
58 Can't Control Myself

King Sebastian and Queen Thea sat at the long dining table waiting for Freya's arrival.

Sebastian told the Queen of Viridia about their dangerous adventures in the past few days, obviously skipping the parts where he and Freya had made love countless times, and he expressed his worry about having a spy in his ranks.

"The death of Abigail tells me that your palace staff can't be trusted. Even Shira told me of her doubts in your Captain."

"Tallon?" Sebastian frowned, "Tallon has served me since I was a boy, we trained together everyday. I have raised him from nothing to Captain of the Royal Army, and he is the highest paid soldier and reaps unlimited benefits."

"Everyone has a price Sebastian," Thea warned him, "Keep an eye on everyone close to you."

"Who's close to you?" Freya asked.

"Oh, Freya join us. Your husband is starving yet he waits for you, how polite," Thea raised her eyebrows at her daughter.

"Yes mother," Freya nodded and took her seat opposite Sebastian.