
Hokage Naruto, The Opening Black Coffin Shocked Konoha

In the world of Shinigami, the Millennium Blood War and Aizen attacked the Soul King's Palace together. When they killed Yhwach and beheaded the Soul King, they were killed by Aizen in a surprise attack. Just when he was about to give up, he found that he had traveled to the world of the Hokage and became Uzumaki Naruto, the tail end of Konoha. "Is this the world of Hokage? From now on, I will stand in the sky." At the beginning, Black Coffin killed Mizuki, the Wave Country Bridge completed the killing of hundreds of people, opened the gate to hell to summon Espada, Chūnin took the exam to defeat Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, and fought with the Akatsuki organization. As the most evil existence in the ninja world, a new bloody journey begins. . And the powers of Kidō, Zanpakutō, Complete Technique, Hollow and Quincy were restored one by one.

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51 Chs

Task Delegation And Testing

After watching the whole movie, Naruto couldn't help but sigh, no matter where he is, everyone still prefers fantasy things.The abilities in the movie are much more exaggerated than the ninjutsu we usually see, especially the ability used by the villain to summon a tornado.It also reminded Naruto that his friend in Hueco Mundo, No. 103 Arrancar Dorudoni, had a very similar ability with his Return of the Blade Storm Baron.Apart from this, only the heroine, Fuji Kazue, who played the role of Princess Fengyun in the movie, left a deep impression on Naruto with her delicate face with heroic spirit and her smart eyes that seemed to be able to speak.It's a pity that in the movie, Fuji Kazue was wrapped too tightly, with long clothes, long sleeves and long trousers completely hiding her figure. Naruto could only lament that the director didn't understand people's hearts.At the end of the screening, Chōji was talking about the food in the movie, Ino was talking about the actor Michi who played the role of the villain, and Shikamaru was talking about how the villain's ability is really convenient.If it could be used in reality, there would be no need for so many people to be ninjas. .Naruto, on the other hand, was thinking about the feasibility of visiting various countries under the guise of filming to secretly carry out operations and capture the world, without other countries discovering it.Not long after leaving the theater, Naruto saw the familiar Reiatsu owner that he had noticed while watching the movie."I didn't expect that you came to watch this movie yourself, which saved a lot of effort." Kakashi said, touching his chin.Naruto's expression showed a hint of confusion, but he hid it well and was not noticed by Kakashi.His perception never slackened. He should be sure that no one was following him. So how did Kakashi find his location directly?Naruto had a vague guess in his mind. Maybe Konoha has other surveillance methods besides personnel surveillance, maybe ninjutsu?Naruto thought like this and asked casually: "What's wrong with this movie? Teacher Kakashi shouldn't be training Sasuke, so why do you have time to come to me?""The task you asked me to apply for has come to fruition." Kakashi replied."Oh? In other words, it's not just approval, but a task is actually issued, and this task is related to this movie?" Naruto thought briefly and expressed his inference.Kakashi smiled and said: "You have a very smart mind, which saves me the effort of explaining.""What is the specific mission content? You can't really ask me to escort some princess, right?" Naruto teased."It's a bit similar, but the escort is not the real princess, but the crew is escorted to the Land of Snow to complete the follow-up filming." Kakashi explained."Snow Country, doesn't it sound like a big country?" Naruto searched the memory in this body and found that Naruto had no relevant knowledge about Snow Country.Kakashi touched his chin and replied: "If we really want to compare, it is probably on the scale of Wave Country."Then he added: "But unlike the Country of Waves, there are also some ninjas there. I fought against them many years ago when I was on a mission."Naruto asked calmly and tentatively: "You are so powerful, you have your own ninja, and you can even fight against Kakashi-sensei. The whole crew only relies on me to protect you. Can Mr. Hokage actually agree?"Mainly at first, Naruto just felt that at most he could be allowed to carry out some tasks alone, similar to the task of clearing out bandits or bandits.Not to mention the power he showed, just by thinking about the Nine Tails sealed in his belly, he could understand its importance to the village. He was actually able to let himself go on a long mission alone."With your strength, such a mission should be no problem. I heard that you have mastered the Summoning Technique, which is just a simple escort." Kakashi patted Naruto on the shoulder to express encouragement.Naruto's expression remained unchanged, but he already had some suspicions in his mind. This mission must not be as simple as it seems.But Naruto would not refuse. This was also a good thing for him. It was only a matter of time before Szayel Aporro took over and won the Kingdom of Waves. He had no reason to give up on the Kingdom of Snow that came to his door.It's just that if you want to see your own performance, then you should perform the way Sarutobi Hiruzen wants.After all, it is still profitable to stay in Konoha, so there is no need to start a stalemate immediately."Kakashi-sensei, why don't you come with me? If anything goes wrong, you can handle it." Naruto asked tentatively."I have other tasks. I don't have anyone traveling with you this time. You should act accordingly and remember to write a task report after completion." Kakashi said and waved his hand.Naruto would not believe a word of this official statement. If he really let himself go out alone, it would only mean that all Konoha has lost its mind.Naruto thought that it would take him almost a day and a half to recover Reiatsu, and then continued to ask: "When will the mission start and who is in charge of the docking?"It was at this time that Fuji Kazuee, wearing the costume of Princess Fengyun, rode a group of white horses and quickly passed by Naruto and Kakashi.And not only that, behind her, a group of people dressed as villains in the movie followed closely behind on black horses.Naruto scratched his head and asked, "What are you doing, filming?"Kakashi pointed to the group of people who had just rode by on horseback and said to Naruto: "It shouldn't be filming. The person in charge over there said that Fujifaze Yukie, who plays the heroine, suddenly resisted when she heard that she was going to the Land of Snow. To escape.""Young lady is in a mood." Naruto said with a knowing expression."As for the mission, when the work on Fuji Fengxue Painting is completed, the crew will leave for it.""Understood. By the way, what about the reward for this mission?" Naruto asked while stretching his muscles."The client is Fuji Kazukie's agent, and the remuneration is quite considerable. Since you are solely responsible for it, as far as a single person's standard is concerned, it is basically twice as high as the task standard." Kakashi touched He said while holding his chin."Understood, I accepted this mission." Naruto immediately ran towards the direction of the group of people.While chasing, Naruto was thinking about who would be better to take care of the Snow Country.In his assessment, the unification of the ninja world would not be a too quick process.Although the high-end combat power is currently limited, when he truly begins to unify, various hidden strong men will appear, and it will definitely not go smoothly.The Kingdom of Waves was handed over to Szayel Aporro as an experimental site. Although the development may not be very good, it is enough as long as it can meet his experimental needs.Among other acquaintances, there is no need to worry about Shinigami. After being betrayed by him, he will basically fight to the death, oh, no matter what, he will not stop.There is no need to think about the Knights of the Star Cross. It is basically the same. Even if someone from the Harbin faction dies in his own hands, there will definitely be no friendship.In the best-case scenario, Naruto still felt that he needed to cooperate with the local people. It would be better to support a relatively weak force, and the people he found would be responsible for providing force. This would be more suitable in the long run.For the specific situation, you still have to go to that country and analyze the situation in detail."Snow Country, how much should you kill..."