
Chapter 37

"You're so sexy" Sienna purrs running her nails softly over his bare chest. She starts her trail of kisses on his tattoo and goes down south a few days later.

"You're going to have to stop otherwise I won't be able to control myself." Antonio whispers nasally.

"Who says you have to control yourself?" She smirks naughtily

"Baby" He warns with a chuckle, "We have dinner with Gabby and Matt in an hour, we can't go for another round"

She gasps, "Antonio Dawson refuses another round of sex – where oh where has the world come to?"

"Shut up" He scowls with a pout

She giggles and hovers over him, "Are you sure you don't want to go for another round?"

He doesn't even have to think and soon turns her on her back, immediately kissing her lips deeply. "Screw dinner."


By the time they're finished, they have 15 minutes to get to dinner so both jump into the shower and dress by the speed of lightning.

"I told you we're going to be late" laughs Antonio as Sienna fumbles with her make up. "Hurry up slow poke"

"Since when are you such a righteous person?"

He gasps dramatically, "can you stop verbally abusing me so we can go?"

"Yeah, yeah" She sprays on perfume and looks him over with a grin, "You look very delicious my hubby"

"I always do"

"So cocky" She smirks.


"You two are late" Gabby smirks when they arrive at the restaurant.

Sienna shrugs, "I couldn't keep my hands off Antonio"

Matt cackles, "nice" while Gabby throws her a look of disgust. Antonio looks proud as they sit down.

The couples enjoy each-others' company when the waitress comes with their food.

"I'll go get Carlos" Gabby stands up but Sienna stops her, "I'll get the little rascal that hasn't even come out to say hi to his favourite aunt"

Gabby chuckles and Sienna skips to the play area. She sighs when she sees all the little children playing on the swings and jungle gym. She really wants a child. She wants to be a mom.

"Can I help you?" The friendly caretaker asks as she walks up to Sienna. The blonde grins, "I'm looking for my nephew"

"Auntie See-See!" Carlos interrupts them running up to Sienna and hugging her tight.

The caretaker smiles and walks away to help another child with face paint. Sienna crouches down and hugs her godson.

"How are you doing squirt?" She asks him with a beaming smile

"Good, I'm a lion auntie See-See"

"I can see that" She points to his face mask. "Is the lion hungry?"

"Food is here?" He grins, jumping up and down.

"Come on lion, let's go eat"

She takes his hand in hers and leads him out into the restaurant.

"Auntie See-See, when am I getting a friend?"

She smiles, "I don't know honey, you think mommy and daddy are going to give you a friend?"

He shakes his head, "No. Auntie See-See and uncle Tony give me a friend"

She rubs his head as they near their table, "Someday baby"

"Uncle Tony!" Carlos hugs Antonio tightly and sits down in the middle of his parents. "You're a very pretty lion Car" Gabby smiles at her son.

"I'm a scary lion mama"

"Okay son" She chuckles.

Matt kisses his temple and continues telling them about a fire Truck 81 responded to.


"I want one" Sienna whispers leaning her head down on Antonio's shoulder as they watch the happy Dawson-Casey family walk to their car.

Antonio smiles, "me too"

She looks at him with a bright smile, "Yeah?"

He nods, "I want us to be a family, a real family."

Sienna throws her arms around his neck and kisses him in the middle of the pavement. "I love you Antonio Dawson"

"I love you too"