
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · Urban
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161 Chs

Chapter 147

"East West Bank?" Zhang Dongcheng's eyes flashed with confusion. He was only interested in movies, but he knew very little about banks.

   Next, Gibran introduced the background and history of East West Bank to Zhang Dongcheng in detail.

  East West Bank, incorporated in Los Angeles, California, USA in 1973, is the first federal savings and loan association in the United States. The main service targets are the Chinese community or new immigrants. It has been more than 20 years since its establishment, and the company's performance is booming. It can be said that it is a bank with a bright future.

  After listening to Gibran's introduction, Zhang Dongcheng felt that this bank seemed to be very good, and it was very agreeable to his request, and because he was also Chinese, Zhang Dongcheng had a natural liking for it.

   "I don't know what I will have to pay if I choose East West Bank?" Zhang Dongcheng asked a key question.

"It's very simple!" Gibran explained: "Benefits! Smith, you have to be clear that what you are going to do is undoubtedly challenging the existing rules. Without enough interests, no one will help you for free, because This requires taking part of the risk. Besides, even ordinary funds need to give up part of the profits to the bank. I think you can understand this!"

   "Yes! I can understand!" Zhang Dongcheng nodded decisively. Now he has just developed and is on the right track of his life plan. If he wants to succeed, it is impossible without paying something. Zhang Dongcheng had already expected this.

   "Mr. Gibran!" Zhang Dongcheng suddenly became serious, and said seriously: "I want to entrust you to be the consultant of the short-term film investment fund, and contact the bank for me. I wonder if you agree?"

   Gibran agreed to his request without even thinking about it. The request made by Zhang Dongcheng was completely within the scope of his original work. How could Gibran refuse such a money-making business.

  After signing the contract with Gibran, Jang Dong-seong's affairs in 1996 have basically been taken care of, and the rest is to finish writing the script of The Matrix, and start filming after 97 arrives. And it really raises funds in the way of a short-term film investment fund.

   On the last day of 1996, on the morning of December 31st, Zhang Dongcheng got on the plane to England.

   Along with him is Adaman, his buddy. As for Andy and others, they stayed in the East City company in the United States to handle the company's affairs. The newly established company had too many trivial matters. Someone has to be responsible.

   Zhang Dongcheng returned to England this time, in addition to being entrusted by his uncle and aunt to help take care of the house for a few days. More importantly, he hadn't seen the two hot girls, Halliwell and Victoria, for a long time.

  During this year, the Spice Girls finally completed a gorgeous turn, completely becoming a new type of idol group, and has been admired by countless people.

   During the phone conversation with Halliwell and Victoria, Zhang Dongcheng learned that in 1997, they would focus on the United States. Prepare to enter the US market with all your strength this year. When Zhang Dongcheng wants to meet them next year, it won't be as troublesome as it is now.

  Thinking of the cold Halliwell and the passionate Victoria, Zhang Dongcheng couldn't help feeling hot.

   After several hours of flying, Zhang Dongcheng and Adaman landed smoothly at the international airport in London, England.

  After getting off the plane, Adaman couldn't help but open his arms and cheered loudly: "Oh! The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. I'm finally back!"

  Seeing his convulsive movements, Zhang Dongcheng suddenly felt a little ashamed. I couldn't help but slapped Adaman on the back of the head and reprimanded: "Adaman, don't be like this, okay?"

Adaman smiled shyly and said, "We haven't been back for a long time, don't you miss your Halliwell and Victoria? Oh, I think they must be waiting anxiously in the lobby of the waiting room I'm looking at you. Smith, you go. Don't worry about me."

Seeing Adaman's wretched smile, Zhang Dongcheng sighed helplessly, and said, "Adaman, have you forgotten that when we were filming the mummy before, we came to England to shoot the scene. That happened not long ago , you won't forget, will you?"

"Of course not! Wow!" Adaman suddenly yelled strangely, winked his eyes at this Dongcheng, pouted his mouth towards the airport pick-up gate, and said, "Look, your British sweethearts are waiting for you .Smith, I'll be leaving first! I wish you a happy life!" As soon as the words fell, Adaman walked quickly towards the exit with his suitcase.

   "Remember, we must rush back to the United States on the 10th, so don't delay!" Zhang Dongcheng was afraid that Adaman would lose his temper in England, and reminded him loudly.

