
Chapter 62

Sienna wakes up to the smell of a cheese burger. Her mouth instantly waters. All she had these last few days was hospital macaroni and jelly.

Honestly, how the hospital hasn't been sued for their crappy dull food is a miracle.

She cracks open an eye and sees Kelly sitting on the chair next to her with a burger in his hand. "I hope you brought me one, otherwise you're going to be kicked out of this room"

The rescue squad lieutenant laughs loudly, "I have brought you one, and a double fudge milkshake"

"You are a good man Kelly Severide" She welcomes the food with open arms and immediately takes a bite.

"Oh God this is amazing. Can someone please tell the hospital's chef that this is how food should taste?"

He snickers, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm perfectly fine, enough to be discharged"

"No can do princess" Maggie walks into her room and takes a sip of the milkshake earning a whack over the head from Sienna.

"Don't touch my food"

"Come on, I got arrested today"

"What?" Both Kelly and Sienna exclaim.

"Yeah, a cop wanted to interview a perp but he needed surgery so I stood in the way of her getting to him. They have arrested me for obstruction of justice. Sharon got me out in an hour's time."

"Oh my God Mags, I thought I was the risk taker between the two of us but well done, I'm proud."

Maggie grabs a handful of fries and grins, "Visiting hours is over in half an hour Kelly. I'll see you later, sweet cheeks" she directs to Sienna and walks out of the room.


It's almost midnight and Sienna has been alone for two hours. Kelly left right after the third warning from Maggie. She has been watching Friends since he left.

"God, it's hot in here" She mumbles to herself throwing off the blanket. It's the middle of winter yet she's wearing a tank top and pajama shorts with no cover over her. She knows the hospital has never been warm.

Sienna touches her forehead and feels her skin burning up. She drinks a sip of water to cool down but her throat feels constricted all of the sudden. "What the hell?" She whispers. She suddenly feels nauseous.

"I shouldn't have ate all the fries" She whispers and tries to fall asleep. Like a bolt of lightning, she grabs the bed pan under her bed and throws up. The red clotted blood in the pan scares her.

What the hell is happening? ** Sienna immediately pushes the assistance button and soon Dolores walks in.

"What's up butterc-" She stops at the blood on Sienna's hand where she wiped it away from her mouth.

"I feel..." Sienna stops as another pang of nausea bursts through her. She throws up again – this time Dolores is in time to hold back her hair.

"I throw up blood, I feel nauseous and I'm burning up. ..." She throws up again, her eyes are burning with tears as she coughs. She has no energy left. Dolores calms her down and wipes her mouth and hands. She takes the bed pan out of Sienna's trembling hands.

"Alright, I'm going to put you on fluids and get you a cooling blanket, okay, just hold on for me. You'll be fine" Sienna nods, "thanks...Dolores"

"Page Choi 911 to Roberts's room." She tells a younger nurse. "You got it" The blonde says and pages the doctor. He comes running in to Sienna's room. Her fever hasn't broke; and she's still vomiting up blood.

Dolores isn't sure how many litres of blood are still in her body. It can't be much.

"What happened?" Choi asks.

"She complained about nausea; and a fever. Her temp is at 110; she's dehydrated and her airway is constricted"

Choi frowns, "check her chart, did they prescribe blood thinners for her?"

"No, nothing." Dolores says.

"Sienna, Sienna" He starts, "Does your stomach hurt?"

The surgeon nods her head timidly. Dolores pats her forehead with a wet cloth.

He applies pressure to her abdomen and Sienna immediately moans in pain.

"She injured her abdomen in the crash. Book an OR immediately."

"Okay" Dolores quickly books an OR and soon Choi and a team of anaesthesiologists operate on Sienna's stomach. He sighs when he sees the ruptured stomach. Blood is clotting in the stomach. No wonder she threw up blood.

"Oh God Si, I'm sorry they missed this." He whispers. After a few hours of working on her stomach, he eventually saves the organ meaning Sienna won't have to wear a damn bag. She'll be fine.

Jay runs into the hospital a few minutes after Sienna was put back in her room.

"What the hell happened?"

Choi sighs, "For the most part, abdominal injuries are what we call delayed injuries. That is to say, you won't notice them until days or weeks after the accident. Sienna ruptured her stomach lining but I have managed to repair it and I'm positive that she will be okay now."

"Fuck" Jay whispers, "Why the fuck didn't I pay attention to the damn road? Why didn't we just eat at Bella's across from the hospital?"

This isn't your fault, Jay. That man wasn't looking where he was going and now he's dead but Sienna isn't. She's going to be okay. She's a damn strong girl and she will fight."

"Can I see her?"

Choi nods, "Go stay with her, I'll make sure nobody bothers you." He says and pats Jay's shoulder.

Jay sniffs and kisses Sienna on the forehead. She has cooled down by now.

"Sleep tight my gorgeous best friend. I'm here, I'll always be here."