
Hollow Phantasm Heritage

-NEW CHAPTER EVERY 2-4 DAYS- Mountain Weepnest - the world's tallest mountain whose peak has never been reached, filled with many dangerous secrets, harsh environments, and relics from a time long past. One day, the Weepnest race is announced. A call to every brave soul from around the globe to see who possesses the most strength and determination to reach the top of Mountain Weepnest and win the grand prize of one hundred million yen. Enter Asuka Miyamoto, the daughter of the legendary martial artist Senji Miyamoto, who aspires to enter the race to save her father from a rare disease. Desperate to save her father, Asuka will stop at nothing to win the race and will show the world what she is capable of. "I shall save him...no matter the cost..."

Grandalf_The_Grand · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Enter Miharu Akiyama

Player buried his face into his hands and let out a nerve-racking moan of despair as he bobbed his head around.

"This is what's wrong with people- you're unpredictable- so human…I hate you all!" He screamed angrily.

'What is this guy's problem, he really went off the railings?' Asuka thought.

"I should have killed you when I had the chance." Player said bitterly as he mourned the broken wooden fractures scattered around him.

Asuka snickered to herself with a devious smile and called out in a condescending tone. "Oh is that so? From where I was standing you two didn't seem to be much of a threat. In fact I'm not surprised that you're worked up, seeing as you play with dolls!"

Player snapped his attention to her and thrived with anger as he gripped his fingers into a tight fist.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you can get back to your mommy and have a nice cup of milk you baby!"

Player ran forward as fast as he could, he kicked up dirt from the rough motions of his running. He waved his arms frantically through the air while pacing towards her.

From 3 meters away he raised his fist up to his shoulder and ran with it in position for a wide swing. His entire pose was sloppy and even put his thumb under his knuckles as he balled his hand into a fist.

"Too easy." Asuka muttered as she strolled forward.

Player had closed the distance and threw his punch forward with a wide swing aimed towards Asuka's head that fell into the direction of his punch.

The moment before his knuckle could make contact she rolled her body to the side and dodged it with an elegant motion. As her body reached knee distance she extended her foot and raised herself up before she could fall.

Player scowled at Asuka's graceful movement and grew angrier knowing that he wasn't able to hit her. After stumbling, he turned around and tried again, over and over.

Through each advancement the same result repeated itself, she would dart around him with little to no effort and continued to taunt at him afterwards.

"Wow if Mi was half as good as you maybe he could have won!" Asuka stated in a sarcastic tone.

Player seemed to snap from that remark and pounced towards her with his arms extended out to his sides, he tried to grab her but Asuka simply walked backwards. She paced a couple steps back and hovered outside of his range with a confident smile.

By the time that she reached the wall of the cave he ran forward. "I have you now bitch- Die!!"

Asuka jumped forward and dove over him with a front flip; she twisted her body after landing and threw out a straight kick towards Players back. He crashed into the wall of the cave and got knocked out cold.

"There's one less person to worry about in this race." Asuka laughed.

(Clap Clap Clap)

A figure walked out from the shadowy corner of the cave, revealing a beauty of a woman. She was dressed in quite fancy looking suit but wore them somewhat loose and baggy, while her cleavage stuck out.

"That was one hell of a kick girl, I think you'll do quite nicely then."

'Who is that, I didn't even notice her standing there…she might be one of Players friends.' Asuka thought as she examined her from a distance.

"Oh I get it, you're being cautious- that's fine but let's fix that! My names Miharu, Miharu Akiyama and it's nice to meet you…uh?" She said as she held out her hand.

"Asuka…how do I know you aren't with that guy?"

Asuka pointed to Players unconscious body but she couldn't help laugh when she saw him passed out on the floor.

"You really think I would be with someone like that? Hahaha~ you're a riot." Miharu laughed.

"So what exactly do you want then, I don't think you would just be standing around watching my fights?"

