
Chapter 60

The accident holds up the rest of the traffic; everyone is yelling and screaming and running towards the two cars that collided just a few minutes ago.

"There was an accident; two cars crashed into each other. I don't know how bad it is!"

The stranger turns to her husband, "What intersection are we at?"

The spectators all look shocked at the scene. Everyone is curious – it's human nature to be curious.

He takes the phone from his wife's hand and talks to the operator. They promise ambulances will be there soon.


Jay's eyes are barely open – he's trying to remember where he is. Trying to remember what the fuck happened. He feels movement as someone opens the driver's door.

"Jay, Jay, we're getting you out" He hears Capp's voice. He coughs up blood

"Sienna, where's Sienna?" He panics. The rescue worker calms him down, "We can't get Sienna out without turning the car around, we first need to get to you. Calm down, let me work."

"Si?" He turns his head and his heart breaks at the bloodied blonde next to him. She's not breathing; she's not moving. Her eyes are closed.

"Sienna, wake up. Wake the fuck up"

"Jay, calm down" This time it's Kelly speaking. "We're lifting you out now, just stay calm."

Soon, the detective is out of the car. Gabby and Sylvie immediately taking him into the ambo to check him out

"You have cuts and bruises, no permanent damage to your eye. I'm going to take you to Med just to be sure"

"I'm fine, I want to be with Si"

"Yeah" Gabby whispers, "me too"


The rescue squad try everything to turn the car back in normal position without hurting Sienna but to no avail.

"Fuck" Kelly screams. "We can kill her if we turn the car"

"Then we need to find a way to get her out"

Kelly sighs, "I have a plan." He gets into the driver's side and crawls to where Sienna is. She's still passed out. He checks her heart beat and calls over Gabby.

"She doesn't have a pulse, I can't find a pulse."

"You're going to have to give her CPR"

"I can't get to her heart without turning her over, and I can't do that" He gestures to Sienna stuck in the seat.

"You have 2 minutes Severide, before she dies"

"Fuck" He whispers, "Come on Si, work with me" He whispers to her. Him and Tony are trying to break the barrier stuck between them and Sienna, finally getting everything broken. They lift Sienna out of the small window space

Brett immediately loads her up in the ambo, "We're going to take her to Med immediately." She tells Jay. "I'm driving with"

Brett looks at Gabby and the brunette nods, "get in"

They speed off to Chicago Med

"Oh God" Maggie whispers, "let's get her to trauma bay. Nolan, it's Sienna. Drop everything"

"Coming" The trauma surgeon just below Sienna comes rushing in.

"We'll help you, boss" He tells her remembering how she hated whenever he called her that.


"Any contact with Antonio?" Maggie asks. They took Sienna in to surgery a few hours ago but no news yet.

"No, Hank's going to pull him from the investigation." Hayley says.

"Si would want us to work, she wouldn't want us to sit and wait on her" April says a while later.

"Yeah, let's go do our jobs" Natalie whispers. They all go down to the pit to help patients while Hayley waits with Jay and Gabby.


A few hours later

Nolan and Rhodes keep working on Sienna, but she continues bleeding out. Her heart is failing, and her organs aren't far behind.

"Her heart's not going to last this long, we need to close her up and continue when she's stronger" Nolan tells Rhodes.

"Are we sure she's going to get stronger?"

"My medical opinion, bypass will give her a few more hours, but I'm not sure days."

Rhodes punches the trolley in frustration, "Come on Sienna, help us."

"Let's close her up" Nolan sighs. "You're a fighter Si, start fighting."


Antonio looks furious when he walks into the district. He has just been pulled from the investigation and he isn't a happy camper. He about had them. Now, they can only arrest the fucking cop killers on one murder and not on 5.

"Welcome back brother" Atwater says, patting him on the back. "Sorry about Sienna"

It's been a week since the accident and Sienna has made no progress whatsoever. She is still in a medical induced coma and her brain function has yet to be determined. Her heart is still being kept alive by a machine.

"Where's Hank?" The detective asks shortly startling Atwater.

"Uh, in his office. You okay man?"

"I almost had them, and then he pulled me from the case. I fucking had them"

Antonio storms into the office, Kevin looks at Adam who shrugs.

"Maybe it hasn't sunk in yet"

"Let's hope so" Kevin murmurs and sits back down at his desk.


"Antonio, welcome home." Hank says, "I'm surprised you're not at the hospital?"

Antonio scrunches up his face, "Why would I be there? My fucking wife was always an attention hog but I never thought she'd fuck up my career for attention"

Hank sits up straight, "She's on a ventilator, Antonio. I don't think she did this for attention."

"She didn't want me to go in the first place, then a month later she got in a car accident. A coincidence – I don't think so. Anyway, I don't really want to talk about her now. I want to know how we're handling this case?"

"Man, go to the hospital. If she doesn't make it you'll hate yourself." Hank says softly

"How are we handling this case, Hank?"

Hank sighs clenching his jaw, "We have them for the murder of one police officer. That means 30 years for the shooter; 20 for the accomplices"

"We could have had them for life!" Antonio yells.

"We will get them!" Hank counters back, "I'm now forcing you to go to the hospital, Antonio. Believe me, I know how it feels to lose your wife, you don't want to experience that without even getting to say goodbye."

Antonio sighs, "fine"

** Antonio storms into the hospital room where Sienna is still unconscious. Wires are attached to her mouth and every time the machine beeps, her chest rises up in a breath.

Jay is in the room with her along with Maggie and Severide.

Kelly is the first one to spot Antonio. "Hey man, glad you're back." He stands up so Antonio can sit but the detective shakes his head, "I'm fine. How is she?"

"Still the same" Maggie replies, "Her heart isn't beating on its own at this stage so her organs are failing but we're monitoring her. She's much better than she was just last night so we're hopeful for a recovery"

"Can I have the room?" He asks. The other three nod and walk out of the room. Antonio stands next to Sienna's side and sighs

"I didn't get all the men so I didn't complete my mission. I am probably going back in once I get clearance. Anyway, hope you will wake up. You know, Hank told me to come here. I didn't think it was this serious though. I didn't think you had wires and tubes and shit attached to you. But still, Sienna, my job is more important than anything else. You will have to accept that."

He sighs and walks out of the room.

"You can sit with her, Antonio. Visiting hours aren't over for another hour."

"I have stuff to do" He replies and walks away.

Jay is fuming while Kelly glares at the detective's back. "He's a fucking prick"