
Chapter 46

The words swirl in front of her eyes. She darts for the bathroom to relief her of a fit of nausea aware of Maggie calling her name.

"Are you okay?" Maggie runs in after her, she holds up her blonde hair like the good friend she is. "Si, are you okay?"

Sienna accepts the mouth wash with a small smile and cleans up before replying with a shake of the head, "Antonio wants a divorce. That was divorce papers, he wants a divorce"

Maggie sighs, clueless on what to say, 'Everything will be okay' is bullshit. It won't be okay, it never will be okay again.

She pulls the sobbing blonde into a hug, "I'm so sorry. Want me to kick his ass?"

Sienna pulls away with a tiny laugh, "Yes please"

Maggie laughs, "Then I will. Let's go save lives, would that make you feel better?"

"A lot better" She smiles and wipes her eyes rid of tears. Before she knows it another trauma gets shoved in her care, and soon she's doing what she does best.

She might not ever be a mom, and she might not be someone's wife for much longer, but being a doctor is her passion and all she needs. Screw Oscar, he won't take this from her or Jay.


Her day, despite the upsetting news of this morning, ended without a glitch. She managed to save 90% of her patients on this day, and only lost the one because of the damage to his head. He never had a chance.

In a fit of confusion, hurt and anger she drives off to the district hoping like hell Antonio is still there. She feels betrayed and heartbroken. He didn't even have the balls to ask her for a divorce himself.

She gives Sergeant Platt a small smile and asks for Antonio. The sergeant calls him down. Sienna waits for her husband on the waiting room chair trying like hell to keep her emotions in check.

Soon he walks down with a bitter smirk on his face, "I'm guessing you got the divorce papers"

She pulls him forcefully into the office behind her and closes the door. "You didn't even have the fucking balls to bring it to me yourself. What are you trying to prove here Antonio? You want to tell me I'm a bad wife and a terrible woman for not getting pregnant? I know that already. I'd give anything to have a kid, or to adopt one. I was willing – am willing – to be patient. A child will come for us, I know that. It doesn't happen overnight, but you're not patient and you're blaming me for things beyond my control so you know what, Antonio? I'll sign the goddamn divorce papers but not for you – for me because I'm not sure I want to be married to someone that can't accept me for me. I'll give you your divorce" She storms out not once letting him talk.

She's aware of his brown eyes on hers, but nothing he can say or do will make this better. He pulled away just when she needed it the most, he ran away when he once promised he won't ever run away.

The moment she said she'll grant him the divorce his world crashed in front of his eyes. He realized that in his haste decision of fucking around with what's-her-face the last few weeks, ignoring his wife and treating her like shit – it was all real. She wasn't going to suck it up any longer. She's too strong for that. He knows she doesn't need him – she got by well when he wasn't in her life and she'll go on well without him now. He knows she wants him to be in her life. He knows she loves him more than he sometimes deserve.

But she won't stay. She won't stay with a man treating her like absolute shit.

Nobody should.

With his heart on the floor and his head cast down, he avoids the looks of Trudy and Kim who heard every word even through the closed doors. He walks upstairs and quietly sits down at his desk. They have finished a case that's been haunting at Jay for God knows what reason, but are still on the clock for another hour. His paperwork stares at him, laughs at him. He's in charge until Hank gets back from wherever he is.

Antonio has to bite his tongue not to start crying. The hateful looks of Jay has stopped but he still doesn't talk to Antonio if it's not related to a case. Hayley also took Sienna's side in things – of course she did. The two became good friends in a short amount of time. The others are neutral, they have made it clear that he's in the wrong and he's a shitty person but that he always knew deep down.

He stares at Sienna's smiling face on one of the many pictures littering his desk. He took this picture of her on their honeymoon. She had on no makeup, her hair was wet from just getting out of the ocean but she was laughing at something he said. Her laugh is contagious, and fucking gorgeous.

He grabs his phone out of his jean pocket and scrolls through the names until it lands on one he should have never saved. A person he should have never met. He knows nothing he does now will save his marriage, but he has to try.