
knights beginning (1590)

This is the story of gawnerella Calyhony, yes it an old friend of my "so what there name" "Fynlo korr would be the he name" looking surprised "why a traveling jeater" gawnerella holding father gikwan shield "i'm waiting for fynlo to by come" holding it up to horved hutson "it for you hutson" garbing it "thanks gawn" after some time of the later being sent fynlo arriving with two of his wifes. The three entering the throne room "it alway pleasure to by your side lady Cinderella" "it a joy your were able to make today" gawnerella happy to him "fynlo korr of the fynlo seven and are they they two of the seven wifes your known for'' licking his lips "yes young gawnerella we bing blessing of mother gikcon, fertility, childbirth, and family" thank you. Three maids striping down naked and grabing the statue taking them to her room, fynlo getting up "my lady may you lead me to your room" walking up to him and taking his hand "may we start my road to knighthood" the two walking "you go somewhere in town while I grant her wish" after hours of making love, a letter was sent to joakke ur nafka to get armor made in the design in the fashion of the gods while keep it in line of espoir de cristal fashion. After getting birth to the child, horved started her knight training "pick up a sword and attack" picking it up running and spinning the sword as horved grab her from behind half sword the point of the black at the eyes "here lays the gawnerella, dead form a stupid mistake" leting go of her "it does work as well as does in books" getting up, I'll start by teaching you essentials and put you to train with the other knight. A year of training gone buy while cinderella got pregnant with second child as veter jogone wish to have them continuing the family blacksmithing tradition as permission for gawnerella to accompany lossen kenge to help the town of kitedon "give it back" bullies taking the book while the other hold gretel Abella "that rude to take a book form girl" one of the bullies "no this is mine book" hitting the bullies head and taking the book.

The bullies running away "what your name" giving the book "gretel abella" "your gavson abella daughter" looking at her "your readed my father book" "well haven't gotten around to reading it yet got busy" looking at letter "can you escorts me to a witch doctor graham huan" "why so" hugging the book, a maid saw the book and delivered it next day. Looking at the book "a book of medicine" walking away "let take you to see him" after walking gretel to graham "think gawnerella" horved walking the corner "there you are" turning to him "horved how everything on you end" the two walking "it the king gilno, he decide to add to your job" confuse "for what reason" "your devotion to the gikakwan religions" "so I'm being us political reason" no it deliver of artifacts we found out on the field. And they were gikakwan origin but why not just send a nun form the church of gikcon "your only one in our ranks that is devotion enough faith to it as the maids are familiar with the tradition while knights have faith in the king" "so it would be more respectful to send me instead" "I try talking him out but he insisted on you but I'm worry about them coming seen your a target to be sold back to us for money" moving front. It alright you trained after all I had my child so in the name of etinstvin calyhony I will not fail you "hey" a theater dancer running to them "have you seen my dog anywhere" gawnerella looking at forvonde bathory "we'll put a word out you" "'I'll start looking for the dog and tell the other" walking to the castle, lossen seeing her "where horved at" "he's helping forvonde find her dog" anywhere are you up to date. Yes I was info on this "that good to hear but other news the size of our company has increased to conversate for the merchandise we have" "yes but I can't stop to feel uneasy about this like, we have a bigger threat with me and the artifact" looking her "there nothing to worry about with us in the ranks" later that night in her room picking up the book the hero of malhen, only got this few days age I have time to read before tomorrow.

In the morning, as gawnerella and lossen with group of knights leaving the kingdom feeling a shock going through her neck then looking into a alleyway "you alright" "just got nervous" traveling to kitedon while keeping eye out for scout "have you you seen a naked beauties scout yet" a knight looking around, it all seem clear. Did you find anything "no haven't seen every anything" gawnerella telling story at the campsite "if you hear anything notify us" when everyone was asleep while three knights were on grards that night "it all most time to rotate" an arrow with a blue crystal coating going in between the helmets eye sockets freezing the head completely that it shattered off of the body as the same happened with the other two. Woking up "what wong lady gawnerella" grabbing her sword "something don't feel right. My neck was hit by something, the two running out of the tent as other knights surround the perimeter as a bandit running at gawnerella as lossen parry and slashed his throat while she slashed one bandit arm casing the weapon to be drop then getting shot by fellow knight, a naked beautie captain coming from behind. Holding gawnerella tight while a dagger with at her throat "try it or she dies" walking back as the bandit stood in front as he held on to her "we are to have fun with you tonight" licking her ear "you bastard" "wonder if we plug that mouth her will she be willing to return to her mother" "we'll be playing rough with her tonight'' a conehead coming from the tree hit the captain head killing him "where the hell did that come from" the knight charging in. After all the bandits were all killed, the bodies of the dead were recovered while the injured were treated "how did they know we were coming? Something didn't seem right." arriving at the town the kitedon, the chief seeing the knights coming into town "glad to see you made it safely lady gawnerella" getting off the horse "heard that you had some bandit troubles" lossen getting off, what do you know about the happening.

