
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · Urban
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161 Chs

Chapter 141

Logically speaking, no matter how busy Burton is, it's impossible that he can't spare this time to attend a celebration party, right?

   "No! Of course not!" Burton hesitated for a moment, and said, "It's just that the guys around BOSS have gotten a little unhappy recently!"

   "BOSS?" Zhang Dongcheng was taken aback for a moment, and soon realized that the BOSS Burton was talking about was George Lucas. Because the founder of Industrial Light & Magic is this well-known director.

  The guy next to the BOSS? Did Burton mean Ender?

   Without any evidence at all, Zhang Dongcheng inexplicably guessed about Ander. It has to be said that the grievances between An De and Zhang Dongcheng are really entangled too deeply. The two have had a complete hatred since their school days.

  And in Ander's view, Zhang Dongcheng was the one who took away his chance to direct the mummy. This hatred can't be resolved completely.

   After hesitating for a while, Zhang Dongcheng asked tentatively: "Burton, the guy you're talking about isn't called Ender, is he?"

   "Oh! God!" Burton exclaimed, and then thoroughly confirmed Zhang Dongcheng's guess. "Smith, how do you know? Do you know this **** guy too?"

Ok! Zhang Dongcheng was speechless, it seems that Ander is really annoying. Unexpectedly, not long after becoming the assistant director next to George Lucas, he and Burton had a bad time.

   "Wait!" Burton suddenly seemed to think of something, and said in surprise, "You must know this **** guy, right?"

   "Why are you so sure?" Now it was Zhang Dongcheng's turn to be puzzled.

   "****!" Burton yelled angrily, and said, "Smith, it seems that I have been implicated by you!"

  Zhang Dongcheng became more and more confused. What is this all about? How could Burton be implicated by himself?

   After Burton explained the matter clearly, Zhang Dongcheng finally understood. It turned out that after the production of the mummy was completed, Ander also tried to direct a movie with a small investment. This is a sci-fi film, so it naturally needs special effects to support it.

  Unfortunately, during the production of special effects, Ender and Burton had conflicts.

  And Ender directly said that the special effects that Burton made for himself were not serious, and that they were not as good as the mummy in many ways. How could a technical geek like Burton stand up to such provocations? The two immediately quarreled and even provoked George Lucas to persuade them to fight.

  Although the two parties seemed to reconcile in the end, Burton was completely distorted by Andre.

  When Zhang Dongcheng called him, it happened to be when Burton was depressed.

   "So that's the case!" Zhang Dongcheng nodded. Just when he was about to say something to comfort Burton, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind.

   Am I looking for a special effects talent right now? I had planned to introduce some through Burton. Now it seems that I have the possibility to poach Burton away?

  Once this idea arises, it is completely irresistible, and Zhang Dongcheng's heart is pounding. Burton is definitely a talent in special effects. Basically, Industrial Light and Magic was supported by him for a period of time.

  If he can really be poached away, then almost all of his own special effects company can be handed over to him to manage.

   Moreover, Burton is a guy full of technology and very lacking in emotional intelligence. He will never argue with himself about management. He is definitely the best manager for the special effects team in his unfounded company!

  Suppressing his excitement, Zhang Dongcheng tried to keep his tone calm, and said, "Burton, where are you now?"

   "I'm at home!" Burton said sullenly, "After arguing with that damned guy, I really couldn't bear the atmosphere, so I simply asked for leave and came back to rest."

   "Burton, it's like this. I think I have something to talk to you face to face. If it's convenient for you, how about we find a place to sit together later?" Zhang Dongcheng asked tentatively.

   "Now?" Burton hesitated, and said, "Well, I have nothing to do at home anyway. What time? Where?"

   Zhang Dongcheng reported the name of a famous coffee shop in Los Angeles that he had been to before, and made an appointment with Burton at three o'clock in the afternoon. Only then did I hang up the phone.

  As soon as the phone was hung up, Zhang Dongcheng wanted to jump up excitedly to vent. It seems that only in this way can I calm down my mood.

  But he remembered that this was a Universal Pictures company, and he couldn't do something too rude. He forcibly endured it.

  At 2:30 in the afternoon, Zhang Dongcheng came to the coffee shop that he had agreed with Burton ahead of schedule.

   Zhang Dongcheng attaches great importance to poaching Burton. At present, in his team, there are basically all kinds of talents for the on-site shooting of the crew. The only thing missing is Burton's post-production special effects talents.

