
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · Urban
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161 Chs

Chapter 121

I will try my best to maintain a slow and fascinating speech speed, and I will tell my acceptance speech, and the audience will sleep soundly. Oh, God, this is really a great encouragement to me." Zhang Dongcheng exaggerated Said, and then watched with satisfaction as the audience heaved and heaved like a forest in a storm.

   "Oh, God, this Smith made me laugh out loud." The owner of Hammer Films, Auston, sat in the back seat, and was so teased by Zhang Dongcheng's words that he had to take out his handkerchief and wipe his eyes violently.

  The rest of the audience burst into tears and fell down with laughter.

"Thanks to my crew for their hard work that brought 'Two Smoking Barrels' back into the world, and to Mr. Alston, owner of Hammer Films, for making this film from scratch, Thanks to my teachers, my family, and all the people who helped me, I will never forget the meaning of friends." Zhang Dongcheng's tone changed from ridicule to gratitude, and the applause resounded from the audience .

   "Let me tell a story. If you have heard it, I hope you pretend you haven't heard it. Of course, I will repay you. My speaking speed will be very slow and very fascinating!"

  The conversation turned back to humor, which made everyone **** up their ears, and continued to listen with smiles on their faces and anticipation in their hearts.

"I have heard such a story since I was a child. In a dense jungle in Africa, there were four skinny men walking. They carried a heavy box and staggered forward in the dense forest. They followed The captain went into the jungle to explore, but he didn't have the strength to go on the road. Everyone was desperate, thinking that they couldn't get out of this jungle, and waiting for death was the only ending.

  The captain, who was suffering from illness and was about to die, could only look at these team members who were so depressed that they almost committed suicide and felt that there was no hope of surviving, and thought of a way to save them.

  Before he died, the captain entrusted them with the box he made by himself, and said very sincerely: "If you can send this box to my friends, you will get something more precious than gold."

  After burying the captain, they carried the box on the road. The road became more and more difficult, and their strength became weaker and weaker, but they still kept going.

  Finally, one day, the green barrier was suddenly opened, and they finally walked out of the jungle after all kinds of hardships, and found the captain's friend, but the friend said: "I have nothing!"

  So, when I opened the box, I saw a pile of useless wood!

  All the audience held their breath, listening to this heart-wrenching story, only Zhang Dongcheng, who was full of vigor and confidence on stage, was in his eyes.

   "It seems that the captain gave them a box of useless wood, but in fact, he gave them the purpose of action, so that they obtained something more precious than gold—life!"

"Without dreams and goals, life will fall into the swamp of death and lose its color. Dreams are so important to us, because they are so powerful, so powerful that we are desperate to seek, pursue, and Accomplish what others think is impossible for hundreds of years!"

"If you think you are unique, you will be great; if you think small, you will be behind; if you think brave, you will be fearless; if you think great, you will be great." so great!"

   "To feel the greatness of dreams, to experience the ups and downs of pursuit, to believe in a bright future, dreams will become reality."

   There was a huge burst of applause from the audience.

"My dream is a movie. Fortunately, I am unique. I am on my way. Movies are our dreams!" Zhang Dongcheng raised the trophy in his hand, letting thousands of brilliance shine on him, let him at this moment , It is so sacred and irresistible, let his firm face, smiling face, freeze frame, in England, in Europe, roll up a frenzy again.

It was a surprise to win the best original screenplay award. Zhang Dongcheng's "Two Smoking Barrels" was defeated in both the best director and best film, and Zhang Dongcheng, who didn't care about it, was in the next stage. In those days, in addition to continuing to shoot the mummies in the UK, he was constantly urging Adaman to find JK Rowling as soon as possible.

   And at this moment, the United States is far away on the other side of the ocean. The events of The Mummy also take a dramatic turn.

  Ever since a tabloid published the news that the mummy talking incident was a prank deliberately created by an unscrupulous director to promote the new film. Such rumors unknowingly began to gain the approval of some Americans.

   Even such rumors began to appear on the boards of large newspapers.

  Universal Pictures, in Mr. Carl's office. At this moment, he was looking at the newly delivered newspaper, his brows were tightly knit together.

  In the newspaper, a vicious incident of an unscrupulous company deliberately making a mummy speak in order to promote a new film was largely described. The spearhead is directed at Universal Pictures and Zhang Dongcheng.

