
Witches stone(1597)

This is the story of joringel Calibrid, after the queen left joringel and Jorinda became the king and queen of kotyuh of the mysterious child with no language scholars being able to find words that she knew so the they starting teaching her the malhen common language but the most curious thing she become violently ill rather easily. Seen that days the number of maids were limited after a doctor cure her then later found out some food have the same effect some the chief in the castles have to make food specifically for her, moments after this discovery jorinda was found in the home of bird collector then returning back to the castles unharm. Joringel training with sorore oren that afternoon while jorinda was with the girl then jotn venaspear the advisor got a letter of form a form a woman who wish to see the king "what reason do you have king joringel" "that would be because the queen set an order for a faded weapon" turning to her "in what timeframe should joringel get going" "your sending him alone" "he has a magical horse for god sake he can get there in no time" also one small thing I'm actually a bodyguard gifted by Mawde xe giralda. Really that great to hear, going to guard "quickly fetch the king for me" the guard running to training grounds with looking to the guard "explain yourself why your here" joringel "is there any reason why you came running" "queen Elizabeth had an order for a faded weapon is ready" "it looks like our training session is done for today" when did she set an order. The woman walking to joringel "I'm nelk una a bodyguard gifted by Mawde xe giralda and believe your the king" "indeed that would be me but where is this faded weapon at" jotn looking at the letter "it in a castle at the woods of malhen mainland and yes it about the faded weapon being there" joringel looking supred "that far it should at less 30 then days" nelk looking to at the letter.

More specifically in witches territory, jotn thinking to himself "maybe the witch enhanced it in some way" "with that we can have a warrior be a part of a father gikwan warrior ceremonial" sorore coming from behind "the knight of kotyuh well pack your on the horse for tomorrow" the next morning joringel and nelk about start getting on the horse a guard running, what is it. It a sand shuter the Sandena sell it to foreigner "thank you this for my eyes" nelk looking at them "this is made for keeping the sandy wind out of you" passing thought cajack sanctuary upon two later at alliance castle "so this the castles of the united malhen alliance" getting off the horse "it still under construction as of now but for let get some rest" later that night nelk woking to a sound. Picking one of her hidden sheath going out of the room turning to see glow of purple walking to it to room with books on shift around the entire space "doe everything have to purple with you fortune teller" looking to her "why so judgemental warrior of xhe" putting up her weapon "you know about the ckot of xhe" "your just nothing more than a pawn to the red teller plan" sound look you know her. We knew for an unfoldable amount of time but we will meet again after your fate of this line "meet again were tell me" moving slowing toward the fortune "you should woke up joringel waiting for you" the fortune teller using a sheathed sword hitting her jaw sending nelk flying out of the room woking up to joringel getting dressed "you up good it only a three day until we make to the witch castle" the two got on the horse traveling for two days to spot a abandon slave cages with horse and man dead. Nelk looking the dead the body's "they are all form the naked beauty bandit group" joringel at some of the body "did they piss off witch there no sign of physical injury on a surface" "but more importantly who would be stupid enough to do that" going to look at some tree "lets found a good tree for tonight" the next morning following the map to mainland woods.

Upon getting into the woods not knowing where to go then going to the town of gellwitch for directions "how are we going to find castle what the witch is hiding it in plain site" "have you read anything on witches space" nelk thinking to herself, heard that mushrooms grow around the outdoor witch space but I do not know how much of that is true as they do like to lie. Then let look for some mushrooms, looking for hours to finally find mushrooms "so which way do we go" nelk looking around "the foggy passway one looks more suspicious" walking through the fog to see a castle with maid tending to the garden "are you the ruler of kotyuh" joringel walking to her "I believe the queen Elizabeth order a faded" the front door of the castle opening. A woman with metal lemb that have ring like prostitution endure with gemstone on them, the eyes being purple gems "I see elizabeth appointed you king and she became queen in the pross" looking over to horse "may I ask why you like the horse" looking over to nelk "how did he negotiate with faymagrane" looking over to him "I got luckily there" "I lengonvenu call horse shit but other on hand I'm willing to make deal, the faded weapon for the horse" what so special about the horse. No to point obvious but horn on it mouth are made of material from an ancient animal" "sorry the horse is property of kotyuh" "then your helping me with getting alternative stones for faded weapon" nelk speaking up "where can you from this alternative" holding a map with her walking to lengonvenu but upon grabbing felt a pain going through her body then metal ring appearing on nelk neck, arm wrist and leg wrist. Now give joringel the map "I cant more body" nelk move to the side of lengonvenu "your be off on your own and you will ender in a week or early if you have all three stone" fog surrounding him then he was at the mushroom grow, looking at the map then going the left path walking thought until he saw a fisherman "a sir I'm looking this area" looking for the stones.

