiled at John: "FUCKYOU, John, have you always carried so much money with you? ?"

   "Hey! If you say foul language again, I'll make it look good for you!" Pooh's expression changed, and he roared angrily, which shocked his son.

   "I'm sorry, Dad." Little Harris quickly stood up and shrank aside.

"John, you can go home in a plastic bag today. It's only natural to pay off your debts. Before your bronze color fades, you'd better pay back the money." Pooh opened the sun visor, pointed at his nose and threatened, Then suddenly punched!

   "CUT! OK, very good, very good! Pass this scene!" Zhang Dongcheng stood behind the monitor and gave a thumbs up in satisfaction.

   "HOHO, Killer Pooh passed the level again. I once again showed my perfect acting skills in this scene, especially the last punch!" Pooh yelled triumphantly, ignoring the kind laughter of the surrounding staff.

The filming of the film is proceeding in an orderly manner. In fact, this film only took about forty days in the original time and space, but Zhang Dongcheng shortened this time by ten days, thirty days, and only took one month. The rough prototype of the movie was recorded on the film, waiting for the editor to use the scissors.

Prior to this, the film's publicity work began. The boss of Hammer Films, Auston, tried his best to protect Zhang Dongcheng's film. On this day, he brought seven or eight reporters to Went to the set, interviewed Zhang Dongcheng, and also pre-heated and exposed the film in the media, in order to increase the fans' enthusiasm for watching the film.

   "Hey, Harris, I heard that you are going to interview a director today? I hope you can find some information!" A reporter from the British Daily Mail said to Harris, who walked out of the company's gate and carried a camera on his back.

"Oh, don't mention it, this is absolutely terrible! That **** Bill snatched the star I wanted to interview, and the editor gave me this ridiculous task to interview a director, and it was a Chinese director!" Harry Si vigorously picked up the camera that was about to fall to the ground, full of satisfaction and displeasure, he was as helpless and angry as a guy who had been blown away by the wind.

  "Chinese director? Is it Smith who made a big splash in France last month? His movies are very good and very interesting. This interview task is still possible." The colleague smiled and comforted Harris, who was obviously not very happy.

"Oh, come on man. What's the point of that guy? What I need is the news, the headlines. What's the point of this guy? There's no character at all! Hehe, China Human director? I think this is quite special, so special that it wasted my time and let Bill **** my original interview task!" Harris stared, took out a cigarette, and took a deep puff.

   "Haha, don't be dejected, let's go, I'm going to see the editor-in-chief." The colleague laughed, patted Harris on the shoulder to signal him not to be depressed, and then walked into the company gate and disappeared.

"What a bad director! No scandal, no conflict, shit! This news probably won't even make it to a small corner!" Harris smoked the cigarette dissatisfied, threw it on the ground and stomped it out, and then walked slowly way to interview.

   "Daily Mail", DailyMail was founded in 1896 by Lord Beiyan, the founder of modern British news, and is considered to be the beginning of modern British bourgeois newspapers. At the same time, the Beiyan Newspaper Group, which was founded at the same time, was also the earliest newspaper group in the UK. On August 4, 2011, the "Daily Mail" website reported that the Jenkins couple, who live in Plymouth, England, recently found a "Daily Mail" published more than 100 years ago at home. Its value is not only reflected in its age, but also The above content unexpectedly accurately predicted some major events that occurred in more than 100 years.

  In the UK, newspapers are mainly divided into two categories: serious newspapers and tabloids. The contents of the two newspapers are very different. Serious newspapers have a wide range of content, covering politics, economics and international affairs, with longer articles and formal language.

  Popular tabloids have a lot of articles, but the content is not serious, and they introduce more frivolous news such as celebrity romances. The article is short in length and concise in language. Large-scale photographs are usually used in tabloid newspapers.

  The Daily Mail is such a popular tabloid, which explains Harris' slack in interviewing a little-known director.

  Not famous enough, too young, even just started in the directing industry, how do I find something special that makes readers interested?

   Is it really based on his movies? Hahaha, come on, God knows that Chinese people have no director talent!

  Harris came to Hammer Films while thinking.

  Auston entertained them graciously, took them to the film set, and found Zhang Dongcheng who was filming the film.

   This was the original plan. Zhang Dongcheng looked at his watch and saw that the time was almost up, so he called everyone to dismiss, and then led the reporters into the reception room on the set.

  Adaman is by Zhang Dongcheng's side. They have always been inseparable, and they still have to appear together when interviewing reporters. In name, Adaman is half of Zhang Dongcheng's designated agent.

  Seeing Zhang Dongcheng's younger face than expected, Harris couldn't help being even more disappointed and angry. He was angry that the editor-in-chief assigned tasks indiscriminately, and even more angry that this interview was a waste of time, and the expression on his face became more and more weird and unpredictable.

  Listen first, if there is nothing to interview, why not let me make some noise! While thinking, Harris huddled in the group of reporters and followed them down.

"Haha, welcome to the studio of Hammer Films. This is the young director Smith I mentioned to you a long time ago. He is shooting an unprecedented British gangster movie!" Boss Auston smiled Signal to everyone, and then hand the initiative back to Zhang Dongcheng.

   "Thank you, Mr. Alston, hello to all the reporters, I'm Smith." Zhang Dongcheng stood up and bowed to the reporters.

"The movie I am shooting is called "Two Smoking Barrels". It is a post-modernist movie with a strong sense of black humor..." Zhang Dongcheng took a deep breath, and was about to outline his movie. While speaking, a sentence suddenly popped up among the reporters behind.

   "Gangster movie? Excuse me, Mr. Director, are you a gangster?" These words were very blunt, even with a hint of arrogance and provocation.

   "Which gentleman asked the question, can I have a look?" Zhang Dongcheng still kept smiling, but there was a counterattack in his words.

Harris stood up triumphantly in the eyes of everyone, very satisfied that his first question made the young director unstoppable, he couldn't help holding his head up and his chin high: "It's me, every time Harris of the Daily Mail."