
Chapter 50

Have you ever seen a happy couple go through something so terrible together that when they finally get out of the deep end nothing is the same anymore?

Antonio wakes up early to brew some coffee. A month has passed since Sienna got discharged from the hospital. After a lot of pleading from her husband she decided to come back to the house they share but the once-warm house filled with love and jokes have become cold and distant. They are trying – Lord knows they are trying, but it seems they can't get over the bump in the road.

He walks back upstairs to take the coffee to a -still sleeping Sienna when the calendar caught his eye – Their wedding anniversary. 13 years of marriage and he can't remember the last time he held his wife.

Shrugging off to despair in his heart he walks into their bedroom. Sienna's in bed staring at him with sleepy blue eyes and a small smile dancing on her lips. Before he can say something she mutters; "happy anniversary Tony"

He beams, suddenly feeling a bit more relaxed, at least she remembered. "Happy anniversary baby. I uh, I...I'm sorry, I uh, I didn't get you anything"

"It's fine" She gives him an awkward smile, "I got you something" Sienna gets out of bed and returns moments later from their dressing room with a small packet wrapped in blue. She gets under the covers again and invites him to join. The coffees are on the bedside table as the couple cuddle under the covers. It's a cold winters' morning and neither of them have work. It's time to bond again, like Maggie told Sienna.

Antonio opens the gift and gasps when he sees the content. "You remembered?"

"Of course I did"

A Migeer watch sits neatly in the bag along with a multi tool and Hugo Boss cologne. He puts the gift on the floor and for the first time in a fucking long time he tackles his wife into a hug and a kiss that makes both their heads spin.

"I don't deserve you" He whispers kissing her again, "But I'm never letting you go. I love you so fucking much Sienna."

She gives him that smile that weakens his knees and makes his head dizzy, "I'm never leaving again baby. I swear. It's rough now, and we're not as comfortable as we once were but I know we'll make it through"

"Please don't give up on me Si, I swear, I'm trying. I'm so sorry for everything, and I'm so sorry I broke your heart. Hurting you... it's not something I'm proud of. I love you more than life itself. I don't want to lose you."

Sienna sniffs, "I love you too" She smiles at him and grabs his left hand. The wedding band on his finger is shining proudly. "I meant it when I told you at our wedding that you complete me, and I will always love you"

"Even after I broke your heart?"

Sienna smiles, "I had a patient a few years back when I was a final year resident. He had dizzy spells so he came in every once and a while with injuries due to a fall. He and his wife used to fight so bad. I kept begging them in my head to get a divorce because they yelled and screamed and said some nasty things to each other and about each other. Yet, every time he came in she came along and supported him. I asked her why she kept on coming if they only fight, and she told me that a marriage starts at square one every few months. A marriage will never be perfect, you pause and then start replay."

Antonio smiles as he entwines their fingers together. He gives her a kiss on the head, "Are we hitting replay again?"

"We sure are Tone. I have today off and tomorrow, so why don't we go out and celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary?"

"I'd love nothing more. But, first, stay here. Just a minute"

He runs off before she can say anything and goes to his makeshift office. He grabs the hidden package from the closet and then runs back into his bedroom. "I promise I'll buy you all the lilies you want and all the fizzers in the world, but for now I hope you like this."

Sienna beams brightly, "I thought you said you didn't get me anything?"

"I uh forgot about the date today" He blushes, "I really didn't get you anything for our anniversary but a month ago I had this made and today is the perfect day to give it to you."

Sienna gives him a smile and gently tears the papers open. He smirks at her – nothing has changed. He watches her eyes lit up in a river of unshed tears, "This is so beautiful Antonio."

Inside the package is his grandmother's Aquamarine ring with a rose gold band. She turns the ring over upon his orders and smiles brightly at the engraving.

"Antonio" She's at a loss of words, "I-I"

He smiles at her, "Grandma actually wanted me to give this ring to you as an engagement ring but then I found that one on your finger and I loved it more, but she told me to hold onto this for a special occasion. She loved you"

Sienna beams, "This is perfect." She gives him to ring to slide on her finger and watches with love as he slides the ring onto her right hand finger.

"There, perfect"

Sienna kisses him deeply, "It really is."
