
Hollow: cursed with Immortality from another world

Immortality has a false reputation seen as a blessing by many but when you open your eyes it's a tragic existence that was Hollow's existence cursed by someone from another world she had lost her humanity and became some world legend she had nothing to drive her after hundreds of years she was one day granted a miracle as she was summoned to the world of the one who gave her this curse but with 4 others as well.

hoifzf · Fantasy
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in another world:introductions

(warning:this is dialogue heavy so my bad tell me if it's good or bad)1

"ok what the hell is the meaning of this!?" the king glared at his wife expecting an answer "well I only meant to summon three heroes I don't know where that one came from but I can't send her back," the Queen said the king didn't look pleased.

"Then I suppose we should get rid of the extra I mean she already looks like a bad omen"

the king then snapped his finger as 3 guards came forward unsheathing their blades but unaffected by the blades aimed at her she pulled out some whips and cleaned the blood off her face and hands. The guards looked stunned wondering if she was alright in the head.

"Woah Woah Woah hey your heinous If you summoned us for a purpose I really wouldn't appreciate it if you killed someone for no reason right in front of me and asked us to do something for you afterward"

The King raised an eye at that but sighed in annoyance.

"you know what fine it's not like it's a must even though this girl you want me spare did look like she just took another's life a minute ago"

The one who said that was a boy in his late teens he had brown hair and blue eyes he was wearing a white and gold uniform and had a sword on his side and a gun at his side.

"Plus I'll make sure to keep an eye on her for you I mean if we do what you want we can go back right?"

"yes you will be able to go back"

The King then snapped his fingers as the guards went back to their positions.

"you know I can hear what you're saying and let me tell you I'm far too old to be babysat especially by a weakling"

Hollow said glaring at the boy.

"old? You don't look that way"

"oh trust me and if you say something as ridiculous as you being able to keep me in line again I'll knock you out with a flick of a finger"

The 2 had a standoff as it seemed like a fight was about to happen until someone stepped between them. It was a girl with black hair and eyes wearing samurai-like armor with a crossbow and a gun on her back.

"ok you 2 need to chill we're in an unfamiliar place and in a whole ass palace so maybe you can show respect"

"hn chill you say...now that you mention it I guess it would be beneficial for us not to be at each other's throats but when we get outside..."

she pointed at the boy and smiled.

"I'm going to dislocate both your arms'

During their whole exchange,e the other person summoned was writing down in some sort of diary the girl had red hair and eyes and was wearing a black jacket with red flames she had a belt buckle with a cutlass and 2 Glocks and whore a tool backpack. The girl looked at King and had a friendly smile.

" so what's the purpose of us being here since the others seem occupied," she asked her voice sounding soft.

"well our world has come on hard times we had 123yearss of peace between the 6 world powers but a new continent rose from our seas a continent of warriors with a level of power unseen since the last war and unfortunately 2 nations have already been conquered but they suddenly stopped and sent an ultimatum to surrender in 5 years we need your help to deal with them"

The girl continued writing taking notes of everything he said.

"interesting but how the heck will we take on a force like that?"

"well you haven't been summoned with nothing you all can use magic"

that caught the attention of the others who were more or less sizing each other up the whole time.

"wait we can use magic finally something new to do!"

Hollow shouted genuinely excited about the prospect but then she realized she said that out loud.

"hn I mean cool magic...whatever"

"Really mature for your age," The boy said with a smirk.

"go jump out a window you freaking Russian wannabe"

"wannabe I am Russian on my dad's side"

"oh really well then I guess you must be drunk cause you've been testing me this whole time!"

" Oh, so we're expressing stereotypes now!?"

"children please stop"

'I'm definitely breaking her arm next'

"ok I guess we should leave but we should give our names"

"fine the names Hollow the Immortal"

"yeah sure you are my name is Alexander Caine"

"the names Nikko"

"well that was easier than I thought my name is Lina smith I hope we don't tear each other apart on our quest"

"hn all depends on Alex"

"all depends on you as well"

after the exchange of names, the four left as they were told to head to a college to determine their magic as they walked out the sun was setting basking the kingdom in its fleeting light.

(oh wow these with a team like this what could possibly go wrong next time things will be more interesting hope you enjoy and peace)