Asuka asked with a curious tone as she examined Miharu up and down, she didn't see any secrets weapons or even weapons to begin with. This girl was completely unarmed from the looks of it which seemed to put her on even more caution.

'Just who is this person, I don't sense any type of malicious intent or danger so can I trust her?' Asuka thought.

Miharu stuck out her hand in front of Asuka's face and raised two fingers while making a serious face. "Two heads are better than one right?"

"You're offering me a head?" She replied with a dumbfounded expression.

Miharu reached in her pocket and pulled out a fresh cigarette and placed it into her mouth. She took her free hand and snapped her fingers against the end of the cigarette, lighting it in an instant.


"I'm not offering you anything; I'm telling you that teaming up with me is smart."

Asuka stepped back and averted her eyes with an uncertain expression as she spoke. "I can't do that, I don't even know who you are. How could I trust you if I don't know if the next day you'll slit my throat?"

Miharu scoffed and lowered one of the fingers.

"You can only trust one person in this world, that's numero Uno! What better way to protect yourself than to team up. Some of these challenges are going to get tough and more and more people are fighting in groups.

What if that "Player" guy was 3 or 4 more people, you wouldn't have been so lucky then right? As for the trusting me not to slit your throat…here."

Miharu reached into her breasts and pulled out a small card that she then flicked over to her. Asuka caught it and read the front seeing that it was her ID card that listed all her details.

'This is…this is her ID for the race, they told us not to show this to people likely! If someone saw your ID they could easily find out where you live and so much more about your life….why is she showing me then?' Asuka wondered as she read through it.

"That's me, you can trust me. Also if I wanted to kill you I would have done it already right?"

"I guess you're right but still…I don't see anything wrong with you so I guess that's fine!"

Asuka shifted to her usual cheery self as she shook hold of Miharu's hand with enthusiasm, shaking it aggressively up and down.

The two of them ventured out the cave, talking about what they both have seen so far in the race. Asuka told her about the forest and how the vines and trees seemed to be alive like a living creature. Miharu told Asuka about the snow she saw further up the mountain when on top of the cavern.


"I'm telling you we just gotta get passed this next part and we will run into that snow place. That's where all the snow in the forest behind Cyan came from, it's all blowing off the side of the mountain."

"Wicked…oh- I think we're here!" Asuka exclaimed.

The stone walls and solid surface around them was nowhere to be seen and was instead replaced by a thick moss on both the floor and ceilings.

Asuka put her fist against the green walls and brushed up against a furry moss substance that made her shrill. "When did the rock disappear, I swear we were in the cave a second ago?"

"It doesn't matter, we should keep going and try to see this through."

"Good idea." Asuka commented.

As they stepped through the mossy tunnel they eventually reached an exit pouring with bright light, which lead to the outside. As they stepped through they were met with a field of flowers and mushrooms spanning throughout their view and out of reach.

Flowers ranging from multiple colours sprouted along the grass while large and small mushrooms alike grew out the bark of the trees and surfaces of the rocks. The area was getting dark but the dimmer the area became the more glowing mushrooms would begin to sprout from nothing and illuminate the area.

"What…what is- that?!" Miharu asked as she stared towards a light in the distance.

When they approached it they discovered a large mushroom that towered over the rocks and smaller trees in the area. What stood out the most was the fact that it grew from the ground, like a tall tree.

"I don't know but let's go see!" Asuka said excitedly.

She skipped towards it with widened eyes and reached out to feel its stem.

"I suggest not touching that thing, this place isn't exactly normal remember? That thing could be dangerous, and we both need to get rest while we still have the lead."

Asuka slowly averted her gaze from Miharu and let out a large sigh.

"Yeah- yeah well I'm not going to just start letting you boss me around because I said you could team up with me."

Asuka plopped her hand against the mushroom and smirked condescendingly at Miharu who seemed slightly annoyed.

Suddenly a rumble in the earth shook beneath their feat right as the mushroom started to topple over. It fell forward like a collapsing building and stopped right before landing on Asuka then erected back upright.

