
Hold Me Tight Honey

WARNING: THIS BOOK HAS MATURE CONTENT ----------- Adia is a simple girl to the surrounding people where she lives and works. Which is not true. She meets a person at an unexpected time in her life. That time she does not know he is going to change her whole life. Aaron is the most powerful one in the country and a famous guy. He never know he will get married to a girl who is unknown to him by himself because of the circumstances. He thought she is nothing to him until one day he realized what she meant to him. How are the two of them going to change their life? ------- "Even if you do not love me, I will love you till the end" ------- The picture in the book is not mine. So, credit goes to the person who created it. I am just editing it after taking it from Google. -------

queen_fly_horse · Urban
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Something good

In the mid of the night, on a road, some of them chasing a person. And that person runs to save herself from the people who are running after her without missing her. She has nothing in her hand right now to call help. Her all belongings were snatched from her when they caught her first. She managed to escape from them, and in the end, they have seen her running when she try to escape.

She did not know where is she heading now. All she knows was to does not want to get caught in their hand. As she does not know what will happen after that. She hardly starts to live her life, she has to find a job for herself here. She want to live, nothing more she wanted. But, like she asked more than anything she was running for her life in the middle of the road.

Back to her, one of the men, among the group of the men, "This girl going to regret when she gets caught to us," said gritting his teeth in anger watching how fast she running.

Another man, "What I said, kill her when you find her, what was the need to wait for me," yells at the man's hearing his man talk...

Other men gulped hearing their boss yell. They thought to get a good name from their boss, so they wait for his arrival. But what they did not expect was, that girl run away in the meantime while they waiting.

That girl turns her head to see if they stopped running after her. She sees still they are back of her only. She sees the turning and quickly turned.

Those men run fast not wanting to lose her from their sight and get scolded by their boss again. But they abruptly stop before running immediately to the scene. As they are shocked to see the girl lying on the road in a pool of her blood. Looked like she was hit by a car or truck or something. But, they do know they did not see the vehicle passing them. Seems like that came from another side and went to the left side since they could not see it.

Their boss, "Go and check her," orders his man...

His man nodded his head, about to take a step. Before he could lift his foot, his boss noticed one car coming from that side. So, he pulled his man back...

They all immediately hide away thinking that after the car is gone, they could check on her. Which fellow would like to land in trouble for the accident...

Inside the car, who is sitting back at the steering wheel, saw something on the road, he focused carefully on the thing, as the light was dim there he could not see it clearly. When the car lights land on the thing, he widens his eyes in shock seeing the sight. He looked around to see if anyone is there. Finds no one is there, and he looked at the back of his seat. He does not want to trouble the man back who is resting closing his eyes...

The man in the back seat, sensed his look on him, "what" asked him in his cold tone...

Another man, "There is a body on the road on our way," mused him...

The man, "So what? Go" tells him in his not caring tone.

That man pursed his lips not wanting to do like he said...

The man opened his eyes when he did not get a reply from his man, also the car became slow. Looked at his man coldly...

He turned his head lightly to him, "That is a girl who is lying there. No one seems around the area. What if she fighting for her life? And we went not even helping her?" asked him...

The man looked at him like he care about that. That would be that girl's fault or the person who did the accident. What this has to do with him...

His man, "Let is help the girl," tells him...

The man looked at him getting surprised, but his face was straight. "Why?" asked him moving his eyes from him to the road where the girl lying for whom his man nagged him. He felt strange suddenly in his heart seeing the state of that girl.

His man, "Today is my birthday, I want to do something good," tells him back instantly. He has not do anything for himself today. After joining him, he does not have time for himself to enjoy...

The man narrowed his eyes at him, then at the girl again, "do whatever you want," says him going back to his old state. He does not want to hear his nagging voice again...

The man gets stunned for a moment hearing his approval, he did not expect he will agree to this soon before he requested him a couple of times. He quickly recovered from his state sees the girl...

To the gang bad, that car stopped before where the girl lying on the road. One man stepped down from the car and walked to the girl. He squatted down and checked her state. He sighed in relief when he finds her breath is still there. He messaged something on his mobile before taking the girl in his arms. Again he walked back to the car and finds the man in the back coming into the passenger seat. He put the girl in the back seat. Hurriedly, scooped into the car and starts the engine...

The gang comes out from the place where they were hiding and sees the car racing from there and in no time that went out of their sight.

Their boss hits his man in his anger. They lost the girl. Looked like that girl still holding her breath to live, otherwise, why would the man carry that girl to his car...

That car went straight to the hospital, in the entrance hospital boy and the nurse were already present, they pulled the car over, they took the girl from the back seat, and went in. Once, they went both of the men also went inside the hospital after parking the car.

When they are near the ICU, they can see the doctor going inside to check on the girl.

The man looked at the another one who has lazily leaned on the wall. He left speechless seeing how cool is he?. Here he is in a nervous state, he does not know whether that girl will get a chance to live or not...

Thank you

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