
Hold Me Tight Honey

WARNING: THIS BOOK HAS MATURE CONTENT ----------- Adia is a simple girl to the surrounding people where she lives and works. Which is not true. She meets a person at an unexpected time in her life. That time she does not know he is going to change her whole life. Aaron is the most powerful one in the country and a famous guy. He never know he will get married to a girl who is unknown to him by himself because of the circumstances. He thought she is nothing to him until one day he realized what she meant to him. How are the two of them going to change their life? ------- "Even if you do not love me, I will love you till the end" ------- The picture in the book is not mine. So, credit goes to the person who created it. I am just editing it after taking it from Google. -------

queen_fly_horse · Urban
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34 Chs

Is he troubling you?

Aaron stared at his plate to calm his anger before turning his head to look at his mother, "Mom, I am going to study room," saying it he gets up to leave the dining area...

Grace, "You do not care about me anymore?" asked him sulking like a kid...

Aaron sighs not knowing how to handle his mother now, when acts like this...

David smirked seeing his son state...

At that time, Ivan walked to their side, "Good evening madam, how are you?" asking it went to her side ignoring Aaron's existence...

Back of him his father, Rossy, and her father walked inside to give a nod to Aaron and David...

They respond their greetings to them with a nod...

Grace smiled wide seeing Ivan, "Oh, Ivan. I am good. What about you?" asked it hugging him...

Ivan grinned and hugged her back, "I am fine," tells her. "He is giving me a hard time," whispers to her...

Even though he whispered to her, Aaron heard him roll his eyes mentally watching them...

Ivan's father, "Get here now," orders him...

Ivan pressed his lips together, went and stand beside his father not wanting to anger him when he came just now. Or else his father tonight going to lecture him, like how to behave, and what he can do and what can not do and all. He many times thought to record his father's lecture and play it behalf him thinking he will get pain while saying it again and again. But that will surely infuriate his father. So, he clarified that idea in his mind...

Ivan's father, "sorry on his behalf, Mr. and Mrs. Li," asked the m forgiveness for his son's sake. They like him, it does not mean he should take advantage of it...

Grace, "You do not have to ask sorry and restrict him, Hardy," tells him when Ivan was asked to come to him. She liked Ivan from his kid age, he will do something funny that made her laugh when he is around the villa. She treated him and Rossy like their children only. Cause both of their family served the Li family for decades. She can not ask them to break the stings they put on. But she can be free with the child, ren, right? Her husband never asked her to stop doing it.

Hardy, "But, we are-"

David, "I told you, we are family. You families are safeguarding us for ages. It is fine if you do not want to do. Let the kids be themselves unlike you two," voice out from his place. Although Ivanbehavesechildishlyh, he has not broken any of his duty. He is doing it for good.

Ivan, "Thanks uncle," chirped happily seeing the support he is getting from them...

Grace and David laughed watching him...

Hardy sighs seeing him not minding the master and worker relationship seriously. They are indeed treating them like family. But they can not stand in the first line like them...

Rossy, "Good evening, Uncle and Aunty," greets them...

Both of them, "Good evening Rossy dear," said her back...

Grace, "Come with me Rossy," said she walked to the kitchen to fetch snacks for them all.

Aaron is about to leave to study room...

Hardy, "young master," calls him making him stop when he sees him going to leave...

Aaron looked at his side, "yes Uncle, and call me Aaron," asked him gently. They are taking care of him since his childhood and wherever he goes and come. They are around all the time. He sometimes does not understand why are they not hearing him neither their son nor daughter. They all used to play when they were kids. He does understand they are working for them, but he does not liem...

Hardy and his co-worker come friend James looked at each other, he is the same as his father who treats them like his friends rather than workers...

Hardy, "Is he troubling you?" asked him getting tensed. Cause he does know what his son is capable of. He will run his mouth as he wants...

Aaron looked at Ivan, who seems standing in his stunned state, and smirked a little, "yes he is, but little," respond him.

Whereas Ivan shoots a glare at him like he is the one troubling him. Not him. Before he could open his mouth...

Hardy, "Then you can give him punishment like the way you needed him to get back on his path and take care of him well," saying it he walks to James where he talking to their master David...

Ivan, "Father do not you think I am poor," asked him accusingly...

Hardy, "I am the one poor, not you," said while walking...

Ivan turns his head looked at Aaron, who is looking like the devil to him with a smirk on his face. He is going to do something thought in his mind swallowing hard...

Aaron, "Come to study," tells him before turning his head to the study room...

Ivan, "Just now I came. I am not coming there to work," tells him adamantly...

Aaron, "Then consider your work will be double tomorrow," said him back...

Ivan, "Why are you bad, I thought I will have this time myself," saying it runs after him...

Aaron, "You are not having a girlfriend. Why do you want time for yourself?" asked him...

Ivan, "That is because you steal everyone girl around us," complains to him...

Aaron stops, "you mean I am good looking," asked him teasingly...

Ivan in anger nods his head at him. Not realizing it what is he asking him, does he think he is not good-looking?...

Aaron glared at him, "go spend your time with them. When you leave, before that see me," said him disappearing into the study room not giving him any room to speak or think...

Ivan stands there for a minute grasping his word, when he did that, he turns his heels and runs to Grace who came out of the kitchen with Rossy carrying the tray in her hands talking to Their madam happily. He get to see her this side when they were at here. Otherwise, she will act like a man rather than a girl...

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