   And more and more special effects will be paid more and more attention to in future movies, he can't give a lot of money to others every time he makes a movie.

  Opening a special effects company of your own is obviously the best choice.

   After waiting for about twenty minutes, a man in a denim jacket walked in near three o'clock.

   Zhang Dongcheng recognized at a glance that this guy was Burton whom he had been waiting for for a long time.

   "Hey! Burton, I'm here! This way!" Zhang Dongcheng stood up and greeted Burton.

  Burton turned his head, walked over quickly, and said, "Oh, Smith, the place you chose is really hard to find!"

  After ordering something casually, Burton said: "Okay, Smith, just say what you want!"

  Zhang Dongcheng organized his words silently in his mind, and then said: "Burton, I wonder if you have thought about leaving Industrial Light & Magic?"

"Leave?" Burton was obviously stunned for a moment, and in an instant, he realized what Zhang Dongcheng meant, and asked in disbelief: "Smith, you don't mean to tell me that you plan to start your own special effects company, do you?" ?"

   Regarding special effects, although Zhang Dongcheng doesn't know much, he knows one thing very well. Special effects are very expensive. Earning a lot of money also represents a large investment, and the replacement of various equipment is very fast. This is also the reason why many large companies prefer to hand over special effects shots to other special effects companies and spend huge sums of money to produce them, rather than set up their own special effects companies.

   In Burton's mind, Jang Dong-seong has only shot two movies... Oh no! There should be three films, and the guy with a short film that is only ten minutes long wants to open his own special effects company. This is simply a fantasy!

   "Yes!" Zhang Dongcheng nodded seriously, to show that he was not joking now, and said seriously: "I plan to start my own company, and there must be a special effects team in the company.

   But you know Burton, I have very little connections in Hollywood. Totally clueless how to contact special effects talent, the only person I know is you. And just so, you told me today that what you did was very unpleasant. So why not come and partner with me? We create our own future together! "

  Although Zhang Dongcheng's words are very provocative, Burton is obviously not a passionate young man, and it is impossible to find Bei after being fooled by him.

   "Smith, do you know how much investment the special effects company needs? Do you have that much money?" Burton asked seriously. If Zhang Dongcheng can really spend a lot of money on himself, he doesn't mind jumping out.

   First of all, he was indeed heartbroken this time. Secondly, discussing the production of special effects with Zhang Dongcheng is the most enjoyable thing in Burton's heart. Because Zhang Dongcheng is a person who really understands how to do special effects and what effects are needed.

  Based on the above two points, Burton had a heart-warming idea. But it's just a heartbeat. Apart from that, whether to act or not depends on whether Zhang Dongcheng can show his strength!

  This strength is very simple, that is money, a lot of dollar bills!

   The VFX was completely paid for. If you want to do visual effects without sufficient funds, you can be sure that the consequences will be very miserable!

  It would be neither fish nor fowl, but would be thrown into the trash by angry movie fans!

"Burton! Listen to me first!" Zhang Dongcheng looked at Burton with a serious expression, and said, "I don't think you may know that when I was filming the movie The Mummy, I signed a contract with Universal Pictures for a share. Contract. I will give up DVDs and all follow-up income, and directly get 20% of the box office share, which sounds like 20% of the global box office!'

   "Oh! God!" Burton exclaimed, and said in disbelief: "That miser Karl actually agreed to you?"

   "Yes! He did agree!" Zhang Dongcheng nodded affirmatively, but he didn't comment on Burton's calling Carl a miser.

  He knows very well that for those who do special effects, there are almost no people who are not stingy. Again, the special effects are too expensive. A shot of a few seconds may cost tens or millions of dollars!

  Any company will be very strict in terms of visual effects, wishing to break a penny into two flowers, giving people a feeling of being stingy and stubborn.

   "Then how much will you get?" Burton continued to ask. During this period of time, he was busy doing visual effects for Ender's movie, and he rarely had time to rest, let alone enjoy watching the news. Naturally, he couldn't know the box office of The Mummy, which caused a sensation throughout the United States.

   "At present, the global box office has not yet had time to be counted. But the national box office figure is close to 200 million US dollars, and I can get 20% of it!" Zhang Dongcheng said proudly.

Burton mentally calculated Zhang Dongcheng's income in lightning speed, and exclaimed: "Oh! God! You can get almost 40 million US dollars in the United States alone. Add the global box office...well! Smith, I admit that you do have the money to start your own special effects company. However, your money is not enough! Yes, too little!"