
Chapter 10

CPD has just finished a double; the guys are about ready to leave for Molly's when Antonio walks up to Jay. He's hesitant and nervous as hell.

"Hey man" The older detective swallows as Jay glances up. "You look nervous, what's up?"

Antonio takes out a small box and opens it. If Jay was surprised at the beautiful rose gold ring sitting in the middle of the box, he didn't show it.

He has a small smile on his face.

"I need your permission to marry Sienna"

Jay stands up, his posture relaxed. He holds out a hand for Antonio to shake.

"You've got it man. But if you hurt her in any way, I will kill you."

"I know"

"Treat her right."


The ring feels heavy in the back pocket of the jeans he's wearing. After picking up Sienna from the hospital they drive off to the gym.

"You feel like boxing?" The detective asks, knowing how much she loves it.

The first time he took her boxing was on their third date, he thought he'd have to teach her how to box but was pleasantly surprised when she all but kicked his ass.

He's an Olympic boxer, but she held her own which was a contributing factor on why he fell in love with her.

"Yeah" She beams. He throws her pink gloves she bought for herself to her and wraps his own.

"Are you ready for me to kick your ass, babe?" Antonio taunts, smirking when she rolls her eyes.

"Come on detective, less talky more fight-y"


"I beat you fair and square Doc, don't even argue with me"

"Hmm" Sienna purses her lips. "I disagree but whatever, if you want to pretend you've won this match be my guest."

He laughs at her, "At least you look sexy, even though you're a loser"

"Take it back Dawson or your balls will be hanging over your head"

Antonio grins softly. He stalks over to her and then covers his own body with hers. Hovering over her, he keeps his arms steady on either side of her head.

"I love you Sienna Roberts, more than you will ever know. I know we haven't been together that long but I've known since our first date that you were going to be someone special."

Antonio stands up and gets the ring out of his jacket pocket. He gets down on one knee, his heart flutters when he hears her gasp.

Tears pool in her eyes as she watches him tremble in nerves. "Marry me Sienna. Make me the happiest man alive."

Sienna's smile brightens up the room. She nods and whispers a faint 'yes'

"Babe you're going to have to speak up" He mutters, his brown eyes big and vulnerable

"Yes Antonio Dawson, I will marry you."


The next morning Sienna has to swallow her joy to be able to do her work. Everyone has already congratulated her on the engagement that happened the night before. Happy news spread like wildfire in Chicago.

Just before she could shut her locker room her phone beeps with a message from Gabby

Sienna smiles at the text and quickly replies back before shutting her locker. She walks into the pit to start her day. She's busy helping Maggie discharging patients. It's a really slow day.

She quickly answers the phone, "Chicago Medical Centre, Doctor Roberts speaking"

"Copy that"

Sienna disconnects the call and pages 911 to every surgeon in Med. She explains everything when they get there and soon they're set up and ready to go.

"When we get there, Natalie; Maggie and 5 residents are on triage; set up 100 metres from the sink hole. Choi and Rhodes are with me. Get ready for multiple casualties." Sienna instructs her people. "Doctor Charles and his staff will be there for counselling. You will have to treat your own patient, if you don't have a patient go to triage and help. You help the ones who need it the most first and move down. You report to me; Maggie and Choi, nobody else. Copy that?"

"Copy" Everyone replies in sync.

"Stay safe everyone." The ambulances come to a halt and soon everyone is out.

"Good God" Sienna whispers when she sees the scene. The entire road has opened up. Cars are sunk in; people screaming. It's absolute chaos.

"Let's go" Sienna yells and soon everyone does what is required of them.

"Roberts" Kelly runs up to her, "I need your help with an amputation"

"Show me where" Sienna instructs and soon they are both at the starting point of the sink hole.

"Mom and kid is trapped under the car, she's unconscious."

"Alright, I'm going in."

Kelly shakes his head, "It's too dangerous. We already told the kid that he's to follow orders from you via microphone."

Sienna shakes her head when she looks at the boy. He's barely 10 years old.

"No. That kid won't be able to handle it. Just let me go down, I'll be fine."

Kelly looks hesitant but soon clears it with his chief. "Fine, go, but the moment we tell you to get out, you do"

"Copy that"

Soon Cruz straps her up and before she knows it she's down in the sink hole.

"Hey buddy, I'm Sienna. What's your name?"

"Josh" The boy whimpers, "Those firemen said I had to cut my mommy?"

Sienna gives him a smile, "You don't have to worry. I'll do it, okay Josh?"

"Thank you" He whispers.

"Josh, are you hurt?"

The boy shakes his head. Apart from a couple of cuts and bruises he looks fine, so soon he's pulled out by the firemen that makes the road a bit more unstable. Cement and rocks fall into the hole but Sienna assures Kelly she's fine.

"What's the prognosis Sienna?" Chief Boden asks

"She's losing oxygen and blood in both legs. It's not sterile but I'm going to do an amputation now."

"This road is going to collapse in a few minutes, you need to hurry up"

"Yes sir" She replies back.

Sienna treats the patient the best she could; had to amputate both legs which sent the woman into shock. Once she was okay, the firefighters pulled her out.