It start with with one of the girls that want missing came running form outside of the town, half nude and beaten so when we took her in immediately "so that why female in town are on edge'' a maid came by getting some tea for them, it likely that they plan this as a team attack us on the way try to kidnap gawnerella. Your saying that this was plan, gawnerella drinking "when should we expect that they will come'' lossen getting out a map "they likely hiding at the rock form" an arrow shoot through the window with small bag containing four finger bone and a letter "what this'' handing it over her to look "so a slave master wishes to our me" looking disgusted "my lady we'll make it through the night and the honor of espoir de cristal will not tarnished. The two walking to the inn "wonder who put a mark on me" "it must have been someone in the kingdom that that invade with naked beauties or some other slave group" "we are going to have to investigate this we get back" going in the inn while a woman looking at sheet of paper that appears to have color coated beans hold a hidden manner "master gawnerella and master lossen" do you something drink. Looking at him "did you not like tea?" "the scholar in me didn't want to be rude at the inclusion of red leaf tea" going into their rooms with gawnerella seeing a clay rectangle object "what this'' picking up the object with it breaking up to reveal a paper with the words ``mole in the ranks, lazy eye side scar" the name was smeaded the clay, late that night walking to lossen room, knocking the on the door. Something wrong, setting on the bed "find paper in me room" handing it to him "so we a mole" "it seem that someone is trying to use or it just a trick" "considering the attack we can't let our guard down" giving the note to her "get some sleep while towns lookout tower are keeping up safe" the next day after lossen help gawnerella put on the armor "we should go to the tower and a use a telescope" walking to the tower to the town guard.

Up here you need to see this, gawnerella going up the ladder and being hand the telescope to see a plank of wood with the demanding her by this night "get everyone into shelter as soon as sunset" going down "is it as bad as it seems" "they are going to attack at night, so get our knight ready" the knight setting up spears around the town the town guard man the mounted ten barrel spinning base muskets. That night as the got in position, as toxin gas cone heads were shot at the town guards releasing a gas around the mounted muskets ``damn it, there go that'' a bandit walking in range to be heard "give us gawnerella, the client at hocth coit in Sandena and we'll leave you alone with no buff" lossen looking at her, how would we trust you. Listen we spared dues we made deal we for the daughter of royalty expedition with explicit request, we settle this in the most peaceful way possible so would you kindly "want if I refuse to go to this unknown place" "isn't it obvious you're join the other girls in pleasure thought force or not, property of hocth coit'' looking at her intensely "make your decision now, missy or when I walk back to the group the attack start" the man walking back slowly. Upon getting back to his horse and blowing a whistle "bring her back to the wagan alive" the bandit walking while the shielding the variable parts "move behind me" as the bandit started running to the while the knights halded up spears then explosions form ground killing most and leaving pieces around the ground "there coming from behind us as will" gawnerella yelling "get the strowders" the knight staying close to the town. Gawnerella moving into town fight some of the bandits than made it to while being aid by a follow knight "get her quickly" as a bandit ran to disarm gawnerella but a knight came by to parry, the bandit moving away to get his arm deeply cut forcing him to drop the weapon "get behind me" the two back to back as two bandit run at Gawnerella while one was going for the knight.

Gawnerella drawing out a five barrel spinning Crystallock with each barrel engraved with god of gikakwan religion while the body was blue, gold and silver female lining the side of the crystallock, shooting the two running her way and quickly hostored it as the knight killed the going for him "that last of them" lossen running to her, thank gikxuk your safe. Good to see you alright lossen "let go of me" a bandit being held hostage "we are going to question about this" taking the bandit to town house to torture him and get inform out, after they were done gon sokurov looking over to gawnerella "decide will live or will dies in hell" holding the crystallock toward her "it alright I my own" drawing the blue prayer up to the bandit face with finger on the trigger. If you defect I'll spared your, the bandit over to her crotch "of course an-" shooting he as the rest of the body twitches from lightning while crisping up "fool may the Angel of punishment serve you well" walking away "tend to the wounded before tomorrow" lossen walking to her "you heard her get to work" two walking outside "say that was bit cold from our perspective gawn" his body was just a vessel. I'm familiar with most of the teaching but it how you don't hesitate to shot "don't you pay attention to his voice and actions" "who taught this" "mother lovlie at the church of gikcon" "really what was her story, she must had one to make you think like this" "she told me about how she blindly believed a ship captain just to herself in a barrel naked. Later on being rescued by a knight of joakke ur nafka '' that would explain your coldness. The next day, the explosions from when did they come from the other "if the chief didn't know we do not" gon looking at a the tree "do you think that maybe gawn has a guardian angel perhaps" "if make you feel any better we have to scout area before hand" traveling without issue thought the mountain road until reaching the town of jazoton "something didn't look right, look at the wall over there" stop they are pointing there mounted muskets.

