
Hold Me Close While We Glow

If having to run away from the person you dearly love isn't enough of a heartache, having to run to another country to build a life without him would cause you enough damage. As if that wasn't enough, getting to know that the remnants of the man that you don't ever want to see in this life again are growing inside you is heart-shattering. Bexley, however, decided to have the child, the child an imprint of what once she had felt for him… But, boy, never has she thought she would see him again on the doorstep of the tavern she works at. And here she thought life was finally taking mercy on her as it only offered love and contentment into her life after Bexley became a mother. Now… His coming back is not for good. Or is it? Was it all some mere misunderstandings rooted in desperation for something good that forced her to flee and seek a life of peace?

oceaanblues · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Sudden heartache.

Summer, eight years ago, in Loch Cliff.

With an undying smile on her face, Merette watches him leave, a bittersweet feeling washes over her. She turns and begins to walk back home, her heart heavy yet her smile unwavering, a silent testament to the memories they shared.

As she hops down the hill singing a tune under her breath, she looks back at the hazy view of her home, eyes falling on the brown car parked at the front gate of their home.

Before she can wonder who decides to visit now, her brain flashes her the picture of their car back in Loch Fog. Her parents' car.


They're home?

Merette's heart quirks inside her chest in excitement, it's been two days since she last saw them. It was when they came to drop her little sister. She expected them to come early this time given that Kenaila needs them more than any of their children. She hopes they're going to stay. Because she already misses them there. She likes it when everybody is home…

A wide smile crawls up on her pink lips as she takes big steps down, breeze in her hair.

Merette sprints through the narrow dirt lane which has green lush grass embroidered on either side of it and hastily opens the front gate. Her gaze stumbles on her dad standing in the front yard with Kenaila in his arms, the little girl noses at his neck and grins widely.

And her mom is putting on her chapel a few feet away from him. Papa and Nana along with her sister are in the courtyard. Everyone's face is adorned with a sweet smile.

All their heads turn and their gaze sweeps to Merette when she pulls the gate open in a loud, noisy creek. "Dad!" She calls out, a wide grin taking over her pink mouth as she sprints toward him.

She watches as he opens his arm that is not holding her sister, eyes sparkling with surprise and enthusiasm. "May!" He looks equally happy to see her as she is to see him.

Merette comes crashing to his body, winding her arms around his middle and pressing her cheek on her dad's chest. "I missed you! So much!" She lets out.

"Oh, my girl. I missed you too." Her dad is saying as he presses a loving kiss on her forehead and holds her close.

As Merette nestles into her dad's embrace, she feels a wave of comfort washes over her, enveloping her in the warmth of home. She glances over her father's shoulder and catches the sight of her mom, who is now approaching with a gentle smile on her face, her brunette curls swaying with each step.

"Mama!" Merette exclaims, her voice filled with joy as she untangles herself from her dad's hug and rushes to pull her mom into her embrace. She buries her face in her mom's shoulder, inhaling the familiar scent of her perfume mixed with the earthy aroma of the countryside.

Her mom's arms wrap around her in a tight embrace, holding her close as if to never let go. "Oh, my darling Merette," her mom murmurs softly, her voice tinged with love and relief. "We missed you too, sweetheart."

Merette squeezes her mom tightly, feeling a surge of happiness bubble up inside her. The whole family was finally together again, and the feeling was nothing short of magical. She glances around at the familiar faces of her loved ones, her heart swelling with love for each and every one of them.

Papa and Nana approach them in slow steps, their faces radiant with joy, while her sister giggles in her dad's arms, reaching out to Merette with chubby hands. Even the family dog, Rex, comes bounding over, wagging his tail furiously as he nuzzles against her leg.

As they stood together in the warm embrace of their family, Merette couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with love and contentment. She decides that she loves today with all her heart. First, it was being in the water with the new companion. Now, her parents are here!

"My sweetheart, we're here to bring Kenny home. We were about to leave when you came." Her Mom's voice comes, ripping her off her joy.

Merette's heart sinks as her mom's words register in her mind. Leave? But they have just arrived! Or so she thought. Her brows furrow in confusion as she turns to her mom, searching her eyes for any hint of a joke.

"Leave?" Merette repeats, her voice barely above a whisper, disbelief coloring her tone. "But... why? You just got here."

Her mom's expression softens, and she tilts her head down to meet Merette's eyes, taking her hands in hers. "I know, sweetheart," she says gently, her voice tinged with regret. "But there's something important we need to take care of back in Loch Fog. We didn't plan on leaving so soon, but duty calls. You guys can come with us too, if you want."

Merette's heart feels heavy in her chest as the reality of their departure sinks in. She bites her lip, trying to hold back the tears that threaten to spill over. It isn't fair. She had been looking forward to spending time with her family, and now they were leaving again so soon.

But she also doesn't want to go back to Loch Fog just yet.

"But..." Merette started, her voice trembling with emotion. "Can't you stay just a little longer? Please?"

Her mom's eyes soften with sympathy, and she pulls Merette into a tight hug, holding her close. "I wish we could, darling," she whispers, her voice barely audible over the sound of Merette's muffled sobs. "But sometimes, we have to do things we don't want to do. Just know that we love you, and we'll be back as soon as we can."

Merette clings to her mom, her heart aching with sadness. She knows her mom was right, but it doesn't make saying goodbye any easier. As they stand there, wrapped in each other's arms, Merette can't help but wish that time will stand still, just for a little while longer, so she can hold onto this moment forever.