
Hollywood Delight

Eric, an insatiable and lustful teenager, meets an untimely end when he is struck by a car. His only interests in life were films and games, with the sole purpose of fantasizing about the gorgeous actresses that graced the silver screen. Fate takes an unexpected turn when he is somehow transported into the golden age of Hollywood. Seizing this opportunity, Eric embarks on a hedonistic journey of conquest and indulgence, seducing and dominating the women of Hollywood, leaving not a single legendary beauty untouched by his lustful exploits. In this alternate reality, Eric rises to power, conquering the hearts and bodies of Hollywood's most stunning starlets, and transforming the glamorous world of cinema into his own personal romping ground.

Erosire · Urban
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3 Chs


Eric was lying in bed when suddenly he heard a voice in his head. The voice was unfamiliar and seemed to come out of nowhere. Startled, he immediately jerked up, looking around the room to find the source of the voice.

Voice: "Hello Eric, I am an assistant system designed to answer any request you may have."

Eric: "What the fuck? Who's there? Where is this coming from?"

Voice: "I exist within your mind, Eric. You can think of me as an artificial intelligence created to assist you."

Eric, filled with disbelief, tried to shake off the notion that he was hearing a voice inside his head.

Eric: "This is insane. I must be dreaming or going crazy."

Voice: "I assure you, Eric, you are neither dreaming nor going insane. You died in a car accident, and now you have found yourself transported to the year 1990 with me as your assistant."

Eric sat there for a moment, mulling over the ridiculousness of his situation. Despite his skepticism, he finally gave in and decided to test out the voice's claim.

Eric: "Alright, if you're really here to help me, then tell me something I don't know."

Voice: "In the 1990 World Cup, West Germany won against Argentina with a score of 1-0."

Surprised by the fact he didn't know the answer and the voice was able to provide it, Eric hesitantly decided to accept his strange circumstances and began to explore this new version of the world.

Walking down the streets of Hollywood, Eric was astonished to see the beautiful actresses he had once admired on the silver screen, now walking among him in the flesh. He felt an overwhelming sense of excitement and desire overtake him, fueled by the fact that he had nothing left to lose.

The sensual thrill of essentially having a second shot at life – free from consequences – led Eric to make a radical decision. He would use his knowledge of the future and the help of the mysterious voice in his head to charm, seduce, and take control of Hollywood's elite.