
Guiding Voice

After viewing the list ,he heard a voice when he reached a certain name.

'Hestia is a caring soul ,perfect for one such as you.'

"Hestia ,is it? I'd like to meet her."

"Alright ,we'll contact her and set up a meeting. Please come back tomorrow to figure out what the time and place to meet will be."


After filling out a form detailing his age ,15. His height and weight ,which was physically measured by the receptionist and his name ,Holo.

Along with his skillset ,he wrote down swordsmanship along with his agility and precision.

Currently that is all he is capable of ,unfortunately. After filling out the form ,he left to find something to practice on.


Walking through the streets ,Holo found an empty field with three training dummies. He felt a strange aura on the wooden dummies ,intrigued ,Holo brandished his nail and began slashing the dummy.

After a few slashes ,the marks he made slowly faded away as the chipped wood seemed to grow back.

'You can do better. Focus your blade.'

A stern voice sounded in Holo's head ,as he swung. He continued to slash ,faster and faster.

Suddenly ,he appeared on the other side of the dummy as a large slash separated the dummy in half. The half that went flying disintegrated after soaring a small distance.

The half still flowing with the strange aura slowly grew back into it's previous form.

Surprised at both the power of that slash and the ability of the training dummy ,he heard another voice that was similar to the stern one before.

'That is called a Nail Art. In particular ,this one is called Dash Slash. Think of this whenever you require the strength of a nail art.'

A calming motherly voice. Almost like home.

After learning the Nail Art ,Holo found a place to sleep. A tree in a park.


Waking up ,he saw the morning sun slowly rising after hopping down the tree. He began his training at the magic dummy spot and then headed to the guild.

After walking inside ,he saw the previous receptionist at a table nearby and approached her.

As he walked closer ,he noticed another girl sitting next to her. She looked enchanting ,like a deity.

He nodded ,this must be the goddess he was told about. She seemed full of excitement and warmth.

He approached the table and the receptionist noticed him.

"Ah! Welcome Holo! Due to circumstances ,the meeting was scheduled to occur... right now."

She looked exasperated ,yet was still maintaining her professionalism.

"Oh ,alright. By the way ,I never caught your name."

"My name is Eina and I'll be your personal advisor from today forth."

She turned towards the deity next to her and introduced her as well.

"And this is Lady Hestia.The goddess you'll be meeting today."

I sat down and introduced myself.

"I'm Holo. Will you accept me ,Hestia?"

He said as he stared through his mask at the deity. His eyes darker than black ,almost like a void.

Hestia seemed to see an illusionary abyss behind the boy with shadowy tendrils reaching and grasping for the boy.

She could almost see him being dragged into the endless abyss. Suddenly ,the goddess jumped out of her seat and hugged the boy.

She pulled him away from what she deemed the void that consumes everything and protected him in her grasp.

She would illuminate his heart.

His name is pronounced as Hollow from the name of the game his powers are based off of. In case you cared about how to say it.

------ I take random times out of my day to write ,so don't expect me to post everyday.

InkyThingAlternatecreators' thoughts