
Untitled Part 44

"Incoming" Maggie yells as a trauma comes in.

A man with a knife in his jugular

That's the trauma.

"Good God" Sienna frowns as the paramedic relays the vitals.

"Get him to the hybrid trauma" She instructs. "The knife is in his jugular, nobody move a muscle. I need an intern with steady hands to hold it up"

"I can do it" a shy intern volunteers. He holds the knife steady until Sienna has sown up all the vessels around the wound. She then grabs it out of the intern's hand and yanks the knife out of the jugular. She is quick to sew up the wound without shedding any of the man's blood.


Sienna finishes out her day with a triple car crash where a mom died. It was heart breaking and damn unfair and just... just the worst ending to a shitty week.

It's Friday evening and she has the week off. A weekend of hell being at home with a husband who thinks you don't exist.

She walks into an empty house and plops down on the sofa, mentally spent – exhausted. Her body is sore, her eyes are burning. All she wants is sleep. Forget food, just sleep.

Her phone rings disturbing a deep sleep on the couch. She groans and answers without checking the caller ID.


"Si" Herrmann's voice comes over the phone, "You better come down to Molly's. We have a problem"

"I'm on my way" She grabs her shoes and drives off to the pub. When she gets there she sees Jay and a random guy fighting. Cursing under her breath she waits for Herrmann to approach her which he does in a split second. "What happened? Who is that guy?"

"I don't know. The guy sat at the bar drinking when all of the sudden Jay came in and punched him. They yelled, threw some more punches and Kelly broke it off. I called you."

"Thanks Herrmann" She smiles and walks to Jay. She gives a barely-existent smile to Kelly and pushes Jay's chest until he backed off.

"What the hell are you doing?" She narrows her eyes, "Are you out of your goddamn mind picking a fight with a complete stranger?"

"He's not a complete stranger. You don't remember him Sienna?"

"Jay what are you talking abo-" She looks at the man again. The cold fear of recognition plagues her. She swallows, "Oscar"

"Hallo Sienna."

"He's not worth getting arrested Jay" She whispers to him. "Let's go home"

He frowns, "Fine."


She apologises to both Herrmann and Kelly and helps Jay out of the building.

"He's not worth it Jay. I don't know why he's in Chicago, but he's not worth it."

Jay gives her a bewildered look, "He tried to kill me and you, Si"

"Everyone tried to kill each other, we were at war Jay." She whispers, "That doesn't mean you fight him about stuff that happened 16 years ago."

"He confessed that he was paid off to harass you, and then to kill me and you. He was on our team and he just betrayed us."

"I need to bury the hatchet with the war Jay, otherwise I won't make it. Please, let's let Afghanistan go, and all the shit that happened with it."

Jay swallows, "You might have made peace with what happened – a child getting raped in front of you, your partner's head getting blast off; the thing that happened with John. How can you be at peace with it?"

"I'm not" She screams, "I'm trying to make peace with it. Everything that happened has been eating me alive since it happened. I can't get pregnant because of what happened in Afghanistan. My marriage is in shit and there's nothing I can do about it, but I can try to bury Kabul. I need to bury Kabul."

He shakes his head in a bitter hate, "Well I can't, because I lost almost everyone in my life and if Oscar stays in Chicago, I know I'm going to lose you as well"

"What are you talking about?" She's suddenly calm and collected as she stares at him. They have arrived at her house a few minutes ago, and are now drinking coffee.

"Oscar is coming after us, he says he has proof that John's death wasn't an accident. I woke up to him threatening me this morning. He's going to bury us Sienna"

She frowns, "John's death was accidental. He got shot by a fugitive"

He has a look of pure guilt on his face, which gnaws on her. "Right?"

Jay clenches his jaw, the anger evident, "John was a rat. He had what was coming to him"

"That doesn't answer my question."

"I see you're still obsessed with Fizzers" She hears a man behind her while she was eating the green sticky sweet she loves so much.

"What do you want Oscar?"

He smirks, "You ruined my life; you all did. It's time you pay"

"I really have no idea what you're talking about, Oscar" She throws the wrapper away in the dustbin and starts walking to her car from the hospital where she just finished an 11-hour shift.