
Hold Me 'Till the Morning Comes

Two boys living on the streets only have each other, but their story goes public after one ends up in a hospital. Riley and Sky must learn to live with Riley's mental illness... and how to keep their relationship secret.

Riley_Andromeda · Realistic
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17 Chs

Alone in Bed...

Back at the apartment, all three pigged out. The food was good, and Riley and Sky then split a whole box of pop tarts. Nico left for his room around 9pm, saying that Will was working the night shift and he had to be up by 6am for his rounds.

Sheets sat neatly folded on the pullout couch, but no one had taken the liberty to actual make the bed. Sky unceremoniously flopped onto Riley's bed, and his mind began to wander. Those thoughts he had earlier made a reappearance along with an urge to pin his boyfriend down and to kiss him until neither of them could breath.

Sky had disclosed his and Nico's conversation from earlier, much to Riley's dismay. After much talking and one near panic attack on Riley's part, both boys had come to the agreement that having someone they could trust might not be that bad.

Riley looked Sky dead in the eyes, and did something completely out of character for him. He put his arms around Sky's neck and kissed him. Not like a peck, but a bruising, heavy, needy kiss. Not wanting to break the kiss, Sky pulled Riley onto his lap, scooped him up, and walked over the door.

He closed and locked it, never breaking contact, and then layed Riley onto the bed as if he was handling a carton of eggs. He had a moment to bask in the glory of his boyfriend, but that thought was quickly overrun by the return of the heat to his groin.

Riley broke contact long enough to peel both their shirts off. Sky began to grind Riley into the bed, leaving both men breathless. As Sky began to kiss his way down Riley's chest, Riley began to work at Sky's pant buttons the best he could. Then Sky did the one thing he always knew would make Riley squirm. He took one perky, circular nipple and his mouth and began to swirl his tongue. He heard a heavy moan from Riley, and the smaller boy bucked against Sky's hips. Pulling back, Sky asked, "Do you want this?" to which Riley roughly grabbed his shoulders and pulled him into a deep french kiss.

Within seconds, all cloths lay scattered on the ground. Riley reached for his small bag as Sky kissed tantalizingly close to his cock. Pulling out the necessary supplies, he passed them to the larger boy. Riley spreed his legs as he always did, urging his boyfriend to pleasure him. Sky leaned down and kissed the drops of precum off of Riley's tip and then inserted his index finger into Riley's ass.

The sensation was like a drug to Riley, who moaned and begged for more. With firm dance of the didgets, Sky prepped his lover. After what felt like ages, Riley couldn't take it anymore. "Put it in!" He said with an urgency Sky hadn't heard in a long time. He obliged, slowly lowering Riley onto his lap. Riley let out a squeak, but it was quickly replaced by a deep moan. Sky felt an urgent need, and began to thrust. Riley rose to met him.

Both men sped up pace and their breathing became sporadic. Riley felt his prostate get hit over and over again, and with a low moan of "Skyler," he came on both of their chests. Sky was sent over the edge by this moment and came soon after. Both sat side by side in bed, riding the euphoria of the orgasms. Sky eventually rose and came back from the bathroom with babywipes. He cleaned them both off while peppering Riley with kisses.

He climbed in bed beside Riley, and stroked his hair. In post bliss, Riley snuggled into Sky's chest and muttered one phrase.

"Hold me 'till the morning comes."

Here's your smut chapter! I felt dirty just writting this, but it didn't stop me. Hope you will return for later chapters!

Riley_Andromedacreators' thoughts