
Chapter 28

"So how do you feel after the hysterectomy?" Maggie asks a month later. Sienna is finally back at work after a month of recuperating after the surgery. The couple decided that when the time is right, they'll adopt a baby.

"I'm good. I drove Antonio up the walls so I think he's happy I'm back"

Maggie smirks, "You feel good to work?"

"Yeah I do."

"Well it's good to have you back Si. That second-in-command of yours is extremely annoying"

"Ha ha" Choi grumbles sarcastically as he walks up to them, "Si, good to have you back but I am officially giving you back your department"

Sienna chuckles; "Thanks little Ethan. I heard you did us proud."

"Oh shut up" He teases causing the two women to laugh. "It was fun ordering everyone around though, if you someday decide to walk in front of a bus, I'll take over."

"Oh I feel the love"

He smirks, "Aw, I do love you work wife."


"Doctor" Nurse Monique runs up to Sienna after a surgery. "I need you to sign this"

She signs the paperwork, not even bothering to read it. "This is probably the worst thing of this job, all the admin that goes with a case" She jokes causing Monique to chuckle.

"Well that must bring some relief" She gestures to behind Sienna. Sienna turns around to see Antonio walking up to her with a smirk.

"Hi gorgeous" She says with a cheeky grin. Monique chuckles softly and walks away with the document in hand.

"This is a nice surprise" She meets him hallway pecking his lips softly.

"I just finished shift, thought I'd stop by and see my girl"

Sienna smiles, "I thought I annoyed you so much this last month that you wouldn't want to see me."

He shrugs, "I can never get too annoyed at that smile" He pokes her dimple with his finger causing her to snicker, "You know baby, there's an on-call room in the hallway, and I have some free minutes."

"Oh yeah?"

"Hmm" She smirks, "Follow me"


"My wife is goddamn sexy as hell" He whispers in her ear as they dress.

"My boy isn't bad either." She gets a page just before Antonio could pull on his shirt. "Ah damn, consult for the cardio department. I've got to go."

Antonio smiles and leans down to kiss her, "go save lives. You want to go on a date tonight?"

Sienna beams and kisses him again, "I'd love that."


An hour after she came home from shift, the couple is on their way to a bowling alley and then dinner.

"You'll see, I'm kicking your ass tonight" Sienna chirps when they walk into the bowling alley.

"You can, but first we need to bowl"

She flashes him a look of disgust, "You're a disgusting person Antonio."

"Yeah but you chose me, so what does that say of you?"

Sienna chuckles as she takes his hand in hers, "I had to choose you, I felt sorry for you"

He rolls his eyes, "Sure. Come on weirdo, let's go bowl."


"You suck at sports, you know that?" Antonio murmurs as he continues creaming her, to say the least. "I do not suck Dawson."

He opens his mouth to speak but she interrupts him, "If you say anything I will throw this bowling ball on your head."

"So violent" He mumbles watching with amused eyes when she throws the ball in the gutter again. The over-exaggerating pout she's wearing makes him snicker into his beer bottle. "You okay there? Sienna sighs as she slumps down in her seat, stealing his beer from his hands.

"Fine, I do suck at sports."

Antonio chuckles, "You're amazing at everything else baby." He presses a kiss to her temple. "You want to grab dinner?"

"I'd love that"


"You did not do that" Sienna laughs as they walk to their house from Antonio's car. He chuckles as he continues telling her about the girl he crushed on in high school and how he stood on the stage at prom to ask her out. "What did she say?"

Antonio shrugs with a cocky expression on his face, "What do you think she said – she said yes."

Sienna laughs, "Boy, your head must be the size of your –"

He cuts her off, "Penis. Yeah, it's huge."

Sienna slaps his stomach, "What happened to the shy Antonio I met 5 years ago?"

He laughs, "I'm still here baby girl. I just got cockier with you in my life"

The blonde's smile grows into a beam as she brings his palm to her lips. "You're sweet."

Sienna frowns when she sees the light in the living room window is on, she can remember she turned it off. "Baby, I could have sworn I switched off the light."