  Of course, the report did not mention the names of Universal Pictures and Zhang Dongcheng at all, and all of them were replaced by some kind of metaphor. But even so, sooner or later, people will find out the tricks in it.

   Putting down the newspaper in his hand, Mr. Carl reached out and picked up a remote control on the desk and pressed it.

   Within a few moments, a blonde beauty in OL attire walked over. "Boss, what do you need?"

  Mr. Carl turned a blind eye to the beauty's scratching gesture, and ordered coldly: "Immediately notify the people in the propaganda department to come to my office to see me immediately!"

   "Yes, boss, is there anything else you need?" The blond beauty asked slightly disappointed.

   "Go!" Mr. Carl waved his hand, closed his eyes and seemed to be thinking about something.

  The blond beauty stomped her feet in dissatisfaction, and left the office with a coquettish face.

   Not long after, a fat, shrewd guy walked in. "Mr. Carl, what are your orders?"

   "Who did you send to do the last time?"

  The man froze for a moment, and glanced secretly at the newspaper on the desk. He instantly understood why Mr. Carl asked this question. Obviously, there was an unexpected change in the previous publicity plan.

   "Lawrence from our publicity team sent someone to do it!" The man replied immediately.

"Tell him, everyone involved should keep their mouths shut!" Rubbing his swollen brows, Mr. Carl waved his hand and said, "Find a way to resolve this news as soon as possible, so as not to cause harm to the movie we are about to finish. Impact!"

  Being a boss is such a blessing sometimes. As long as you grasp the general direction, you can leave the rest of the work to your subordinates. No need to do everything yourself.

  The man nodded and exited Carl's office.

Watching the man leave, Carl frowned. As the mastermind behind the whole incident, he didn't know that Ender and Gavin had found the truth of the incident just by relying on guesswork and malicious slander. He was also caught off guard and could only deal with it poorly.

  Early the next morning, a well-known newspaper in Los Angeles published a large number of news about the curse of the mummy. The rhetorical claim that the mummy's curse does exist. This curse is a mysterious phenomenon that modern science cannot explain.

  Universal Pictures is worthy of being one of the eight major film companies, and its influence is huge. In almost a day, the half-truths and half-false news were diluted in front of the public.

  Los Angeles media and information company is a company with a small output value. There are no less than dozens of such companies in the city of Los Angeles alone.

  However, since the mummy incident broke out, the sales of this newspaper have continued to rise at a jaw-dropping rate.

  If someone sees the sales performance graph of this company, they will be horrified to find that the lines in the graph are completely at an acute angle and constantly refresh the previous records. It was like a miracle.

  Los Angeles Media News, in the boss's office, a middle-aged man with only a few sparse hairs on his head said to the young man sitting in front of him with a red face, "Mr. Gavin, you are simply a genius!"

The man named Gavin had a faint smile on his face and said, "Fars, you are too much of a compliment!" Although the words were very modest, Gavin had a proud expression on his face. It was because of his idea that the sales volume of this humble newspaper increased by 180% in a short period of time.

  For this newspaper that has always been tepid in Los Angeles, the sales of this level have almost tripled at the moment, and they are still rising sharply.

"Mr. Gavin, I don't know what we should do next?" Fals asked Gavin with a shy face and a flattering smile: "Should I change my position? Did you have an affair?"

  For him, it is obviously inappropriate for him to turn against a behemoth like Universal Pictures. Even some losses outweigh the gains.

   "Change your position?" Gavin stretched out his right hand, raised an index finger, shook it in front of Fars, and said: "No! No! No! Not only can we not change, but we must continue to strengthen publicity!"

   "What?" Fals was taken aback, and asked worriedly: "But if you do this! Isn't it going to be a complete quarrel with Universal Pictures?"

"Don't worry!" Gavin shook his head and said, "Look at how many news media are promoting our news now, Universal Pictures will not retaliate! It is impossible for him to fight against so many news media at the same time! Because Such a price is too great, even Universal Pictures cannot afford it!"

  If you think about it carefully, what Gavin said is indeed true. Now the topic of mummies has become the hottest topic in the United States, as long as there is a slight headline, it will get sales. The whole of the United States seems to be out of date if you don't promote mummies.