
Hollow Moon: A Lost Shadow

Silas Wren, a cynical man from earth, returns to Karakura Town. Initially trialed into walking the path of Ichigo Kurosaki, a teenage Soul Reaper thrust into protecting the innocent from Hollows, Silas changes his destiny and uses his extraordinary abilities to control his fate. From the author who brought you "Conquer the Ninja World," comes the second adaptation to the Hollow Moon series, A Lost Shadow. While battling Hollows and navigating the turbulent relationships in Ichigo's circle, Silas begins to uncover disturbing secrets about the Soul Society. He neither plays the hero nor the villain, but he veneers his own course that sets him apart from naive idealism. As forces rise, conspiracies threaten to upend the fragile balance of the Soul Society, forcing Silas to make morally ambiguous choices while battling an inner darkness stemming from his own mysterious past.

AkitoTakahashi · Book&Literature
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50 Chs

When Nightmares Bleeds Real

Last week almost felt like a blur.

Silas knew that he would be rejected, but it was better for him to express his feelings rather than make things more awkward around them. And even though he was okay with having been rejected, Lisa still avoided him while they were in the warehouse.

Not all of the members tried prowling about their relationship; some did not find any interest in it. Those who were curious pestered Silas until he finally revealed his confession. Some of them, like Hachigen and Rose, thought the two would have made a great pair. Others, like Love and Hiyori, agreed it was better they stay friends.

Getting all romantic in the warehouse wasn't something Hiyori wanted to see, while Love merely wanted an excuse for Lisa to continue buying magazines for him to read.

The latter's explanation didn't make much sense, but Silas hadn't taken it the wrong way. He was genuinely fine with being rejected. Some would often become depressed or saddened, but Silas wasn't that type of person. The way the Visoreds treated him, with open arms and hospitality, he wasn't going to repay them by sulking.

When Lisa was questioned, she did her best to explain that Silas moved a little fast. The two had only known each other less than a year, yet he oddly found himself infatuated. Lisa herself hadn't known much of anything about him, yet he knew almost everything about her—from what she liked to how to talk to her in a perfect manner. The entire thing felt strange.

To not make anything awkward between them, Silas went out for a walk alone—something the Visoreds allowed him to do, so long as he avoided the people from his time period.

On his walk, he imagined what would have happened had she accepted his love.

'I don't think I'd be happy,' he thought, looking at the clouds, smiling.

Having woken up with amnesia, only to be told that he was experiencing a time paradox, was all too surreal for him. Hardly anyone explained what that even meant. Was it radiation? Were there cosmic interferences affecting his soul?

The Visoreds didn't know.

Yet that didn't stop him from accepting his fate. In time, he knew his memories were bound to return. After all, they claimed he was on a mission to bring this world into balance—whatever that meant.

As Silas continued his walk across a hill, he came to the edge of Karakura Town. The cool wind blew past his face, allowing his locks to flow across the air. He was positive that he hadn't been here before, but something about this area felt familiar. It was as almost as if he had regularly trained here with someone.

'I can't tell what's real,' he thought, closing his eyes.

Blurred images of unrecognizable faces seeped into his mind. Some were from this world, while others were from earth. Struggling to differentiate the two, he opened his eyes in frustration. He then stared at his palm, asking himself, "What am I...?"

Some time would pass before Silas chose to return to the warehouse.

All of the members except for Hachigen were out doing something. Silas, in particular, didn't like being alone with Hachigen. He couldn't tell whether it was his obsession with cats or if it was because his size was intimidating. Perhaps the biggest confusion was when he told him that Silas liked cats. Silas forgot many things, but fonding cats was something he knew he didn't like.

"Hey, Hachi."

"Yes, Ichigo?"

"You all have Zanpakutō with names, right? So, what's the name of my Zanpakutō?"

"Come to think of it, Ichigo, you never told us what it was and Lisa couldn't help you draw it out."

The friendly giant suggested trying to communicate with his weapon again. But when the attempt failed, he recommended that Silas not rush things.

Eventually, the warehouse became void of any sound as Hachigen began cleaning. All of Silas's chores were done, so he decided to take a nap, hoping to remember something about himself. Upon resting on the sofa, he began to hear loud, clanging noises.

'So much for taking a nap,' he thought to himself.

Looking up, Hachigen had his back turned while sweeping. In a rough tone, he said, "I dropped some pots. Go back to sleep, Ichigo."

"I can't now," Silas replied. "How 'bout I help you?"

"No, it's fine... The others will be here soon anyway."

Something felt a tad off with how Hachigen said that. The entire time, the friendly giant hadn't turned to face him. Silas stared at him in the awkward silence.

Rising up from the couch, he slowly walked over to him. Sounds of a broom sweeping against liquid could be heard. As Silas made it closer to him, he was shocked to see blood on the floor. Right on Hachigen's feet were two disembodied heads, one lying on the dustpan.

"Ah!" Silas screamed, falling back.

Hachigen slowly turned around, saying, "I told you to go back to sleep, Ichigo!"

Something snapped. Hachigen's eyes caved inwardly, revealing black sockets. He roared, stomping toward Silas in anger. The hulking figure lunged, forcing Silas to get back on his feet and run.

'I'm dreaming!' Silas thought, looking for the exit. 'I must be dreaming!'

The moment he neared the door, he was grabbed from behind by Hachigen's monstrous hands. He turned Silas to face him and lifted him off the ground!

Freeing one of his hands, Silas connected a jab to the monster's face. His fist caved inside, as if Hachigen were made of black ink. Unfazed by the hit, the monster threw Silas to the wall!

His back crashed on it, shooting a jolt of pain all throughout his body. The pain felt too real to be a dream.

Landing on his knees, he panted heavily. Blood from nearby raced to his palm. When he looked where it was coming from, he saw that it was from one of the heads Hachigen was trying to sweep up earlier.

Dread filled Silas's face when he heard one of them say, "Daddy..."

That voice—he recognized it. This was by no means the first time he's had this dream, but it was the first time he'd heard this voice.

He strained against the oppressive weight of the pain, rising from the ground to limp over to the severed head. Another blow from the monster's shoulder was dealt.

Silas once again crashed into the wall, blood squirting from his mouth. It hurt. It really hurt!

All he could think about was the voice he heard. With what little strength he had, he lifted his face to see the severed heads. Gradually, they each began to come into focus. What was mangled and torn like the dead was now delicate features with bodies lying down.

His heart hammered against his ribs as he softly said, "Kids... You're my kids..."

Whoever they were, they were smiling, elbows on the ground, and hands resting on their faces. Hachigen, in his devilish form, towered over them, slowly pacing his way toward Silas again.

"Daddy," the little girl whispered. "You always work late and never have time for us."

"Do I really?" he faintly asked.

"Yeah! We miss you all the time."

Hachigen reached Silas's body, slowly preparing to grab him.

"When are you coming home, daddy? Mommy misses you, too."

"Mommy...? Where is she?"

From above, he perceived a woman in the gentlest voice he's ever heard say, "I've been here the entire time, hun. Both myself and our Lord Jesus Christ."

A sudden revelation snapped into Silas's mind.

The moment Hachigen tried to touch him, the giant's finger was stopped by his palm. Silas raised his head to reveal how serious he was now. The question he asked himself earlier, who was he, was finally answered.

That's right. He was Silas Wren!