"What the- oh shit…"

The top of the mushroom shook aggressively like a bubble about to pop and then sprouted open like a flower. The top of the shroom opened up to reveal large beautiful petals that glowed with a strong blue that lit through the dark air.

"It was a flower- I don't think I should have touched it…"

When the flower had completely bloomed, a hand stretched out and reached for the ground. Another hand followed soon after and both of the arms began to push down against the ground as if something was coming out.

"Get ready!" Miharu yelled.

A large yellow eye burst out the top of the flower and looked down at them with a malicious gaze. Towering over them from the top of the flower was a large humanoid creature made of the same substance as the stem of the flower, with a large eye and two skinny arms that gripped onto the ground.

Like some sort of titan the monster that emerged from the flower let out a ground shaking roar that pushed Asuka back from where she stood.

The titan looked down to Asuka with its widened large eye and raised its arm into the air. Miharu ran back to avoid the impact but Asuka stood in place and waited.

'What is she doing, I can't believe my stupid luck! She's trying to get herself killed-' Miharu panicked and then fell silent.

Asuka waited for the hand to smash down into the ground but as if collided into the ground she rolled forward and ran up the arm of the titan. She swiftly sprinted up the arm and when she reached the shoulder, she dove in to kick it in the eye.

"Stop worrying so much, we got this!" Asuka assured.

A large gust of wind blew from beneath her as the titans hand swept beneath her body, in a devastating speed it managed to catch her in its clutches and slammed her into the ground.

The ground beneath its claws split open and broke up chunks of the dirt. Miharu started sweating at the sight of the impact and rushed in for help. She saw no movement in the hand and didn't hear anything from Asuka either. After the slam against the ground, everything went silent…

Miharu leapt into the air and took a deep puff from her cigarette, burning half of it in a single hit. She took in a deep breath and blew out a cloud of smoke, which surrounded her. The smoke wrapped around her body like a vortex and settled into a spiral around her body that formed two large arms beside her.

The arms were blocky and solid like a golem with chains wrapped around its wrist but everything from the arms and the wrapping around her was all smoke.

"You know I never really liked flowers, I've always wanted to do this to some guy's flowers but I guess you'll do fine." She said angrily.

Miharu crashed into the side of the titan with her massive golem arms and completely overwhelmed it, with a single punch into its eye she sent it flying backwards into a collection of trees. As if flew backwards Asuka fell out from its hand and Miharu reached out to catch her.

"Asuka are you… why you little!!" Miharu yelled with a worried tone but noticed that Asuka wasn't unconscious but rather just sleeping soundly in the palm of her arms of smoke.

She dropped her to the ground and smacked her over the head with her real hand, waking Asuka up in a state of panic.

"Huh- what- what happened?! Oh…Miharu don't rush the titan, it has a crazy reach." Asuka rambled.

"I know it does you idiot, that's why I told you not to go in!!"

"Oh…I'm really sorry! So what happened did you beat it?"

Miharu turned to her side and noticed the titan clawing at the ground to lift itself up.

"Not yet, but for some reason I think there might be something bigger coming."

"Bigger than that?" Asuka exclaimed.

The titan bent its body forward and buried its claws into the ground with an explosive action. Its eye widened suddenly and started darting around erratically. Its pupil looked like it was flying all over the place and racing to every direction.

"What's going on with its eye is it keeling over or something- WOAH!"

Asuka and Miharu stumbled about as the ground began to rumble aggressively, shaking stones and trees in place. The ground felt like it was about to lift up from right beneath them.

Large roots began to sprout from around them and grew at a unimaginable speed, they towered over the both of them and formed large flowers similar to the titan.

When the flowers were fully erected the titan raised its claws from the ground and pulled out strings of roots that formed from its finger tips. As its claws rose above the ground the titan snapped its arms back and broke the roots from its fingers.

