
Hollowness (Discontinued)

[Warning] The following of this novel may contains mild language, violence and any other that makes some viewers uncomfortable, please beware that this is not for kids and I advise for anyone for your safety. Viewer description is advised. The cover is not mine, and the editing belongs to my friend and acquaintance that help me for this. Be sure to show support to the original artist for this cover, as for my friends, I'll not reveal since they are private. According to my statistics, a group of audience are like 13-18, and the other is like older, but to me, there are some of you who are lying about their age, again I don't want anyone lying about their age, parents don't put the blame on me, blame your kids for lying about their age, you should be ashamed of yourself that your letting you're child lying about their age. Again this is not for kids. Before I ended this, there may be a little references there, so be sure to know what they come from and post it on the comments. All copyright belongs to Phobia, if I caught anyone plagiarised my work, I will find someone close to me and sue you, also there may be other foreign languages in the chapter since I use online translator, so yeah, I put foreign languages in the chapters, if you're a foreigner, please help me fix some minor mistake there, help me alot. If you wish to translate my novel, ask me first before publishing it, if you do not have permission from me, I advice you to delete what you post. That's all I have to say. -Phobia. [Webnovel] Hello people from webnovel, this is a novel I made in the original flatform I post, so be sure to check the out the original release. I sometimes may not updated this novel, since I was very busy and trying to find errors on my own, so please keep in mind. That I am one writer and editor, give me some time. Thank you. -Phobia. The darkness filled with nothingness and the one who lives there is a "A being with emptiness" they came from this unknown plain for what purpose they chose, or experience life itself. Join them on a journey where they try to understand themself for what they really are. Schedules. Saturday: 10:00 P.M. Sunday: 10:00 P.M. Releasing two chapters a day.

Phobiaisme · Horror
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Chapter 8 Class

(Sathe's Pov)

I am sleepy... I'm not going to get up... it was so tiring that I have to practice magic and try to go to class that much, it makes me tired. I don't feel like going anymore. It's morning, but I won't get up, as I cover myself in a blanket and try to go back to sleep but, he came and persuade me to wake up.

"Come on, time to wake up." Altin, that monster brother of mine is the same as always and tries to give me this smile, it scared me. I can feel he is intimidating me. "Alright, I'm up!" I got out of bed then I fix my sheet and the beddings.

"Good girl." As he gave me this smile and it's scaring me already. I go downstairs and prepare the table, Leland is cooking the food for us and he's a skilled cooker.

I could even smell it from a mile away, even when we got out of the house. As we enjoy and talked at the table, it was comfortable and relaxing to me as I wish this would last forever, I went up to my room and wear the clothes I wear the academy gave us, as for the boys wear its blue knee socks, black pants, white breeches, and blue frock coats.

As for the girls, it's blue knee socks, black short skirts, white breeches, and blue frock coats. it's a good design for a uniform though it's pretty good honestly.

My siblings and I went to school together and went our separate ways and find my class. Though I won't forgive this asshole brother of mine trying to tease me that much.

I went to class, the teacher came and said "Good morning, class." The teacher said in a disciplined manner. "We are going to learn about the history of Aeneles and how it was founded." we learn that this was once a wasteland where the people are hungry for food, lots of outlaws stealing our lands and food.

But a brave man appeared, his name is Remus, the First Hero mortal realm. His sword is Trinity, the sword that is with a red aura and very evil itself, but it changes because a one-person changes its purpose, and they have made bonds with each other.

As he quickly pointed his blade on the evil and they fought, he swiftly slices them in the name of honor and glory in this battle, the cowards ran away he didn't kill them but made them surrender as they give in and lay down their weapons, the people celebrated that they say. "This man holds the blade Trinity. As I see it's no longer evil, it's a miracle!" "Let's celebrate this glorious day!" As the people will remember this day of the First Hero anniversary every year.

"Know then class, what do you think that Remus, when he saw treasure." The kid raises his hands. "He kept it?" The teacher sighed. "No." As she said in a disappointed matter, I raised my hands and said. "He brings the money and brought people treasure for the birth of the kingdom." The teacher was impressed.

"Correct," I answer very straightforward after all, I can see the gazes of every jealous of my classmate who are girls, and the boys looking at me as I am a goddess.

I don't want any boys to look at me. And I need someone to understand me the most, not my appearance, but myself.

As the class is over, I went to the cafeteria and the girls I saw were the ones I saw and they said. "Please teach us!" As the girls glared at me and I thought they were jealous, I was like. "Eh?" "We just look at you, not because you're a commoner, but you are beautiful and admiring to us!" "We are your fans and I am happy for you to teach or talk to you!" I laughed very confusingly as if I was kinda shocked that this environment I said. "What do you think of the boys looking at me?"

As I mentioned the word boys they turned disgusted faces. "Ughh... those degenerates, they don't have respect for girls and they act coldly while you gained them attention." "Like we care about those idiots." I can see in their eyes that they have negativity towards them.

"What happened to you guys about the boys?" I asked a question, to know why they hate boys. "It's because they haven't look at the slightest at us." "Of course. They just look at pretty ones, while we are in a middle of a date." Man, that's tough.

"I saw my lover, saying this stupid thing about like, "Let's divorce, I don't love you, you're the worst." Let's divorce my ass!" "We don't hate pretty girls since they are also annoyed, by those "insolent creatures." I can't stand myself and feel guilty for them."

Wow, these school year boys in the same class as I am right now, really suck ass.

"We pity you, we call ourselves the "Death to the stupid bad boys and stupid handsome boys." There some are good, which we respect those boys that have common sense then those morons." "Of course, I can't wait to beat my ex-fiancée for trying to cheat on me to that lying woman."

As I can see the smiles and hatred towards them, I walked away and never try to talk to those poor victims ever again, don't worry, when you guys have a good man by your side, I'll support your happiness.

As I finished school in the morning, very fast due to my knowledge and can graduate next year, I decided to go inside the place where my instructor teaches me about magic.

Though that guy, I feel something different about him. As I was thinking about him and then I snapped out of it. "There's n-no w-way. T-that I-I'll love this guy!" "Love what?" I heard the voice and it's Nil. He's standing very real as I dreamt of him, what the hell was I thinking.

"Hello." As I raised my hands and looked away from him and as if he's not here in front of me.

"You know, it's kinda embarrassing to say that, can you umm... let go of my chest?" I looked then I. "Eh?" I looked at him and I touched his. "Eeek!" As I jumped and ran away from him as possible in this room with books and scrolls I went to the chair and walked to the table and then jump to the bookshelves after I jumped through the chandelier.

"Umm... can you please get down? We're about to start?" I saw him very confused and I went down from the chandelier and then it fell and broke.

"I'm gonna pay for this right?" "That's like old, don't worry, we're are about to replace the chandelier anyways." Thank god, I thought I was going to die right a second.

"Anyways, let's start the magic theory and how to cast shall we?" "Oh, of course." I learned the element of earth, water, fire, air, lighting, and energy magic. And for the first time, what if I use water and air. That of course resulted in this.

"I can't believe it!" Nil is shocked as I made Ice Magic. "Although I also try to change the temperature of it to make ice, you succeeded it, just because your magic is too strong." He was happy that I did something that he did before I came. He started it, so he's the one to have that since he teaches me for that.

"It's your credit." "No, I already failed, since after all, I have no strong magic like yours." Gives me a soft and gentle smile, this instructor is respectful to me.