The gates opening as a girl at the age 13 with two town guards "did you take my father away" gawnerella getting off the horse and walking to the girl "what happen my sweet child" holding the crystallock at face "bandit dress up in the your armor and one of the hunting group came back noting that the bandit got shot form the trees" shot by the trees. One of town guards point his musket to gawnerella "show us poof" lossen signing to walking a wounded knight in site of town, the other guard walking to check him "there real" going through the gate "right sorry about that, so what you name" "gawnerella Calyhony and yours" "what you should have said that sooner also I'm gainlo yu" the two the walking the mayor house with lossen talking with one hunter who escaped. I know this may be sudden please rescue my father "sorry but your dad maybe dead by now" pulling out a holy gikxuk necklace "I'll report this to gik priests over in joakke ur nafka" "fine I'll join up and create a search party starting tomorrow on the words of family and honor" walking outside to see gon looking at her with the lazy eye side scar then walking away into the bar, your done with the girl. I'll talk to you in private "were go to the inn for'' walking the a room "what on your mind" "gainlo yu what us to rescue her father" "what a tall order but we just going to bring back corpse anyways, so might as well bring some closure to this. tomorrow in the morning at the search party we'll be really" that night woke up from a sound coming from the door "who up at this time" seeing the window open. That odd why is it open, walking to close it find a drawing on the inside lining up with the gate along with the some of men holding a women, the women had light behind her head as three men with one having lazy eye side scar "so this must be a guardian angel form gikxuk itself warring me about something" the sound from the door stopped "let just go be to sleep" a moment later hearing lossen and gon talk about something couldn't make out what was being say.

The next morning, going out to meet the search party "lossen your not coming with us" "no I've staying here with troops while gon has your back" looking over to him "may the angel of protection be with us" riding out of town to follow tracks to a castle that look old but recently used "this should be the place" getting off the horses. Gawnerella giving a signal for the knight to circle around the castle side as she goes in with three knights as they ran in the front garden, going through door to see that who was here lift a while ago "gawn there some stair" running down to a basement to find body of hunting group long dead "let report back" the basement closing "my lady let us open this'' the two of the knight to try and from force it open. Toxin gas armor heads were shot the knights blocking there way "damn it look if there secret passageway" while gon and the remaining try to fight the ambush but had to retreat and regroup "sounds like they retreating'' once the knights were away a woman in dark green outfit with a mask resembling eastern figure mixed with a Narsakej god jumping from a tree into the garden "that nice jump girl, a bit young to be walking alone" attack the bandit with a hidden blade slashing his neck. Garbing the sword from the falling body then throwing it at a bandit in side of her, stabbing his heart then walking inside, a bandit coming down the stairs with a knife tips with a sleep poison "we got a live one" grabbing the bandit and breaking his arms then using the body as shield while one shoot a some arrow with hitting his vital spots killing him. Running at the bandit with the body then throwing it and garbing the his neck snapping it, going out the backdoor to kill the rest "the fighting stopped maybe gon succeeded after out" looking at the body "how long does the toxin gas last" "2 hour at most if they were using a half shot" gawnerella sitting on the ground "so we have to be patience then" after some hour they regroup with the rest then pick up the body's of hunting group back to jazoton.

There here open the gate, gainlo running to gawnerella "did you find them are they dead or alive" grabbing her hand to show the body's, upon seeing them she ran back to mayor house "how did you do out two are missing" looking over to lossen "can we speak in private" after burying the body's, I believe that the same group attack us before. How so tell me the story "what was strange about the whole, was that there was no one in site until I and three knights went into the basement then two got shot while trying to open the door. Toxin gas armor heads shot and blocked our way, then a few moments heard some fighting but was done the instant." "do you know what this fighter look like or at less the sex of this peason" only heard something about a female. Enhanced human maybe but let be grateful that a stranger came to your help "I'll promised a sparring session with one of the town folks may we speak later" after the sparring session to a bathhouse to clean as lossen scrubbing gawnerella back "out of curiosity when did he get that scar" "I never asked seen I finger that someone with his skill got in scuffle of equal skill" looking over to his bath. After scrubbing his back and then sitting gon bath "just to ask how did you get that scar" "interesting you ask about this old thing" getting conterful "it started when my wife and child long age when I was still young, I gone hunting then saw my home being borked into with my wife fighting the bandit off. My daughter was not in sight so while in to battle she took hit for me until the last one." did she live. No, when dodged three of the blades got my right eye leaving my open, that when she came to the resume and kill the woman about to finish me off "what happen to your daughter" "never found her but the only clue I got was from my wife dying breath, which was gone playing with some friends and never found her" "hope you reunite with her one day under the light of gikxuk" "well think you gawn" the next morning, the group start making there to the virasat.

