
Hollywood Ascension

In "Ascension to Hollywood," we follow the story of William Anderson, a maintenance engineer who, despite his professional success, has never given up on his dream of becoming a mangaka. After a mysterious reincarnation in 1990 in an alternate reality, William seizes the opportunity to conquer Hollywood by using his knowledge of the future to transform Majestic Publishing into an entertainment empire.

Lastking19 · Celebrities
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Chapter 5: Choosing the First Story

**Los Angeles – Family Home – Saturday, January 15, 7 AM**

"Ring Ring"

I wake up around 7 AM, the first rays of sunlight filtering through my bedroom curtains. As I get up, I feel a newfound determination and a hint of excitement about what lies ahead. Today, I will decide on the first novel I will publish in this world to revive the company.

A cold shower fully awakens me, revitalizing me for the day ahead. After getting dressed, I go downstairs to have breakfast. Elena has prepared scrambled eggs and toast, a simple but nourishing meal. She smiles warmly at me as I come down.

Elena: Good morning, William. Did you sleep well?

William: Yes, thank you, Elena. I have a lot of work today, but I'm ready.

Elena: I'm sure you'll do great. Don't forget to take breaks, alright?

William: I promise. After finishing my breakfast, I head back to my room, ready to tackle the crucial task of the day: deciding which story to adapt first to relaunch Majestic Publishing.

I sit at my desk, surrounded by documents and notes, contemplating the options before me. Of course, I've chosen to write a story from my former world, and considering my skills, I've decided to avoid manga and comics, which are too complex, and focus on animated films or series.

Three stories immediately come to mind: "Kung Fu Panda" and "How to Train Your Dragon" from DreamWorks, and "Avatar: The Last Airbender." Each of these works marked my childhood in my old world, with rich and original universes and enormous development potential. Unfortunately, their great potential was never fully realized. However, I will ensure they are even better than the originals and not just mindlessly copied, using my ability to access the Internet.

First, I must choose the one that will have the greatest impact here and now, while also considering my own capabilities. I take a notebook and begin listing the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

"Kung Fu Panda"... A mix of humor, action, and adventure. Po's character is incredibly endearing and charming, and the mystical kung-fu universe could captivate the audience. It's a light and fun story with enormous visual potential. However, it requires a certain finesse to balance the comedic and dramatic elements, which I might struggle with due to my limited experience.

I jot down these thoughts before moving on to the next.

"Avatar: The Last Airbender": A story so rich and complex with themes of personal growth, justice, and balance. The characters are deeply developed, and the world of the four nations is fascinating. But this complexity is precisely what poses a problem. Even though I was a writer and manga artist in my old world, I was nothing exceptional. I was slightly above average at best. Starting with such a complex story could be risky, and I would struggle to improve it. Additionally, developing the Avatar universe requires narrative mastery that I'm not sure I can provide immediately.

I feel a wave of nostalgia thinking about Aang and his friends, but I quickly move on to the last option.

And finally, "How to Train Your Dragon." An epic adventure with dragons, camaraderie, and personal evolution. The story of Hiccup and Toothless is moving and full of lessons about acceptance and self-discovery. This story is a bit more accessible and manageable for me. The bond between Hiccup and Toothless, the young hero's journey to overcome his fears and prejudices, and the world of dragons... All this deeply affected me.

I pause for a moment, reflecting on these three options. Each has its own merit, and they are incredible in this world where entertainment is still in its infancy—they've seen nothing like this. But I must choose the one with the potential to captivate the most people while staying within my abilities.

Majestic Publishing needs a story that touches a wide audience and can transform into a lasting franchise. "How to Train Your Dragon" has that potential. The friendship between Hiccup and Toothless, the journey of discovery and acceptance... Plus, it's the easiest to reproduce. Yes, it's decided.

I take a deep breath, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders. I've made my choice.

William: It's decided, "How to Train Your Dragon" will be my first major adaptation. I will take readers into a world of dragons and discoveries and show how a well-told story can make a difference, I exclaimed in my office.


Hello, it's me, your favorite writer LastKing :^)

I wanted to let you know that I am really grateful to all of you for your support.

I hope you will also enjoy this one.

Happy reading!