
Witch bird(1596)

This is the story of joringel Calibrid, the prince and princess of the kingdom of kotyuh in a royal marriage with two eagerly waiting for the arrival of a Cajack with princess jorinda hoping to see what unique piece of jewelry from the artist only known six sister, joringel the prince goes to a local inn to be first. A red jacket merchant with sliding triple barrel crystallock an unusual pistol rarely used due to it shape, being able to buy it goes back to his but to dismay the princess was gone, the queen who was in the bathhouse at times noted that was a foul odor in and around the castle for a few days after a beautiful woman came in to sell some rare stones. he didn't know much about the odor but maybe some guards saw something with some seeing a fairy carrying a bird cage with an exotic bird then later going to the bar for some rumor with the red cajack sitting have drunk of the hard ale, Joringel walking to sit next to "what you want piggy" looking shocked "there is no need to ruth just what a birdcage being carried by a fairy means" looking at him. Laughing "That unusual fairy hate city and kingdom and a witch summon them to kidnap the princess but why" slumming his cup on the counter taking his bag of coins "what the hell" looking at him in the face, "Thank you for your thank you for payment in the morning we head off" confused "you know where the princess is" trust me that that it much stranger then it seem rich boy. The next day while the queen didn't approve of the aggression but appreciated the unconditional assistance giving a face of disgust to the red cajack one on the wagon while joringel gets sword form one the guards, once on the wosondie plains and far from the kingdom of kotyuh, great god that queen of your is stupid, she believed every word.

Jorinda kon waited for the necklace then saw a fairy playing around with some flowers at the window to scare it away but it threw a ball of shit at her, and before long found herself in a birdcage then the fairy began carrying her out of the kingdom. Why would you lie to the queen "that because I do not trust queen Elizabeth'' looking mad "what made you come to that conclusion" garbing his crystallock "get down" as bandits try to come from the side was shot through the armor as he screams in pain while the other to circle around them with one rushing using his arm as a shield but was stopped. screaming in pain and pulling joringel to him and kicking the bandit to the other one help, the prince horrified at the site of skin fading away in a violent manner as they got back on the wagon "this is how it feels to a wanted man with you on my side" looking at him "what horrors did you fire i've never seen anything like that before," how sheltered were you. Surely you would have heard stories mixing crystal powder together will grant you different effects "back to old manner at hand why do you not trust the queen there has to be clear cut reason" laughing "let's just said my sister was a nun at joakke ur nafka and when I what to visit her find out she was sold as a slave but when I arrived at kotyuh was dead by that point" sorry that was won king jodo was doing trying to do witch magic. Now you see my way joringel, entering into kajon woods to camp for the night "your going to need you to crush this in your hands mr. Calibrid" a foul smell that can be described as rotting corpse "you better explain red" laughing "that keep the goblin at bay but were also we are sleeping like humlin to" as he watches the hammocks on two trees "this is where we sleep tonight" is that how you usually travel.

Going to box in the wagon center container taking out a crystal salted meat sticks for long journeys "here I know your hungry" walking to him "come to think about you never actually gave me your name and this doesn't have any taste either" reloading the crystallock "right good im mathews red cajack get in your hammock before the goblin kill you" taking a meat sticks to his hammock. In the morning, they move into the town of hevlon "I still need to do my job as a merchant also the next town over is your stop" a little girl going up to joringel "thank for the purple ring there little one" looking at him "go to the inn and reserve a room for us" as him walk to inn as mathews watch closely until he made in, the lady at the desk looking surprise "prince joringel what are you doing" going up the desk "to check in and Princess jorinda was kidnapped so a red cajack is getting me a ride" the lady looking confused. Why would the queen send you without some knights then determinant a merchant to be enough "come to think about never gave me reason to why actually" giving the keys to his room "it strange but" once in the room looks for a place to sit but not close to window to read, mathews after selling most of his goods go to inn "are you the merchant queen Elizabeth weirdly trust" yes. There a request come with me, when exiting the back room joringel waiting at the desk "so getting lucking there" putting back on the jacket "shut up it gets lonely out there" the two going to there rooms.

On the next day, leaving the town "so where's the next town that close to the location of the princess being held captive" "it over to east in the helltooth wood with town of virasat" looking intrigued "only heard bad things about that neck of the woods" confuse "who feeding you this bullshit" what was said exactly. Have you been outside of the kingdom of the safely of your castle the safely of your room watch, drawing his crysallock shooting at some beautiful colorful birds flying around them and the horses "look at their beck it disgusting isn't it, within their becks is a tongue a tongue with a sharp instrument for blood" now looking scared. How depressing how could something beautiful be so evil this just applies to animals right "humans too are both beautiful and ugly, right and wrong, evil and good, nothing in this world is black and white" "everyone at the castle is good to me and I have not seen anything suspicious" after traveling a long way in the purgatory plains "there are trees around how do we protect ourselves in this situation" going to the wagon then making space. here and do not worry, the blanket is made in a way that goblin eyes can't see it true colour also pop other one, throwing masking pennant then going sleep while waking up and setting everything in order then group of bandits six of them shows up "do you know any sword techniques" looking nervous "was never allowed to train in swordsmanship" "even when requested" nodding yes. Will shit do not swing around recklessly, drawing a short sword and crysallock as two rush at mathews shooting at one then moving to the other in order to stop the momentum of the blade, shooting the bandit then using the body as a shield to block the attack of other bandit while moving carefully to slit his throat while two are run to joringel, shooting one and dodging the attack of other putting away the crysallock.

