
Hollow of Hatred

What if Naruto wasn’t the jailer of Kyuubi? What if another held the nine-tailed demon fox? What if this person learned how to use there hatred as a weapon? This is the tale of Fae the holder of the nine-tailed demon fox and born master of chakra manipulation.

KitsuneFae · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter One: Hatred made Physical

Drip Drip Drip

Uhg! Guess they caught me while I was sleeping again.

Now you may be wondering what this small but well developed young girl is talking about. Well ever since she could remember she has always been hated in her village except by a dango stand owner and the former third Hokage. Why? Well she holds the infamous Nine-tailed fox that destroyed and killed many of her village. Now in a different reality the jailer might have been a loud mouth naive little boy who loves ramen and dresses in a kill me orange jumpsuit. But in this reality the jailer is just a 9 year old girl who has a well endowed figure, she had curly short brown hair, a smooth yet fierce face with luscious lips, a heart shaped ass, nice shapely hips, and camel toe vagina, and B going on C-cup breasts. She wears a black white and red school girl uniform with her skirt barely covering her ass, while her shirt can barely hold back her chest, and leaving part of her stomach exposed.

(A/N I hope I described the character well enough. Also this is the only OC I am making for this story so all the other characters are same as canon. Also if you are wondering yes Minato is alive but kushina is in a coma more on that later. Hmm anything else... No I think I covered it all.)

Now back to what happened.

This isn't the first time she has woke up like this. It usually meant that she died and is waiting to be resurrected by the shinigami due to it not being her time. Anytime the villagers thought they could, they would beat her, burn her, rape her, and even tied her to a crucifix and burn her alive. She has died so many times.

"This is what the 283rd time I have woke up here?" She asked to seemingly no one.

"Actually it is the 613th time. Poor soul really if I could I would help you but my hands are tied. But this time I will give you a gift. The knowledge on how to make your hatred a weapon." Said a disembodied voice as a light surrounded the girl and then disappeared. "Now go and show them that hatred begets hatred." The voice said as the wet void she was in disappeared and she woke up in her bed.

"Hehehe" she giggles as she knew what she could do with the knowledge the shinigami gave her. And thanks to her being born with chakra mastery she will embrace her hate and create something that not even the gods could be. She put her hand to her face and pulls down like ripping something off and says "chakra technique: Hollowfication." As she did this a white vulpine mask appears on her face her eyes have a black background with one eye being cyan and the other being purple and 9 vulpine like tails protruding from her back. "Ha ha hahahahahahahahahaha!" She laughs insanely as she feels the power she has.

All over Konoha the villagers, ninja, and even Hokage were woken up from the dark and sinister power she was emitting. And all rushed to her run down shack at the outskirts of the village ready to take down what they assumed to be the released nine-tails but what they got was a extremely vindictive 9 year old that just got the best gift in the world and from a god at that. This would be the night everyone would call the Konoha Kitsune Massacre, for what happened next would be told to children in later years to make sure they behave. She released so much power that only the Hokage and his personal anbu survived before she fell unconscious.

(A/N I hoped you like, please let me know on things I can fix not just on this story but on all my other stories too. Oh and if you didn't figure it out the cover is the mc)