
Chapter 64

Antonio doesn't even glance up from his phone in the morning as everyone walk into the 21st District. He smirks at the message from Becky, or is it Britney? Well, whatever the name is, she's a feisty one in bed.

"Seen your wife lately?" Jay snarls causing Adam and Hayley to walk up to the duo, ready to do damage control if things get nasty between the former friends.

"She's probably shagging up with Kelly Severide"

Jay scoffs bitterly, "She isn't the one responsible for the infidelity in this marriage, trust me. She's staying with me, you'd know that if you actually gave two shits about her"

Antonio snarls, "Do me a favour and fuck off, alright?"

"Fucking prick" Jay mumbles and storms up to his desk. Hayley and Adam exchange glances and walk away.

'Operation resenting Antonio Dawson' is well underway, with everyone in the Windy City pretty much ignoring him. They are all ashamed of his actions towards his wife who only ever loved him.


Three Months Ago

Sienna got discharged just a few minutes ago with Jay picking her up. She's eager to leave the hospital bed so Choi's demands are falling on death ears.

He gives her a smirk when she asks when she can work again.

"When I'm happy with your progress, we can discuss it"

Sienna rolls her eyes with a dramatic sigh, "You better clear me soon, Ethan Choi, or I'll personally castrate you"

He laughs, "Always so dramatic"

Jay gives his best friend a smirk, "Come Fizzy, I have plenty of Fizzers waiting at home for you"

"You do love me" She says and sits down in the wheelchair. Jay rolls her out to the car after she said goodbye to all her colleagues and drives her off to his apartment.

When they are alone and away from prying eyes and ears, her façade breaks and soon she's overwhelmed with sadness.

"He hasn't come to visit once" She says softly.

Jay sighs, "He's not worth your tears Si."

Tears roll down her cheeks, "I know he isn't but it's still... I wanted to grow old with him, Jay. I was ready to spend my life with him. We made vows, we got married, we have a house – dogs – and now...now he just hates me"

"Do you really want to be with a man that burned you twice?"

"Of course not" She mumbles, "I just wonder what happened – what the fuck did I do?"

"Fucking nothing" He yells, "Antonio's a dead fucking man walking. That I guarantee you, once I'm done with him"

Sienna smiles and hugs her best friend, "I love you"

He calms down, "I love you too. You should rest"

"I should eat fizzers"

He laughs loudly, "I'll get them for you."


With the help of Kelly, Adam, Gabby and Maggie, Jay finally got everything of Sienna packed up at the house she shares-- with Antonio. He takes the dogs as well and then locks the house, throwing the key in the garden. For all he cares someone can come in and rob Antonio blind.

Jay knows how much Sienna loved this house, how much effort she put in to make it a home, and he'll make sure she gets this house in their divorce settlement.

Sienna has picked up the papers from her lawyers a few days ago, but she doesn't have the heart to file it. She doesn't have the heart to divorce Antonio Dawson.

He was her first love, and she saw a future with him. But you get burned once, and you should reconsider the relationship – burned twice and he's history.


Antonio walks into Molly's with a new girl on the arm. A perfectly proportioned voluptuous red head hanging onto his every word

Gabby gives her brother a disgusted look as she sits at the bar. It's her night off and all she wants is to drink with her sister in law and friends. Kelly makes sure Sienna doesn't see her husband.

She served him papers a week ago but he has made no effort to sign them yet.

"How long until you can drink again, Doc?" Herrmann asks as he pours her another glass of soda. She sighs with a pout, "two more weeks. The first thing I'm drinking is a big glass of gin and tonic"

Kelly chuckles at her, "In two weeks we'll celebrate properly – we'll host a 'Sienna can drink party'

Sienna nods excitedly while Gabby and Herrmann chuckles at her enthusiasm.

"I'll drink to that" Gabby says, downing a shot of Tequila. "I'm sleeping the entire day tomorrow."

"I'm done sleeping" Sienna says, "Forever done with being in bed and doing nothing"

"You're a dramatic person" Kelly jokes with her causing her to snort. "Ain't that the truth"

She turns around when movement catches her attention and see Antonio and his bimbo walking up to them.

"Can we join in the party?" He asks, his brown eyes glazy.

"Get lost Antonio" Kelly says.

"Did you say something Severide?" The detective snaps.

Kelly stands up, the two men in a hefty staring contest. The tension is thick and the testosterone in overdrive.

"I said get lost. You didn't want to talk to your wife before, so why now?"

"What I do with my wife is none of your fucking business"

Kelly smirks coldly, "I was there for your wife when you couldn't bother getting off your fucking ass. When you were too busy worrying about some criminals I helped her. She was in a car accident and almost died, but you didn't give a shit. You still don't. You don't deserve her, and you never have."

Antonio directs his attention to Sienna who is trying her hardest to stay strong. Herrmann is now standing next to her, protecting her and shielding her from... fuck... he never thought he'd have to shield her from Antonio Dawson.

"I deserved more than her. I deserved someone who could actually give me a baby"

Sienna is furious now, not sad anymore, but so angry she can blow a gasket.

"It's not a fucking woman's job to give arrogant, idiotic, manwhores a fucking child. If you're too shallow and pathetic to wait for an adoption centre, then you don't deserve me. You begged me for forgiveness not even 9 months ago and now you're doing the exact same thing? Get fucking lost Antonio, because I'm done with you. I'm filing the papers tomorrow and then I never want to see you again." She storms out of Molly's and breaks down as soon as she's outside.

She finally did it

She finally got over him.