
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · Urban
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161 Chs

Chapter 123

"Oh, no, my God, look what you did!" Seeing that the life-like manuscript was wet, Rowling jumped up like a bull provoked by the red cloth, quickly grabbed the manuscript, desperately Patting, trying to get all the coffee out of my heart.

  A few drops of coffee flew up and splashed under Kenny's face, which made Kenny, who was already furious, seem to have found a chance. Huo Di stood up, pulled Rowling's manuscript, and tore it to pieces in a few strokes!

"What kind of crap, you know how to daydream all day long, let me tell you, you can't even pay the rent, you can't even eat, and you still have the mind to write such crap? Save yourself! In the face of reality, Your dreams are like **** on the side of the road, no one even wants to step on it! Idiot with wishful thinking!" Kenny threw the shattered manuscripts into the air, flying up like snowflakes.

"Bastard, bastard!" Rowling stared blankly at the shattered manuscript, then her eyes were red, and she hit Kenny like crazy, and her daughter Jessica also had tears in her eyes, sobbing. Crying, hitting Kenny on the thigh with a small fist: "Bastard, bad guy, you tore up my mother's book!"

For a while, people in the entire cafe looked over, but no one came forward. People could hear that this was just the landlord chasing the rent he deserved, and those flying debris, maybe, maybe just like Kenny Like I said, it's just nonsense written by a delusional woman.

The crazy Rowling scratched her face several times, and Kenny became more and more angry. She was knocked down on the sofa with a slap in the face, and he wanted to bite down **** his thigh. Jessica kicks away!

A hand suddenly appeared and grabbed the neck of Kenny, who was over 1.8 meters tall. After that, Kenny was horrified to find that he was lifted up by the neck, and his teeth were still hanging from his feet. The little girl who bit her own thigh hard!

"How much, I'll give it to you, and then, get out of here immediately!" A voice came from behind, but Kenny, who was strangled by the neck, couldn't see who it was. flushed.

Rowling, who was slapped and half of her face was bruised, rushed up and hugged her daughter away. At this moment, Kenny saw a stack of US dollars appearing in front of him, stuffed them into his pocket, and then the whole The man flew out of the door like a cloud and a fog.

  Falling on the ground with his nose and face bruised, Kenny gasped desperately, and was horrified to find that the one who threw him out the door was a very young-looking oriental man!

   Without making a sound, Kenny got up and ran.

   It was Zhang Dongcheng who threw the hateful guy out of the door.

   "Ms. Luo Lin, it's all right now. You don't have to worry." Zhang Dongcheng smiled and said to her who was holding his daughter and looking at him but dared not speak.

"Thank you, thank you for helping me pay the rent." Shocked by Zhang Dongcheng's unimaginable strength, watching him lift the two hundred kilograms of Kenny with one hand and throwing it lightly, Luo Lynn's head is full of confusion now.

  Zhang Dongcheng smiled again, did not answer, but squatted down, and picked up the manuscripts on the ground that were soaked in coffee stains and torn to shreds by Kenny.

Rowling looked at him, squatted down, picked up her manuscript, and saw that the manuscript she regarded as a treasure was beyond recognition, and her eyes were red. Finally, as if she couldn't bear the indescribable pain, she sat down on the ground, hugging Looking at the broken manuscript, he cried bitterly.

"Mom, don't cry, Mom, I picked it up for you!" The sensible Jessica also helped pick up the shredded paper, hugged Rowling's leg, and held the shredded paper in front of her, perhaps I couldn't see my mother being so sad, so I started to cry too.

  One big and one small, two women hugged each other and wept bitterly, as if there was no place for them in this cruel world anymore.

"Dreams exist in the heart and in the blood. At the moment when no one knows, everyone is unwilling to believe in the greatness of dreams. They laugh at and clamor, shallowly thinking that everyone should be mediocre, everyone should be like this Spending the day like a puppet. But no one knows that in the future, in the bright future, dreams will shine brightly." Zhang Dongcheng put away the torn pieces of paper on the ground and put them on the table.

What Zhang Dongcheng said may have been a little thoughtless, but Rowling could hear that he was encouraging herself. After crying bitterly, she finally felt better. She raised her red eyes and looked at Zhang Dongcheng and said, "I know you are helping me." , However, sometimes people really want to bow their heads to fate, maybe, I am not what I dreamed of."