The bandit swinging his axe while one swings goes in taking a hit in chainmail embedded gaveston jacket stabbing his in the neck while joringel holding up his sword as the bandit swing around but is stab from behind "are you ok there they all dead" looking at him "let's get moving" the two get on the wagon with joringel reloading the crysallock. The travel for a while keeping an eye for bandits until they saw female knight an odd site indeed as the got closer "what you doing away from your kingdom royal maiden" stopping her horse "i'm gawnerella Calyhony royal knight of espoir de cristal as your service" "what a royal knight doing out here" looking at joringel "aren't you the prince of kotyuh and did you get permission to leave" looking at him. Smells like the queen has plan "she not an evil person and wouldn't try anything funny" mathew getting the attention of gawnerella "to get to the point the princess was kidnapped in her room bay a fey creature" looking confused "they despise human establishments why in the name of father gikwan, a witch of ill attempt is behind this" continuing on the path to virasat. So your accompanying to virasat "yes because you're walking target" fair enough "she leaving after we reach our destination correct" "yes as the increase of bandits will put you in greater danger and your cajack wouldn't be able to protect you if outnumbered" drinking from his canteen "wise words, normally I wouldn't listen to a woman but in this case shining maiden has a point" when noon hits. There a tree large enough tree over to set up some hammocks "good eye gawnerella" "how are you going to take off your armor to sleep for not tear the hammock" "that simple knights have servants help with that and cleaning it, your better off getting in the good graces of a kingdom or city when traveling" after getting to tree mathew help take off the surface armor leaving the chainmail.

After traveling for five day on purgatory plains some more bandit attack with mathew getting a slight cut on his leg while joringel received more visible cut on his right arm, gawnerella receiving a broken left hand form a maze then gives her a quick heal medicine for her hand. Finally the bandit were getting really annoying "so this is helltooth woods looks more peaceful then I imagine" both gawnerella and mathew looking at some torn up body "is that normal" "you haven't heard of greentooth witch that kills anybody who see it bathe in a lake" gawnerella looking over "wow your one hell of a sheltered child aren't you" after much walking they arrive at virasat. The three check in to the town inn then go to the bar "finally something with flavor" "should you be thanking me for bringing you here sheltered royal" gawnerella putting a plate of food in front of them "you two behave also mathew has a point after all and did pay him back at kotyuh too" "right, thank you for accepting my request" also mathew why are you so hard on others did something happen that you do not want to talk about. Looking at her "let just said yes to that" sitting down with the two "so what your destination merchant" finishing the cup "some place call the castshroom in west malhen to set up a trade route and you" smiling "i'm going to joakke ur nafka for the father gikwan warrior ceremonial only the best of the best get invited" joringel finishing eating, has there been female there before. I'm the first one actually because the tribes people seem to have a strict moral code about foreign religion "that strange they allow a cajack merchant thought but not foreign religion" "have anybody try talking to the tribe folks about that" "like your opportunism but take it from the one more knowledgeable about the subject" the narsakej will imprison and cannibalize, gaskzako will enslave you and treat you like property, and diirovqe are peaceful enough to explain.

After resting at the inn gawnerella starts making her way to joakke while mathew was getting really, call joringel "here a spinning triple barrel crystallock some old lady in purple asks me to deliver it. also the castle is over there" are you keeping the box? Wait days for rescue Princess jorinda was hopeful that somebody is on the way, sing a beautiful song to maybe attract some attention while the other birds sing along but along nobody then some crows one of light purple and one of dark purple flying in through the open roof, the light purple landing on the witch's head freezing her in place. Dark purple landing on thin air in front of jorinda "hope here, joringel way, give power, light control" as dark purple flying with light purple following not before taking a shit on the witch then freaking and speaking in an unknown language. Finding the small box castle going up to the door find unlocked but was surprised to find that it was bigger on the inside than on the outside moving up some stairs to a hail full of bird cages and in the distance spot a witch yaping at some birds sneaking up as she was going down a ladder pointing the crytallock at her face. Pulling out a scroll with word of the common language of malhen ``what are you doing here malhen folk want do you what with me" holding it closer to her face "I'm here for princess one of your feys kidnapped bring her now" getting out of her of robes revealing a body that resembles an insect in a way with a shell on several parts of her body except the lower arms and legs, flying like an insect but more elegantly.

Bring a cage "you are brave but also foolish as such you be reward for both, a royal steel able to run the earth but you and all born within your walls will not be able to rescue or steal king of kotyuh "very will then thanks for your cooperation fey witch" getting on the gorgeous horse for a king within a day. Upon making it to the kingdom queen Elizabeth crowned as the new king and queen jorinda then made her way to recently built mansions settling in as the king open the cage but to his dismay birds into young dark skinned girl at the age of six as maid run up to put a robe around the girl. She became violently ill rather quickly that after a doctor cure her contact became limited to a few maids and the king, with language scholars trying to find words she knows not even narsakej, diirovqe, and gaskzako nor the ancient variant worked. They started teaching the common language and week later queen jorinda appeared in a home of collector.