
Chapter 26

By the time they get back to Chicago, it's past 4 am. Rhodes is fine now and even though Sienna's hip feels like death itself she's also A-okay.

Will pulls her out of the ambulance after Rhodes.

"Let me check you out quickly" He tells her pulling her into the hospital upon her nod. Rhodes gets rolled away on a stretcher for a decent surgery on his leg.

"How do you feel?" Will asks as they walk into the trauma room.

"I'm fine, just exhausted."

"I can imagine" He says, "Your blood pressure is low. I'm just going to give you fluids for it."

Jay walks into the room. "Hey Fizz, can't stay one day away from trouble, hey"

She chuckles, "Don't make me laugh. My stomach is so freaking sore"

Halstead frowns and pulls her shirt up. The dark purple bruises stretching across her stomach cause the brothers to sharply inhale.

"It's just a bruise from when I was trying to pull myself up from the bridge, it's fine." She defends it.

"I'm just going to run some tests on it, be sure about it okay?"

She sighs, "Okay"

Sienna turns to Jay who is making himself comfortable on the chair next to her. He leans down to kiss her forehead, "Did you bring me fizzers?"

Jay laughs and grabs three pink fizzers from his jacket pocket. "Tell me I don't know you"

She beams, "You know me very well. Thank you bestest friend in the world."

She pulls open the wrapper from the fizzer and takes a bite. "Have you heard from Antonio?"

"Not yet" He strokes her hair but he looks unconvinced.

"I miss my husband Jay, if you know something tell me."

Jay sighs closing his eyes, "They trust him now. He had to shoot a nemesis of the mafia boss so he's in. It shouldn't be long anymore. Don't worry, he's not getting into trouble for shooting the man, Hank cleared it with the brass"

"I hope he comes back soon. I need him around."

"I know"


"Maggie" Will walks up to the Head Nurse after getting the test results back from the bruise on Sienna's stomach. The purple bruise stretching across her entire stomach wasn't because she was pulling herself up from the bridge.

"Look at this."

Maggie frowns, pulling out the lab results, "This Sienna's?"

He nods. She takes a sharp breath, "I'll go with you to tell her."


"When you were shot in Afghanistan, the bullet caused sepsis in the pelvic area - something the doctors didn't pick up on. It wasn't clear on a scan and there was no way they could've known. It would've gone unnoticed if it wasn't for your injury today."

"You can treat the sepsis right?" Jay asks

"Yeah, we're going to but you should know that the sepsis caused blockage in your uterus, which can be fatal if not - "

"If not?" Her best friend presses but Sienna knows what he's trying to say, "if not removed, right?"

"Yeah" He whispers looking down. Sienna takes a sharp breath, trying not to break down.

"What the hell does this mean?" Jay continues peppering him with questions but Maggie keeps him calm.

"If my uterus get removed, then I won't ever get pregnant."

Both Maggie and Jay lean down to Sienna's face. Jay kisses her forehead as Maggie tries to comfort her. Sienna frowns deeply as she tries not to cry.

Sienna finally gets cleared to go home a few hours later. Jay is already planning to stay with her however long she needs it.

"I need my husband now Jay, I don't want to make this decision on my own."

"What decision Si?" He argues, "Seems to be like it's an easy decision. Nobody can lose you"

"I've always wanted a kid Jay"

"I know" He whispers, "But it's so easy to adopt or get a surrogate."

She cries in his arms, "I wanted my own kid"

Jay frowns, "We can make an appointment with the gynaecologist and a foetal doctor and get second and third opinions. I promise."

She sniffs, "Okay, thanks Jay."

"Hey, things will be okay Fizz. I promise"

She nods, "I love you"


Sienna was ordered to stay home for the next five days to recuperate so the first thing she does is drive to the district to talk to Hank about Antonio. She can't wait anymore – she needs him.

While Platt calls Hank down, Sienna sits down in the free consult room. Hank soon walks in hugging her softly.

"You okay?" The sergeant asks.

"No" She whispers, trying to smile, "I made a promise to myself and to Antonio that I will never butt into his work but earlier this morning I got the worst news of my life and I need my husband to help me. Jay said he's fine, and he's still a way to go but I can't do this on my own anymore. Not now. I just need to see him, to hear his voice telling me everything will be okay."

Hank sighs, the man is never gentle to anyone but he found a liking in his second-in-command's wife. She doesn't take shit from anyone which gained her his respect.

"Antonio is supposed to check in an hour. We're meeting at the abandoned ice rink in Buffalo Grove. I can give him an update or a message?"

She nods, thankful. She grabs a paper and Hank hands her his pen. She quickly writes down her message to him.

"How long is it until Antonio will be home – if you have to guess?"

Hank sighs, "A week or so, if everything goes the way we planned it."

"A week is good. Thanks Sergeant, thank you."