"In every sleepless night, when people are asleep, the imagination is scattered, they build a world, form a character, leave countless deeds, but become the immortal history of the world, rich and colorful, and cannot be added. If possible, I can help you realize your dreams, don't let your dreams disappear into these coffee-stained fragments." Zhang Dongcheng shook a piece of paper in his hand, and the name of a boy on it made him There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

  Harry Potter!

Sitting down again, Zhang Dongcheng invited Rowling to drink another cup of coffee, and ordered a cup of ice cream for the little girl Jessica. Both of them looked at Jessica who was eating happily, but one was dubious, the other radiant.

   "You want, you want to help me?" Rowling touched Jessica's hair, her eyes were full of sadness and doubt.

"Yes, you already know me. I am Smith, the director of "Two Smoking Barrels". My Chinese name is Zhang Dongcheng. We Chinese have always believed that since we met, it is fate. And your experience and your Novels have moved me exceptionally, I think, I can help you fulfill your dreams, let your words fly freely, let Harry Potter take the train to the magic campus, and for all the children in the world, Let this boy with small round glasses be born." Zhang Dongcheng took a sip of his coffee and spoke slowly, Rowling in the predicament in front of him seemed to see himself, the one who was once helpless between dreams and reality. Own.

  I have suffered too much grievance and suffering because of my dreams, but now that I have the ability, I naturally start to help others and realize their dreams.

   "Thank you, really, thank you very much!" Rowling finally became excited. She had also heard of Zhang Dongcheng's name. He is a great director and a rich man.

"I believe that Ms. Rowling will give the whole world a miracle, a surprise. Then, let me make a price for this miracle? How about it?" Zhang Dongcheng put down his coffee cup, looked at Rowling whose face was getting better and better, and smiled. said.

   "You, you want to buy the copyright of my novel? Oh, my God, how much do you plan to pay?" Rowling first yelled excitedly, then asked hesitantly.

  If, if it is an unscrupulous traveler, Rowling may be willing to pay hundreds of thousands or a million dollars at this time, but Zhang Dongcheng knows that this is not the time to take advantage of the fire.

   "Your dreams are priceless!" Zhang Dongcheng said firmly.

Rowling showed a wry smile, nodded and said: "I used to think that dreams are priceless, but now this book is not even published by a publishing house! Besides, if you can help me this time, what should I do next time? Will you come and help me when I can't pay the rent again?"

  She has had a hard time in the past few years. According to Zhang Dongcheng's understanding, her marriage ended in failure, she has no job, and she has a child who is waiting to be fed. In the worst times, they all needed to receive government relief funds, more than one hundred dollars a month, which was the source of their mother and daughter's livelihood for a month.

   It was in such an environment that she created the world-renowned Harry Potter series.

It seems to have really confirmed the famous saying recorded in Mencius, the heaven will send a great mission to human beings, they must first suffer their minds and wills, work their muscles and bones, starve their bodies and skins, empty their bodies, and chaotic their actions, so they are motivated and patient. Zeng benefited what he couldn't.

At the end of the memory, Zhang Dongcheng smiled, nodded solemnly, and said: "I don't need to help you anymore, I believe that as long as your works come out, you will become the most famous writer in the world. And I just want to buy the movie rights of the Harry Potter series. Although I just heard some fragments by accident, I think this story is very suitable for the big screen!"

  After getting the confirmed news, Rowling finally felt at ease.

   And Zhang Dongcheng pondered. Although he now has a net worth of more than 20 million US dollars, but this money is related to his future plans, it is naturally impossible to use all of it to buy the copyright of Harry Potter.

  However, if the output is less, it may be suspected of taking advantage of J.K. Rowling, an orphan and widow. Moreover, the value created by the future Harry Potter series is simply too huge. If he bought the film copyright at a very low price, Zhang Dongcheng felt that he would be struck by lightning.

  Moreover, no matter who faced the value created by Harry Potter and knew that he had sold the film copyright of this work at a low price, he would definitely feel resentful. Zhang Dongcheng didn't want to do bad things with good intentions.

  For a while, he didn't know what price to offer.

  Although Luo Lin couldn't wait to know the price given by Zhang Dongcheng, she didn't know what price she should quote at all, so she suppressed the desire to speak, and kept drinking the water in the glass without saying a word.

   There was a long silence between the two, and Zhang Dongcheng began to think in his heart.

  Among what he learned from that old TV, Zhang Dongcheng clearly remembered that eight Harry Potter movies were filmed. Of the eight films, the least-grossing one was Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Even the least-grossing film managed to hit $796.6 million.

  The highest-grossing part, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" even reached $976 million