Your doing this for the witch "yes but not because I what to" getting up "I tell where the so call stones" following him to his house then the fisherman pointing "the cave it over, an old house with basement, and another is chest in the ground" "also about your statement earlier calling them so call stone" oh that I seen what the witch is referring to. Come inside, joringel looking a large lizard skull "that what she what" "yes but more specifically the one consumed by black diamond" looking interested "is that a reason why lengonvenu what something like this" "witches are just an extension of the gods, maybe you go ask them" thinking to himself, the fisherman throwing a lantern, shovel, and a hammer "you going to need them also the cave is a day away" think I'm by on my way. Nelk getting shock awake "wake up and do chores your while you king is looking the stones" getting up on the wall the call "do I have to while I'm nude" coller shocking her "human pet your not supposed to talk to your caretaker like that so now walk to the kitchen" walking to the kitchen while walking, the maid from earlier was staring at her in a strange manner "what wrong with you maid she looking at me weird" already I see your going to have fun at the animal pins. Now looking more concerned "your be cleaning my dishes here" the hands moving on the there dishes "will you be giving my next set of chores once I'm done" putting her shoulder "no lende the maid staring at you will be assigning them to you" lengonvenu leaving the room, what you done over we'll tening to the garden then we go the animals pin. After a day of walking joringel on front of the cave turning on the lantern before entering while going through a seeing that the fisherman sleep in some of the room before going into a food storage then seeing a set a of stairs leading to craven that had old rusty armor set but when going deeper the lantern light faded out "use my to fire of fortune to guide you the stone" a purple flame in erupted the lantern.

The fire point to the direction of the stone upon seeing it "this is a stone but looks a black skull of animal but how I'm going to move" hearing a sound coming for behind "hay you find it now let me help you out and the old house basement is in a abandoned town on left of cave entrance" walking back the entrance then turning around to no longer see the fisherman and the lantern now rusted. Nelk in the corner of cell with lashes on her back "morning my pet will you behave today will lende today" getting shock for not still up with lengonvenu grabbing her be hair "listen my pet you going to get up or I'm to use a metal rod in your in your nursery" throwing her back on the ground then stilling up "yes the chores my lady" walking out of cell then seeing lende there smiling and getting a strange look. Walking for two day to an abandoned town "so this is where I find the next stone but the house basement" lifting the hammer up to air "no weird magic on this" walking from house to house and finding faw hatch leading to basements that not where the stone "what happen to this town no one here" hearing a sound coming form of one the houses then getting grabbing the sword. Moving to house but before enter grabbing a scarecrow throwing it at the doorway then a skeleton covered with thorny vines violently tearing the scarecrow jumping back while grabbing pitchfork, the thorny skeleton getting up turning to look at joringel with pulsing yellow sack at the jaw rushing at him impelling it but keep moving until the thorny skeleton break the pitchfork in half then rushing. Managing to dodge the attack then getting stuck on houses with a cut on the clothing on his left arm "maybe the the wield pulsing will kill it" drawing the sword and using the sheath as shield to move in to quickly stab the sack while the sheath sustained heavy damage, watching as the sack pulsing faster and popping seeing this back away going around the house then going to the shop find a breaked hatch going down the basement.

Seeing a living quarter with a locked door "this is what he meant" going over to the locked door able push it open "how long has this lock been rusty and what kind of lock is this" look at a lock weird twisted series of circles with a equally weird keyhole in the shape of Maja, going down the stairs to see the same the lock. Using the hammer to break it but upon doing so the hammerhead rusting away into nothing "the stone is here but it look fins to a fish" going to the stone looking the spine "why is connected to a spine" hearing a sound coming from the stairs grabbing his sword "hey boy let me help with that" the fisherman walking to stone "how long have been here" stopping at the stairs, garb the last one in graveyard north of the church. Nelk in the animal pin unable to still up and speak "my sweet little pet are for you walk" lende going into the pin garbing a collar "the blue, red, or yellow which one" "ahghs" putting the yellow collar on her "say my name" garbing the horse whip "lende" getting a stranger look "yes yes yes, can't wait for that boy toy of your to found dead" tear running her face, it not like your going to be able to do that once that king dead body is found. Walking for one day arriving at the graveyard looking around all the overgrow tombstone "how i'm gonna find the stone" examining the shovel seeing carved in "hored gambon" then looking at the tombstone with possible name on it, checking every stone and not finding it "fisherman what your name" looking to a broken tombstone spotting a fish made of stone turning to see a overgrow tombstone. Seeing a broken headstone, gathering the pieces seeing the name "samol gambon" digging and finding tail shape stone "you find the last one" handing the stone over "before I return to lengonvenu, I'll like to were you following me around" laughing "no I���m been dead for all the fortune teller know" confuse "how you a ghost able to physically interact with the outside world" made a deal with a fortune teller when I young.

The stones will be on mushroom grow "your just gattin drop it off there" looking around with no site of the fisherman "lende the king made good on his on word" lende looking sad "watch what i'm about to do, still girl" lengonvenu putting her at nelk midbody putting her hand thought then without damaging the body pulling out a yellow ball. What that master "it you child but underdevelopment" looking confuse "you took out my pet womb out" "no no no, when you rape nelk in the animal pin you got her pregnant" looking excited "my man meat you did work" looking strangely at her "I can home right?" "yes we are just waiting on joringel, please get her stuff and clean her" the shackles disappearing with the two walking to the witch's house. Joringel come in with the stone in wagen "as requested the stone are here" lengonvenu walking with the horse and nelk walking alongside her "i'm impressed you find the stone as promised your may have your possessions back" lende giving a disappointed look "what wrong with her" nelk polling him over "the faded weapon is on the horse so get going" the two going back to the kingdom of kotyuh with the one maids coming with news. The girl revealed her name, joringel going upstairs to the girl to see how much she with nelk tagging along "you the king joringel, I ketnavode lokenwoak" "what is healing you" the capsules.