
Hokage Naruto, The Opening Black Coffin Shocked Konoha

In the world of Shinigami, the Millennium Blood War and Aizen attacked the Soul King's Palace together. When they killed Yhwach and beheaded the Soul King, they were killed by Aizen in a surprise attack. Just when he was about to give up, he found that he had traveled to the world of the Hokage and became Uzumaki Naruto, the tail end of Konoha. "Is this the world of Hokage? From now on, I will stand in the sky." At the beginning, Black Coffin killed Mizuki, the Wave Country Bridge completed the killing of hundreds of people, opened the gate to hell to summon Espada, Chūnin took the exam to defeat Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, and fought with the Akatsuki organization. As the most evil existence in the ninja world, a new bloody journey begins. . And the powers of Kidō, Zanpakutō, Complete Technique, Hollow and Quincy were restored one by one.

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Szayel Aporro From Hell

Naruto was naturally not idle either, seizing the gap where the gate of hell was not closed, he repeated what he had released previously, without even increasing the input of Reiatsu and Chakra.Because it is no longer needed, the gate of hell has been opened, there is no need for Naruto to input his power to break the barrier, all he has to do is become a beacon guiding the way.Naruto could clearly feel that a familiar Reiatsu was approaching quickly from inside the Gate of Hell.He silently took out his cigarettes and smoked them one after another. After smoking three cigarettes, he stopped using the power loan.To exchange one stick for one day's power, the three-day window period is already a long time.If he continued, the risk would be too great. Without Reiatsu, he would not be able to resist, but he could still be at the mercy of a strong person.But he had to take this risk. Although opening the door to hell was not a dangerous thing in itself, it was indeed dangerous for Naruto because there were many acquaintances of his below."Are you sure you can break the chains of hell?" Ulquiorra's voice rang in Naruto's mind."I haven't tried it, but there is no problem in theory.Those chains themselves are like a law-like existence.That person broke it once with the power of Shinigami, Hollow and Quincy.Although the Quincy in me is currently The power has not been restored yet, but with the help of the Full Senjutsu, Shinigami and Hollow, it won't be impossible,"Naruto analyzed calmly.Naruto adjusted his own power, borrowing three days of power at a time, which was still a relatively large burden on his current weak body."What if this preparation still doesn't work?" Ulquiorra continued to ask.Naruto glanced at the sound ninja who was still alive beside him and said, "If that doesn't work, we have already prepared a backup plan. We don't have to get entangled with those chains. That guy's ability should be able to handle it without any problem.""Since we have a backup plan, is it necessary to prepare for this?"After all, if there is no way to mobilize Reiatsu, even Ulquiorra will have difficulty playing a role."No, this preparation is not all about breaking the chains of hell. I'm just worried that some old friends will come to reminisce. After all, I don't plan to die a second time." Naruto said silently and tightened the Zanpakutō in his hand.It was at this time that a figure rushed out of the gate of hell.It was a man with pink hair, half of his body corroded into black bones by hell.The man looked around in surprise, obviously confused about where he was, and finally looked at Naruto, and then at the body of the Oto Ninja next to him."What the hell, why is a Shinigami brat greeting me and calling me a dead man with strange moves?" the pink-haired man complained dissatisfied.It was at this time that the same chain that bound the Sound Ninja's soul appeared on the man's neck, and the powerful force seemed to want to pull him into the gate of hell again.The man reached out and grabbed the chain, glanced inside the Gate of Hell, and said calmly: "Don't be so anxious, I just came out to get some air."He looked at Naruto again, and was about to say something when he felt the Reiatsu in Naruto suddenly increase, mixed with a familiar feeling.A hollow mask appeared on Naruto's face. Naruto raised his sword with both hands and made a slashing gesture to accumulate this power. A big hand held an extremely huge katana in the air and made the same gesture.Hollow and Zanpakutō immediately brought back memories in the pink-haired man's mind, and he asked in disbelief: "Is it you?"As Naruto swung the Zanpakutō, a strong sword pressure shot out, cutting off the man's chains and making a harsh metallic sound.But the severed chains did not give the man freedom, instead more chains that were originally hidden appeared.The next second, the huge Zanpakutō fell from the sky, and the blade and the iron chain erupted with a violent roar. This time, they were cut off, and all of them were cut off without leaving a single link.At the moment when the gate of hell was about to close, a blade that was almost the same as the huge katana thrust out from the crack of the door, shattering the giant hand summoned by Naruto with one blow.As the giant hand disintegrated, a large amount of blood also flowed out from under Naruto's Hollow mask.Naruto's eyes followed the Madara's mottled blade and saw the angry eyes in the distance in the Gate of Hell.Naruto said to the person inside the door in an arrogant tone: "You are the one who is killed, and I am the one who lives. This is a fact that will never change. I will make good use of the power I took away from you."The man in the door roared angrily like a wolf, but as the door to hell closed, the sound suddenly stopped.Naruto crushed Hollow's mask, but Ulquiorra's High-Speed ​​Regeneration was still helping him recover from his injuries quickly.At this time, Naruto turned to look at the pink-haired man and said, "It's been a long time, Szayel Aporro.""Is it really you? I was clearly in hell and saw you being killed by Aizen. What's going on with your posture now? Where is this?" Szayel Aporro asked several questions in one breath.Naruto did not answer in a hurry, but pointed to the sound ninja beside him and said: "No hurry, I will help you break away from the shackles of hell.We have plenty of time to reminisce about the past.First, we will use the method of conception to obtain a new body and break away from the bondage of hell.I'm afraid you won't be able to exist in this world for long.""Is it really another world?" Szayel Aporro murmured to himself.In hell, they still had a way to observe the real world and Soul Society, so he felt a special sense of strangeness from the beginning.Szayel Aporro stretched out his tentacles and pierced the body of the sound ninja.In an instant, the Sound Ninja's abdomen bulged violently, and a brand new Szayel Aporro emerged from the Sound Ninja's mouth. This sight reminded Naruto of Orochimaru.After Szayel Aporro left the body, the sound ninja quickly turned into a mummy.Naruto looked at Szayel Aporro and put on Arrancar's iconic white clothes, and suggested: "I suggest you, it's better to change into the clothes of this world first."Without further ado, Naruto took the eyeballs out of their sockets and crushed them, turning them into dust particles and scattering them in the air.Szayel Aporro naturally remembers that this is Ulquiorra's ability to share the world. By sucking those particles, he can see all the images that Naruto's eyes saw when he was reincarnated in this world.Taking a moment to digest the memories, SzayelAporro asked the fundamental question."what do you want to do?""Sweep across this world and restore your power to its peak," Naruto paused and continued coldly, "Then fight back!"