
Hokage Naruto, The Opening Black Coffin Shocked Konoha

In the world of Shinigami, the Millennium Blood War and Aizen attacked the Soul King's Palace together. When they killed Yhwach and beheaded the Soul King, they were killed by Aizen in a surprise attack. Just when he was about to give up, he found that he had traveled to the world of the Hokage and became Uzumaki Naruto, the tail end of Konoha. "Is this the world of Hokage? From now on, I will stand in the sky." At the beginning, Black Coffin killed Mizuki, the Wave Country Bridge completed the killing of hundreds of people, opened the gate to hell to summon Espada, Chūnin took the exam to defeat Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, and fought with the Akatsuki organization. As the most evil existence in the ninja world, a new bloody journey begins. . And the powers of Kidō, Zanpakutō, Complete Technique, Hollow and Quincy were restored one by one.

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The Battle Begins One On Three

The crew was nervously carrying the filming equipment onto the ship.Naruto stood on the deck at the stern of the ship, looking at the workers on the other ship who were also busy on the dock late at night.Naruto pointed to the boat with some confusion and asked the agent."Is that our ship too?""No, that's not the boat. We have a filming boat." The agent replied, adjusting his glasses."We set off so late because of Miss Yukie. They also set out to sea at this time. Is it a coincidence?" Naruto asked playfully.The agent explained: "They are also a merchant ship that happens to be heading to the Land of Snow. They are one of our sponsors and have agreed with us to go together."Naruto didn't say anything more after hearing this. As far as the caravan was concerned, the guards were the normal configuration, and there were obviously a few good Reiatsu reactions among them.There is also a Reiatsu that Naruto is obviously familiar with, but he can't remember who the owner of Reiatsu is, so he probably won't have too many interactions with him.If we consider it as a real caravan, it is not too much to equip this level of guards. After all, it is a cross-border business.Thinking about Kado who used to do shipping, he could easily summon a hundred warriors and rebel ninjas of Zabuza's level.Naruto was not in a hurry to test whether they were a real caravan or a fake caravan. Anyway, they were handled in the same way. If there was a problem, just get rid of it.In this vast sea, the processing of traces still has natural advantages....As soon as he woke up, Naruto walked out of the room and saw everyone who had already started filming.Compared with how she looked after drinking last night, she was still very dedicated when she was acting. Her precise performance was brilliant, and she was more dedicated than she imagined.Watching the director and his assistant having a heated discussion, a huge glacier unexpectedly appeared on the planned route and blocked the driving route."Sorry, I only discovered this problem when I got up in the morning. If we need to change the route now, the original shooting plan will also be affected." The assistant nervously explained to the director."Great, that's it! Revise the script immediately, and the part on the boat has been filmed. Come with me to the top for filming!" The director's eyes glowed with golden light as he looked at the cliff."Huh?" The assistant obviously didn't keep up with the director's pace."What are you idiots doing? This is a treasure given to me by the God of Movies. How can I miss it? Get ready to land!" The director gave the order directly.But as soon as he landed, Naruto could already feel it. There were three powerful Reiatsu hiding in the distance.He told the director next to him: "Don't go too far. The snow peaks ahead are not safe. If an avalanche occurs, it will be difficult to evacuate your equipment."The director thought about it. After all, Naruto was responsible for the safety of this shooting, so he accepted Naruto's suggestion and did not go too far into the shooting.Naruto, on the other hand, kept paying attention to the three Reiatsu and found that they had not made any move.Naruto guessed that there was a high probability that they were also observing.Maybe they weren't sure how many ninjas there were in Konoha to participate in this mission, and they were unsure of the action plan.What Naruto didn't know was that the main reason for the other person's shrinking was precisely because of him.The person they sent to investigate the intelligence earlier was the man whose wrist was crushed by Naruto.Because of Naruto, he was not able to pass the collected information back on time.Probably just as the crew was filming the scene, the three snow ninjas couldn't wait any longer, and Lang Ya Beng Xue, Dong Xiong Bing Yu and He Yi Chui Xue took the initiative to show up.The leader, Langya Bengxue, was the first to speak: "Welcome to the Land of Snow."On the side, Tsuruichi Fukiyuki, the only woman in the trio, said, "I am here to welcome you, Princess Koyuki. Have you brought the hexagonal crystal?"Naruto glanced at the shocked manager next to him, stretched his muscles, and stood in front of Fuji Kazue.Bingyu, a winter bear with a robotic arm, also appeared from the other side.After a rough perception, the Reiatsu level is roughly the same as that of Jōnin, except for the leader, Langya Benxue, who is stronger.But what Naruto was more concerned about was the strange device they installed on his body. Although that device did not affect Reiatsu, the Chakra revealed in it was obviously different from the normal one.How about fighting three of them at the same time without Reiatsu recovering?But from what they said, they were only here for something belonging to Fuji Kazue, so that he could concentrate more without thinking about other people. After all, Naruto was not good at doing such holy things.The Wolf Fang Snow slowly fell from the distant peak, and at the same time he said to Naruto: "Konoha ninjas, the last time we fought was Kakashi, and he finally ran away with his tail between his legs."Naruto slowly pulled out the Zanpakutō and said with a smile, "I've never heard Kakashi-sensei say that.""Oh? So he's Kakashi's student?" As he spoke, Langya Bengxue had already arrived in front of Naruto."Kakashi-sensei isn't here, so let me try to figure out what kind of opponent can make Kakashi-sensei escape." Naruto said, and he shot two kunai experimentally.But Langya Bengxue did not dodge. When the kunai was about to touch his body, it was stopped by an invisible force.To be honest, this reaction was like using Bakudō's Eight Repulses, but Naruto could clearly sense that it was an ability related to Chakra."Student of Kakashi, it seems that you don't know about the Chakra armor.This armor can increase the Chakra in the body, strengthen various ninjutsu, form a Chakra defense wall around the body, and can offset your Chakra.Attack or even reverse your Chakra, no matter what kind of ninjutsu or genjutsu it is, it will not work on it!"Langya Bengxue introduced to Naruto confidently, as if he already had a chance to win, and he did it deliberately to make Naruto die in peace.Naruto couldn't help but complain in his mind, is this something unique to villains? Can you please introduce it more?If I were like Langya Bengxue and generously introduced Reiatsu-related knowledge to the whole world, I probably wouldn't live long."Thank you for the introduction, but in this world, there are more than just Ninjutsu, Genjutsu and Chakra, such as this!"Naruto said, and the murderous aura filled with all his malice was instantly released. The monstrous murderous aura turned into a real blade, slitting their throats and penetrating their hearts.Langya Bengxue's expression froze, and he immediately took up his stance, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.Dongxiong Bingyu froze as he stepped on the mechanical skateboard, and fell onto the snow.Tsuruichi Fubuki's action of releasing ninjutsu was directly interrupted.Naruto said to Fuji Kazuee behind him: "Stop looking and leave quickly."Langya Bengxue was the first to break away from that state, put away his contempt for Naruto, and quickly formed seals to release ninjutsu."Ice Escape·Broken Dragon and Tiger!"