At that moment the two flowers around them bloomed open and sprouted two similar titans from the buds. Both titans were as large as the first but had their own different features that set them apart. One had massive fangs making a full set of teeth that wrapped around its body in a spiral, while the other seemed to be more muscular than the other two.

"Three to two I guess…no wonder they made us sign those forms before entering the race."

"We got this."

Miharu turned to Asuka with stunned expression and hung her jaw open with doubt. "Huh?! Did I hit your head too hard, we are completely surrounded?"


The flames filling Asuka's eyes surprised Miharu but it was enough to make her understand, Asuka didn't see a threat in front of her. She was looking to the victory she would have from this battle.

"Alright then, but I'll lead okay."

"Got it, let's go!" Asuka assured.

Miharu charged forward and launched herself into the air using the smoke arms to push the ground. She flung herself up to the first titan and crashed against it with a heavy punch. The titan tried to block by holding up its arms but her fist broke through and sent it crashing down into the dirt.

The giant eye started bulging as she pressed down on its body but suddenly she noticed a large shadow hovering over her.


The titan covered in teeth closed in on her and was preparing for a downward slam with both of its arms. With crazy speed the titan slammed its hands against the ground where Miharu stood and caught her off guard.

Right before the hands could reach her Asuka slammed into the titans face with her signature straight kick, pushing the titan over.

"Good support!" Miharu cheered.

Asuka didn't have the chance to reply because immediately afterwards the titan covered in teeth started moving and pulsating.

The teeth on its body moved around and followed in a fixed pace, like a chainsaw around its body. The titan suddenly grabbed at Asuka but she dodged it with barely any room between them.

'Shit, if that thing reaches me like that then I'm really dead.'

Miharu raised her hands of smoke and gripped hold of the titan's legs, which restricted it into place. As it stumbled in place the razor titan continued swatting at Asuka and trying to slam against her.

Asuka fell down and was about to be smashed into when she closed her lowered her eye lids slightly, relaxing her body and mind.

She fell backwards and did a flip that managed to avoid the titans grab, and when she flipped back upright her foot drove into its wrist. The impact from her strike, broke through the fleshy layer made of greenery and severed the titans hand from its arm.

'I know I just met her but she really is pretty impressive…I'm glad I got her when I did.' Miharu thought as she observed Asuka.

The razor titan cried out with a sharp screech at its damaged hand but the other titans came charging in with their fists raised.

The muscular titan slammed down against the ground, smashing a crater into the spot where it hit and sending a fissure towards Asuka and Miharu.

The impact sent chunks of dirt breaking out the earth and flying across the air. Asuka dodged nimbly through the wreckage and chaos. Miharu let out a faint chuckle and flicked her cigarette up to the air.

The smoke following her bud created a large contrail of smoke behind it that dropped in front of her. She raised her arm to control the smoke and manipulated it into a large drill that floated in the air.

"This is my true Hollow Phantasm, Smoke Play! Third form- DRILL!!" She yelled.

The drill began to spin at an insane speed and shot through the air like a lightening fuelled bullet that pierced into the muscular titan. The impact forced it backwards into the razor titan behind it, sending them both towards a large rock side of the forest.

Without any warning Asuka shot through the air, jumping from mushrooms on the trees and using the walls of the cave behind them as a leverage. She burst forwards and kicked the original titan into the course of the other two.

All three titans screwed into the drill and collided into the Rock side, trapped together and unable to move. Miharu balled up her hand into a fist and signalled the drill to spin, it span so fast that the wind around it started pulling in and dug out a hole through the titans.

After tearing a massive hole in their centres the drills pressure built up and exploded, along with the flower titans. A veil of smoke hung over the area and rained down into the shape of tiny snowflakes.


"Hmph. Next time don't rush in." Miharu specified.

A glimmer of light fell behind the trees and drew them closer; when they walked out of the forest they noticed a structure in the far distance. It appeared to be a city with large buildings and glamorous houses.