
Chapter 30

Sharon Goodwin walks into Kelly's room as he ends a call with another hospital that refuses to do the procedure. It is risky, but Sharon trusts her chief of trauma. Sienna Roberts didn't become the country's youngest chief of trauma for nothing – she takes chances; she goes for the procedures and surgeries nobody else would touch. That's why she's the best.

"So you can stop with the calls to other hospitals. I would be the first call other hospital administrators would make"

"I figured that" The Squad lieutenant grumbles

She continues, "and if you are cursing in pain, you can blame it on Sienna. She agreed to do the procedure and the donation."

She hands him legal documents, "a tree lost its life on the many papers you have to sign. That blonde girl doesn't care about legal matters but I do, you cannot sue anyone in this hospital because of this. Sienna is risking her ass to do this procedure."

He chuckles at the 'blonde girl' but nods his head, "Thank you Miss Goodwin. I promise you, I know what I'm doing."

"Yeah, you can't take the fight out of a soldier."


"Sienna; I heard you're doing the procedure on Kelly. I mean, that's idiotic, you know that right?" Stella Kidd raises her voice when she walks into the E.D.

Sienna sighs, "I haven't been a doctor for just 5 minutes; I know what I'm doing. I've done this procedure many times without anaesthesia and, to say the least, a lack of hospital equipment. Kelly wants this, he wants to save Anna's life. That's so freaking honourable. I'm handling my patient so please do not ever walk into my ER to tell me how to do my work again."

She starts to walk off but sighs in regret, she'd probably act the same if it was Jay or Antonio on the table. "I'm sorry Stella. I get where you're coming from but I'm not retracting my words. I know what I'm doing and frankly, I'm awesome at it. Kelly trusts me, he asked me to be the surgeon on his case so I am."

Stella smiles softly, "I shouldn't have snapped at you. I also trust you Si, I know you're an excellent surgeon and I'm goddamn glad that it's you on his case and not anyone else."

Sienna nods, "I'm prepping him in half an hour. You can sit with him until then."



They are wheeling Anna off for her surgery when Sienna walks into Kelly's room. She can see the pain on his face, but she can't even imagine it.

"Throbbing; dizzy; no appetite and nauseous" She lists off his side-effects, "You don't have to pretend with me."

"I don't feel too hot, no." He whispers, the pain laced in his voice is evident.

She squeezes his hand, "What you did for Anna, bravest thing I have ever seen. You really are a hero Kelly."

She gives him a smile and leaves him alone.

A few days later, Sienna's shift goes into overtime when a 911 call comes through. "What do we got?"

"Twelve year old, multiple stab wounds to the chest and abdomen. He crashed three times en-route, we've pushed two of epi and resus at 100."

"Oh God" Sienna whispers as she looks at the boy. "Take him directly to the OR and get me Choi."


"Thanks Marcie" She thanks the paramedic.

"Hey Roberts" Marcie calls her back just as she started heading off to the OR to prep. When Sienna turns around, the paramedic in charge of ambo 118 continues, "Please keep me updated on this."

"I will."


"Come on Pete. Come on bud, don't let them get away with this." She pleads to the boy as he continues to crash. "Charge again to 150"

"Charging. Clear!"

Pete continues to flat line. He lost too much blood; and his little heart just can't take it. "Come on Pete, don't do this."

Choi looks up at her, "He's gone. He's gone."

She sighs with a deep frown, "We can put him on bypass"

"No Si, you know as well as I do he's gone."

She checks the monitor, Pete lost litres of blood; his vitals are down; his heart rate is basically non-existent. He's gone.

She rips off her mask, "Time of death, 19:45 pm. I'll update the family."


"My boy" Pete's mom clings to Sienna, "My boy got stabbed by the gang. How's my boy?"

Sienna tries her best not to cry as she looks the pleading mom in the eyes, "I'm so sorry, Elizabeth, Pete..."

"Don't say it. Please don't say it" She wails as she throws herself into Sienna's arms. A tear runs down Sienna's cheek, "I am so sorry Elizabeth. He didn't make it."