Are the folks that religion alway so hopeful or is it just to hide dark secret "the church exist them as that not a part of there principal or teaching" "so the religion has standards interesting alway thought was some kind of hidden agenda under the nudeness" "there likely groups that deviate that are outcasts'' most likely. Traveling along the road careful as not fall for the bandit traps until arriving the town of virasat going thought the gate, slen hutson saw her coming into town then walking to her "long time no see gawnerella how has your faith in the only one" looking happy "it been divine lady slen but shouldn't you be at temple of gikxuk" right, about that one of the nun died from a bug bite. Lossen walking by "we'll give you some space to hang out, meet up with us at the inn later" slen and gawnerella walking to the church of father gikwan "by the sound of things you had to be pulled from your studies abruptly" "yes got the news from mother sdsanly when the training was for day as everyone were surprised by the gik priest. Then we were chosen by him in the process of combat, knowledge, and faith" what should you be expecting a replacement. Mother zantik is what the word picky about who adopted under the care of the father in virasat" at the church "so espoir de cristal is allowing female join the rank of knights I see, especially the young ones" "mother she cinderella daughter" poking her boobplate "mother gikcon sure made the blacksmith job harder so what your offspring name" etinstvin calyhony. Etinstvin is blessed to have you "thanks mother zantik I'm sure she would be happy to hear that" slen grabbing gawnerella hand "may I get to showing her around the church, mother" after getting a tour she return the inn that lossen check in "is lossen here at the inn" turn to her "he what to the archery range with some of the townsfolk" upon going outside of the knights came walking up her, gawn can you do me a favor.

What crossing your mind "gon what to help someone find their son after going to play in the wood and I'm kind of worried" "no need to be a worried worm, he trained in espoir de cristal as a knight so he should be fine but if you're that worried then go yourself" "well one farm owner has reported that some livestock has gone missing" the naked beauties only livestock is woman. Is there anything about a missing person "yes the farmer I mentioned before" "that not the one the gon after right" "no he only ask to find the son seen the father get a letter from the mother also the missing a leg" "let go meet the farmer" "before we go where did you overhear this?" "a nun at the church so let's get going" walking to the farmer "where did you last see your daughter at. She was feeding the animals in the barn but didn't come back so I check and nelik wasn't there" "was there anything strange about the barn when you what there" "yes the diet a was kick all over the place with some blood likely form her daggers but was found on the ground" "was there an alternate way in, perhaps something you do not know about" "your may be right but please make hassle" my lady we have until tomorrow so let get done and over with. Once at the barn looking for clubs, the knight finds some loose broads ``find something take a look over '' moving the broads to footprints of some kind animal tracks look different from normal one "a witch breast came through here? Or maybe not'' gawnerella taking at the then "there human not witches" "how are you able to tell" the knight taching the footprints. The witch magic when use alway leave coldspots even if they make homunculus or a chimera" looking over to her "how did you know that" "fandollin tell me after having my child" "it was after hearing the story of the changeling" "was it obvious" the knight stilling up let follow "let so which way it leads" following the prints to a tree with naked girl tried to it with her a sigh "property of gordon'' the girl seeing them, it been two day can I some help.

Upon getting off the tree she "thank for help church of the father will hear about this, your name" "gawnerella would be my and this hord" the girl bowing "thank I'll be returning back to me father" the girl running back to the farm "that settle it but I expecting more from this" pushing hord, we should get moving this gordon people don't sit will. Walking back to farm seeing the farmer and the girl waving at them "were not being followed interesting" "I understand why you worried but if your like that all the time, your never get the more out of life" after the eating and talking them gawnerella, she went to archery range to see lossen "impressing the ladies" "knight can't get rusty on the trip" on the next day, as everyone left the town of virasat. Gon was looking around on their travels to joakke ur nafka while dead body of the naked beauties were found around days away from town "the guardian angel most have done" "there must be rational explanation to this" "perhaps an unseen bodyguard of which would explain why she was rescue earlier in jazoton" upon arriving in joakke ur nafka the group were greeted by a priest and lead to the inn while lossen, gawnerella, and some knights. Once at the grand castle a young mountain girl looking at priest "go get taggone voyyuw "he's in his workshop I'll send a nun over" the girl going to a backroom "how long are we going to wait" gawnerella looking at them "be patience the grand priest is a busy man" after an hour of waiting grand priest voyyuw came with three nuns "where the artifacts we hear about, also gawn we like to carry one of them to the three sister" would you like me to help. The nuns are here for thanks for asking, after striping down naked and getting a mask of father then started walking to the three sisters.