
Chapter 24

"You're late" Sienna reprimands Will as he runs into the hospital. Choi and Natalie chuckle next to her. Sienna is not going to make it easy for him.

"I'm sorry. I overslept."

Sienna stares him down ultimately making him a bit nervous, but not too much which is something she appreciates.

"Okay well, go sign in with Maggie. She's our Head Nurse, meet me back here in 10."

He nods and walks away.

"Hey, Si, I need your help with something. Well, actually, not yours – Antonio's" Natalie says when Choi gets paged for a consult.

She nods, "Alright, I'll tell him to stop by here after his shift."

She shrugs, "Can we meet at Molly's tonight rather?"

She nods with a smile, "I'll tell him"

Natalie thanks her and walks off. Will gets back from signing in with Maggie. He's in his light blue resident scrubs, ready for action.

"Well William" She gives him a tiny smile, "Sharon told me that you're shadowing me for the next 4 shifts. I'm not a monster so please raise your opinion; ask questions; don't be in my way."

He smirks, "Alright."

Sienna opens her mouth to say something when she gets a page to the pit. "Show time"

They both gown and glove and run to the pit. Sienna opens the police car right as it comes to a halt. "Stab wound to the abdomen. She's bleeding a lot" Kim says referring to the police officer in her arms.

"She's haemorrhaging. Let's get her to Trauma 1."

Kim clenches her jaw, "Si. I can't move my hands"

Sienna understands immediately, "Will, grab me a headboard; Epi and an IV kit."

"You got it" He runs back into the hospital, returning a few seconds later.

He hands her the headboard; IV and Epi. "Hold her tightly." She instructs him. She turns to Kim, "You can't move your hands now. I promise it'll only be a second, okay?"

"Yeah" The police officer nods.

She pushes the headboard under the police officer's body; the three of them put her down on the floor. Sienna immediately starts an IV and pushes two of epi.

She smiles at Kim, "We'll take great care of her."

Kim gives her a smile and they load her up on to the gurney. They race back Trauma room 1.


"That was a nice safe" Will comments as they exit the OR. After three close calls where she almost bled out on Sienna's table, she managed to revive her. The police officer will be just fine.

"You were good in there, Will."

"Thanks Sienna" He smiles

"Let's go update the family"


Directly after updating the police and family, she gets 23 more calls to the pit.

"Is days always like this?" Will asks her as they finish on the last surgery. It's not even 1 in the afternoon yet.

"Pretty much, between car crashes; shootings; stabbings; and Chicago's favourite past time – drugs – this place can get pretty heated. But that's why I love it."

He nods, "I came back to be closer to Jay, that and I got in a load of shit in New York. But he doesn't want anything to do with me. I know he doesn't trust me"

Sienna sighs, "I like you Will, I respect you but I don't gossip about my best friend"

He smiles, "Copy that."

"Roberts, Fire department called. Crush syndrome at 82 Westbrook street. Possible amputation."

"Copy" She turns to Will. "Let's go, you'll observe only. I don't need assistance now."

He nods and the ambulance drives them off to the scene.

"Did you give him anything?" She asks Chili, the paramedic in charge now that Gabby is off fighting fires like the badass girl she is.

"A litre of fluids and an ampubycarp."

"Are we in contact with the family – I need consent."

Matt nods, "Yeah uh, just give me a sec" He walks up to who she thinks is the wife as Sienna squats down to the patient. Will stays in the background to observe as Sienna packs the wound to where she'll cut off.

She cleans the leg with alcohol and numbing cream and grabs the bone saw and starts cutting. Kelly and Otis get the patient on the gurney.

"Thanks Roberts" Chief Boden says. Sienna nods and smiles as they speed away to the hospital.

"Field work is amazing" Will exclaims when they exit the OR after the patient's surgery. Sienna smirks, "This was a filler against stuff we normally get paged for – just wait, it'll happen."


"Aww" Sienna grins cheekily at the text message from Antonio. She was on call the previous evening so he has been sulking because he misses her. He's so damn cute.

Natalie enters the locker room. "Hey Nat, looks like Tony is on overtime. I'm going to the district, you want to come with?"

Natalie nods, thankful Sienna hasn't forgotten that she needs assistance from Antonio. It's been a crazy day for both of them. "Yeah"

Sienna quickly dresses back into jeans and a purple jersey with boots. She puts on her black beanie and throws on a snow jacket. Together she and Natalie leave the hospital.

"Can I help?" The desk sergeant asks as soon as the two doctors enter the district. Sienna smiles as she walks forward. "Hi. I'm looking for Detective Dawson?"

"Yeah he's upstairs. Can I ask who is looking for him?"

"His wife Sienna" She smiles. The desk sergeant nods and tells them to sit down as he calls Antonio.

"Are you okay Nat?" She asks as Natalie leans forward. The brunette shakes her head, "I'm fine. My sister's in trouble. Got in trouble with the law, nobody will help her because this isn't her first time. I just need clarity on her case."

Sienna opens her mouth to say something when she sees Antonio jogging down the stairs. He smiles brightly upon seeing her. "Hey gorgeous"

Natalie chuckles, "He ain't saying it to me."

Sienna giggles and wraps her arms around her husband. She gives him a kiss, "Missed you"

"Missed you too, hey, Nat"

"Hey Antonio" She smiles at him.

"Natalie wants to talk to you while I grab a Fizzer from the vending shop."

Antonio smirks and nods, he presses a kiss to her temple. She goes up to the vending shop, squealing softly when she sees there's an option to buy an entire bag of mini fizzers.