  Adaman waved his hands without thinking. Soon disappeared into the crowd.

   After watching him leave, Zhang Dongcheng turned his attention to the two girls at the airport.

   Halliwell and Victoria were wearing thick down jackets, completely covering their bodies without any leakage. It was even difficult for Zhang Dongcheng to recognize the two of them. I really don't know how Adaman found the two of them in a huge crowd in an instant and recognized them.

   Now both Halliwell and Victoria have become the hottest stars in England, with countless admirers. Even if you go out, you need to dress up in disguise. It's really hard for the two of them to come to the airport to welcome you together the day before New Year's Day.

  While thinking, Zhang Dongcheng quickly came to the front of the two women.

  As soon as she walked over, Victoria said with a slightly teasing tone, "Hi! Our great director has finally returned to his hometown!" The friendly tone immediately made Zhang Dongcheng's nervous mood relax.

"Congratulations, your mummy is completely popular all over the world. I have seen it before! The filming is very good, and the love between Imerton and Anksunam is very touching!" Although the glamorous and noble Halliwell went through a disguise , didn't even show his face, but the outstanding temperament of his body was not affected in the slightest.

"Let's get out of here first!" Zhang Dongcheng stretched out his hand, intending to grab one of the two women, but considering that he needs to hold the suitcase in one hand, no matter whose hand the remaining hand is holding, it seems It seemed a little unfair to the other, so Zhang Dongcheng had no choice but to choose to walk between the two women.

  Men are greedy, and Zhang Dongcheng is no exception. Since the last time he left the UK, Zhang Dongcheng had unknowingly regarded Halliwell and Victoria as his own private property after he sent a confession text message with the two women.

  This feeling is like the possessiveness of Pharaoh Seti I for Ansuna in the mummy movie, but Zhang Dongcheng is even more excessive. His feeling is not for one, but for two at the same time. Even Patricia walked into his heart unconsciously.

   Halliwell and Victoria came together in the same car, which also saved Zhang Dongcheng from having to choose which car to ride in.

  After getting into the car, Halliwell immediately began to take off the camouflage on his body, first the hat covering the brilliant blond hair, then the mask, and finally the scarf.

  When the disguise was removed, this hot British **** hottie finally showed her real face.

   Long golden hair loosened casually, fair skin, jewel-like clear eyes, moist eyes, staring at Zhang Dongcheng with an incomprehensible friendship.

  The cherry lips of the red lips have a faint luster, but there is no makeup applied at all. The flawless pretty face was full of glamorous feeling.

   Touched his nose, Zhang Dongcheng said awkwardly to Halliwell: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

  If there is no Victoria now, Zhang Dongcheng will definitely not behave like this. It is precisely because the two girls are there that he feels embarrassed.

   "It's nothing, it's just unexpected that in less than two years, you can grow into a world-renowned director!" Halliwell said with some emotion.

  Indeed, Zhang Dongcheng's fortune is like a legendary story. At the Cannes Film Festival, it became a blockbuster through a ten-minute tuner, and then successfully won the support of the film company to shoot two big smoking guns.

  After the success, unexpectedly went to the United States and went to Hollywood. Just when everyone thought he would fail, and then returned to the UK in desperation, Zhang Dongcheng fought a beautiful turnaround and achieved his reputation as a great commercial director in one fell swoop.

   Halliwell seems to still remember the boy who peeked at him secretly while watering the flowers.

  In the blink of an eye, everything seems to have changed now. The only thing that remains the same is that the relationship between the two parties has become more and more precious due to the precipitation of time.

   "Although I have become a great director, haven't you also become hot girls in England and Europe?" Zhang Dongcheng said with a smile.

   "By the way, our company has decided to fully develop the American market in 1997, and then we will be able to see each other often!" Halliwell said in a flat tone, but the excitement in the words is really palpable.

  Zhang Dongcheng nodded with a smile. He had heard the news from Halliwell and Victoria earlier on the phone.

   But listening to it now, it still makes people feel excited, because this kind of faint ambiguity is the most tormenting. If possible, he also hopes to see Halliwell and Victoria often.

  He couldn't help thinking of that charming night in his mind. That night, because I drank too much, I passed away in a groggy state, but the process of being so wonderful that I was so ecstasy did not remain in my memory at all. But the girl's hot body, warm touch, and soft body seemed to still remain in his heart.