
Chapter 58

The day started out normal with Antonio getting Sienna breakfast in bed.

Okay, so maybe the day didn't start normal...when has he ever brought her breakfast in bed?

She looks at him with a confused expression plastered on her face. He laughs, "What?"

"What have you done?"

"I haven't done anything" He argues with a roll of brown eyes.

"You must have done something. I've known you 100 years and you haven't ever brought me breakfast in bed. I think you broke something of mine, or you messed up the house, and now you want to butter me up."

He rolls his eyes, "Oh yee of little faith, and I haven't known you for 100 years. I won't be able to handle the sass for 100 years."

She huffs, "I think you broke something"

"No babe, that has always been you. Now stop being an ungrateful goose and eat your damn breakfast."

Antonio burst out laughing when he sees her face popping up from the covers, her blonde hair in a messy ponytail on top of her head, seriously, her hair looks like a damn water fountain. She gives him a nasty look, "Did you seriously just call me a goose?"

"Yeah" He rolls his eyes and kisses her lips, "Just say thanks like any normal wife and eat your food before I eat it."

Sienna gives him a grin, "Leave my food alone."

"Say thanks"

She beckons him over, "Thank you handsome man"


"For my food and for being the sexiest husband on the planet"

He smiles smugly, "Much better" He gets into bed with her and eats a piece of bacon. She slaps his hand, "Leave my food alone"

"I made this, I can have some"

"Fine, that piece of bacon you just ate is all you can get"

Antonio looks at her in bewilderment, "Do you want a thin husband?"


"Then let me eat woman."

She huffs, "You can have one more piece of bacon"

He laughs and kisses her cheek, "I love you even if you're an infuriating goose"

"I love you too, even though you eat my food"

He presses his lips to her cheek. "But seriously, thanks for my breakfast Tone."

"You're welcome" He smiles. "I actually have news, I don't think you'd like the news."

"So the food was to butter me up?"

"No, the food was because I love you. I have to go undercover again"

"Not happening" She deadpans, suddenly forgetting all about her food.

"Si, I don't have a choice."

"No, Antonio, you're not going undercover. There are a lot of other cops that can go."

He sighs, "That is like me telling you not to go on accident scenes anymore. Baby, they need me. My city needs me."

"I need you Antonio, isn't that enough?"

"Sienna" He warns, "You knew what I was when you married me."

She sighs, "UI have to go to work"

"Don't avoid me because you're scared to talk about it" He follows her down to their dressing room. "Sienna, I am going undercover and you're just going to have to deal with it"

She snaps, "What if you don't come back this time?" She whispers finally letting her guard down, "What if this time I get a call from Voight saying my husband is dead?"

He shakes his head, "That's not going to happen. You are neurotic and I've had it up to here with that. Just go to work, I can't be bothered"

She scoffs, "Sorry I care Antonio."

She showers quickly and gets dressed in jeans and a black sweater. When she gets out of the ensuite bathroom, Antonio's nowhere to be found.

She scoffs and applies some make up before putting a beanie on her head. She dares to exit the house in the cold, finding Antonio's car still in the garage. He probably hid from her. Pathetic.

She's busy with her eighth surgery for the day, it's already lunch time, when she gets a 911 page to the pit. She gets dressed in the appropriate gear and meets Choi outside.

"You also got paged? Apparently it's a cop that got shot"

"That's terrible" She sighs, "I always get so nervous, thinking it might be Antonio"

Choi sighs, "I can't even imagine, here comes the ambo"

Sienna opens the ambo doors as soon as they come to a halt, the paramedic hops out

"28 year old police officer GSW to the neck" The paramedic rushes through the patient's vitals as they make their way to the trauma room.

She shines her pocket light in the officer's eyes, but he doesn't register.

"Pupils are dilated, he's bleeding internally. We need to get him to an OR"

"I can't find a pulse, just give me a minute" Choi syas.

Sienna looks at him desperately when the young man's heart monitor speeds up in a whirl of panic, "Choi..."

"Just give me a minute" He snaps, his face red.

Sienna cranks his chest when he flat lines, giving the officer a few more minutes. Her hands are tied, she can't operate on the man in an unsterile environment.

"Choi" She raises her voice, "Enough, we can do everything you're doing now in the OR"

"He's not going to survive the drive, Roberts"

She curses and directs her next statement to the nurse. "Get me a scalpel and a chest pump, also a mask"

"There's the risk taker I know" She hears Choi mumble.

She doesn't say anything as the nurse puts on a mask for her. Her hands are gloved up, and she's ready to cut open the officer's neck in the trauma room.

"Shit, there's too much blood. Catheter, please Bodie." She tells the nurse. Her hand is buried in the man's neck, trying to stop the blood and getting all the clogged dried blood out of his neck. She starts draining the excess blood and then repairs the arteries. "Suture isn't holding" She says as Choi pumps his chest.

She starts the process again and finally closes him. His heart beat goes back to normal and she sighs out a breath of relief. Her arms are covered in blood to her elbows but she doesn't mind. They saved the officer.

Choi lets out a breath, "Fuck sakes" She mumbles.

He smirks, "let's get cleaned up and report to the crowd I'm sure is already in the waiting room.

Soon the blood is washed off, and she's out of the bloody gear. She's now replaced in her scrubs and white jacket.

She spots police officers in the back, along with Intelligence.

"How is he?" Hayley asks

"The officer is going to be fine. We had to do an emergency surgery in the trauma room so for now we're moving him to the ICU to avoid infection, but he's doing well."

"Thank you" Hank says and immediately turns to Hayley to say something. Sienna and Choi both walk off before Sienna hears a familiar voice calling her name.

Choi gives her a smile and walks off. She stops at Antonio's request and waits for him to speak.

"Two more officers died today, he barely survived. This is why I have to go in, and I'm leaving tonight"

"I was covered in that boy's neck, elbow deep. He barely made it through, I know it's your job but I don't have to act like I'm okay with it"

"You're going to have to because my work, and the death of fellow police men trump over your feelings right now."

Sienna takes a deep breath, "When are you leaving?"

"In an hour" "Where are you going; what gang are you going in for? What are you going to be?"

He sighs and pulls her to the empty chairs.

"I'm a murderer, just released from jail. I need to gain the Harlequin drug distributors' trust. We suspect they are the ones out to murdering police for killing their leader."

"You suspect – you're not sure of the facts?"

"We are sure Sienna, but nothing is set in stone. I'm leaving in an hour"

"So you said. Good luck Antonio, I hope I don't have to be the wife in the waiting room." She walks away from him aware of his eyes following her.

She breaks down as soon as she's in the bathroom, punching the stall door in frustration. She knows she's neurotic, and she married him knowing what he loves most in the world is the thrill of undercover work, but she's fucking allowed to be scared.

He can't blame her for being scared.

He can't.