"Stay here" Antonio orders and walks into the house. The front door isn't locked like it always it when they're not home.

Antonio comes out scowling a few seconds later. "Gabby used her key"

Sienna nods, a little confused on why her sister-in-law would be visiting at 12:30 am but happy nonetheless.

"Gabriela Dawson." She sings happily, hugging the firefighter.

The small smile fades sooner than it appeared on Gabby's face causing Sienna to frown, "What's going on?"

Antonio's face hardens, "What the hell did he do?"

Fortunately for the dejected paramedic, her sister-in-law is a bit more sympathetic than her brother, another thing to be fortunate about is that Sienna is smart.

"Baby" Sienna turns to Antonio upon the discomfort on Gabby's face, "Will you go make us some coffee? I'm starting to feel the wine"

Antonio sighs, "Fine."

He walks into the kitchen causing Sienna to turn to Gabby again with a soft smile, "What happened?"

"Us working together is taking a toll on our relationship. He gave me special treatment, we fought over that and then yesterday morning I messed up... I didn't wear protective gear in a hot zone when he ordered us to and I got the department in trouble. When I tried to talk to him about it after shift at home, he told me that he can't, because basically I'm still the candidate and he's the lieutenant. You know how he feels about me being a firefighter, he's never really supported it."

"Tell me something Gabs, do you want to be with Casey and have your family together or do you want to be a firefighter?"

Gabby sighs, "I want to be a firefighter Si. I love Casey and I love that he's Carlos's father but this has been a dream of mine and I want to pursue it."

Sienna stays quiet as Gabby continues, "I uh, I screwed up big time. I told Mills that I don't think I want to be with Casey, and Matt overheard. He hasn't spoken to me since."

"Shit, Gabby. You understand why he hasn't spoken to you since right?"

"I do" Gabby frowns, "I tried to play it off as bar talk and Matt just snapped. He's going to leave me."

"Gabby" Sienna sits down next to her, "If you want to pursue firefighting, then you should. But please, Carlos deserves his parents devoted to him. You need to sort this out with Matt. If you don't want to be with him, then don't be, but don't leave things as they are now. Talk to him. He's still your kid's dad and he deserves at least recognition that you know you messed up. As much as I love you, I'm not going to bullshit. You did mess up by talking to your ex about the problems you have with your boyfriend"

She nods, "Thanks. Can I just stay here?"

"Of course you can. I'll go set up the spare room."

Antonio comes back with three cups of coffee. He hands it to the girls, "Must I kick Matt's ass?"

Gabby smirks, "No, rather kick mine."


Sienna has just put fresh linen on the spare bed when Gabby walks in, "Where's Carlos tonight?" Sienna asks her after Gabby thanked her for the room.

"With Matt. We'll figure something out"

"You know you and Carlos can stay here for as long as you need, don't forget that."

"Thanks Si. You mind if I just crash now? I'm beat"

Sienna nods, "Of course. Sleep tight Gab."

Sienna hugs her, "Everything will work out as it should."

"I hope so" Gabby whispers. She takes out her pyjamas out of the bag and goes into the spare bathroom as Sienna walks downstairs to her husband. She sits down on his lap as he continues scowling.

"You don't walk out if you have a kid." He mumbles. She kisses his jaw, "They'll work out their problems."

"They have a kid Si. You fight, you make up. That's the rule"

"The rule?" She raises an eyebrow in amusement, "What rule?"

He shakes his head but says nothing. Sienna sighs, "Let them work things out baby. Don't interfere, don't meddle. Both of them are strong and smart enough to handle their own problems."

"This wouldn't have happened if he just married her when I told him to."

Sienna turns to look at him, her face hardening ever so slightly, "You told him to marry her?"

"They have a kid together Sienna. They need to be married."

"They don't need to be anything Tony, and you know why they aren't married. If they were Gabby wouldn't be able to be a candidate at 51. Leave them be, they'll figure out their own problems."

He sighs, "Fine. You always need to be the reasonable one" He mumbles, the immaturity laced in his voice causes her to laugh. She kisses him on the jaw, "Let's go to bed buttercup."