
Hold me in your dreams

Hunted by terrible memories from their past ,Elate and Lira tries running away from them . Those terrible memories follows them everywhere they go and refuses to let them go . They lost few People on the way ,their loved once and some enemies . Elate tries forgetting about the death of her mother that was caused by her Father's mistress ,as she struggle with forgiving her Father for cheating . Lira on the other hand wants to forget the man who once turned her life into a nightmare,but why is he suddenly obsessed if he hated her ? . Follow the journey of finding their purpose in life ,forgiving and loving . . " were you really going to leave without informing me ? " her eyes watched him at that moment,the rain was pouring. The man had an umbrella on while she was standing there without it . .' I was .....why must I tell you ? what are you to me ? your just someone I rescued because I was bored " The man rolled his eyes . If you were to listen closely you could hear the crack in his voice. " I ..I ..I don't find you entertaining anymore. " he told her with his cold eyes . That once upon time hold emotions for her . " I...I'm cold " . Please add to your library.

letgo232 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs

In the car *


Dusk woke up with extreme headache . Vampires don't get sick not even a little .

" Brother ,i think its time we go see the witch or something at this rate you Will die " Terry came holding a tray filled with blood .

Dusk merely gave him a glance ,then processed to drink .

" i need fresh blood,this ones are not working . Im becoming more thirsty . " He pushed the tray away as he tried getting on his foot ,he ended up tripping .

Terry came fast and helped him stand .

" what are we going to do ? " Terry asked as he pushed the bathroom door for him.

" it's about time,i tell the elders i think . " He took off his shirt showing his well developed body . Dusk was sexy . Terry ended mumbling to himself " even when he's sick he looks hot ."

Terry stayed with him as he took a bath , Dusk didn't seem even bothered.

" i need you to take me somewhere. " Dusk said as he stepped out of the shower with small steps .

To Terry he seemed familiar at the same time unfamiliar.

" okay , hurry up then . "

Terry went out . He didn't want Dusk to see him like that . A vampire getting corrupted meant death . It was like a bomb ,they'll develop Powers that were too good ,powerful . The more they used those powers the more faster they die.

Dusk came out wearing all black , as always. Terry quickly took the key and rushed behind him .

Dusk called Elate wanting to know her where about .

" hey princess" his voice was deep with tint of weakness making it sounds low and magnetic .

" hey " Shyness was evident in Elate's voice.

" where you at ? i wanna see you "

" im ...in studio mall ,im with Lira thou "

" don't worry it want take long . "

Dusk hanged up after saying his goodbye .

" go to varsity mall now " Dusk commanded as if Terry was his driver .

Terry did not want to argue with a dying man .

In few minutes the car came to stop in the varsity mall .

" Go out " Elate and Lira were wait for them .

Elate was surprised to see Terry along with Dusk .

Her and Terry's in counter are always awkward.

Terry smiled at her a little , " brother is calling you in the car . Don't worry i will take care of your friend. "

The moment Elate got into the car ,she was pull by Dusk as his lips came crashing on hers .

Luckily the car Windows was made as such no one could see the inside.

Her legs strangle him ,their bodies where too close to each other,Elate closed her eyes . His lips traveled from her lips to her neck

His deep magnetic voice whispered into his ear " good lord i need you so bad ,i need to taste you" .

The lips on her neck sucked her sensitive spot making a moan come out ,that only fuel the fire between them.

Elate could not think straight . His hand traveled to her chest as he grabbed on of her breast rubbing in over the shirt she was wearing .

" ooh god" her breathless voice came out ,as she dropped her head . She felt heat starting to pool down there . She really wanted him to take her there and there.