
Hokage Naruto, The Opening Black Coffin Shocked Konoha

In the world of Shinigami, the Millennium Blood War and Aizen attacked the Soul King's Palace together. When they killed Yhwach and beheaded the Soul King, they were killed by Aizen in a surprise attack. Just when he was about to give up, he found that he had traveled to the world of the Hokage and became Uzumaki Naruto, the tail end of Konoha. "Is this the world of Hokage? From now on, I will stand in the sky." At the beginning, Black Coffin killed Mizuki, the Wave Country Bridge completed the killing of hundreds of people, opened the gate to hell to summon Espada, Chūnin took the exam to defeat Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, and fought with the Akatsuki organization. As the most evil existence in the ninja world, a new bloody journey begins. . And the powers of Kidō, Zanpakutō, Complete Technique, Hollow and Quincy were restored one by one.

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Hollowx Instant Coax

Everyone's eyes turned to Naruto who suddenly appeared in front of Sasuke Sakura with a mask on his face."Naruto?" Little Sakura murmured, "Didn't you just get killed by a snake..."Orochimaru had already jumped off the snake's head, looked at Naruto wearing a mask in front of him, looked at his clean clothes and said."I see, the one just now was actually a clone?""Clone?" Sasuke was also stunned. Based on his performance just now, he had no doubt that it was Naruto's clone and not himself.Naruto took out the scroll he just got from his pocket, threw it to little Sakura aside and explained: "What I started to think about is that it will be much faster if we separate, and you can also get more exercise."Little Sakura looked blankly at the scroll in her hand. She couldn't believe that in just a moment, Naruto had already captured a scroll and returned here.Naruto slowly sheathed the Zanpakutō and, wary of Orochimaru's movements, continued to speak: "It's just that I didn't expect that the exam had just begun and I would be targeted by this guy."Mainly, Naruto still wanted to buy more time to recover. Whether it was the rush just now or the blow he just used Zanpakutō, plus the Kidō he and his clone used, it was not a small amount of consumption.When the clone disappeared, Naruto understood the whole thing through the clone's memory.It was obvious that he had two choices before him now, fight or run away.But neither of these options is 100% safe. Even if he chooses to escape, Naruto with two people may not be able to escape.If you choose to fight head-on, this kind of opponent must attack with all your strength without sparing any effort. If you fail, you won't have much energy left to escape.Even if he manages to escape by luck, he will not be able to use Reiatsu for a long time in the future due to the side effects of the power loan.Orochimaru was not in a hurry, Naruto had brought him so many surprises that he even looked forward to his next move."So you're just going to watch like this? If you continue to let it go, I might kill you later." Naruto looked at Orochimaru and said.Orochimaru chuckled twice: "Then I really want to see your final struggle."Having seen Naruto's attack just now, he didn't think that with their level, there was a way to escape from his grasp.Naruto helped little Sakura up and said, "In order to defeat this guy, do me a favor."Little Sakura asked worriedly: "How can I help you? You can really defeat him... huh!"As she asked, Naruto kissed her instantly.Suddenly, little Sakura's pupils suddenly shrank, her brain went blank, and the scroll in her hand fell to the ground.ah? what's the situation? Was he forcibly kissed by Naruto?Little Sakura was confused at this moment. The development of the matter was beyond her imagination.Sasuke on the side was also unexpected, his mouth opened slightly, and he stared at the scene in front of him in stunned silence.Naruto stopped moving for a moment, feeling the knots and sleep running rapidly inside his body.Little Sakura panted and pointed at Naruto, blushing and yelling: "You, you, you...what are you doing, you idiot!""I told you that I need your help. If I want to defeat him, your help is indispensable." Naruto looked at little Sakura and said seriously."What time is it now, idiot? You still have the mood to say such stupid things?" Little Sakura wiped the thin hair from the corner of her mouth with a pout.Naruto turned and looked at Orochimaru, who was observing with his chin touched, and said: "Sorry for the wait. Now it's time to send you on your way.""Oh?"After that, Naruto began the final preparations. First, he took out the cigarette from his pocket, lit it and took a deep puff, using the power to borrow, and then swept his right hand across his face, and a white mask appeared on his face."Instant Hong."Finally, as Naruto spoke in a low voice, the crazy flow of Reiatsu in his body turned into a highly concentrated compressed Kidō, which wrapped around his shoulders and back like the wind, and the clothes on his arms and back were instantly torn.Although Orochimaru didn't know what Naruto did, he could feel that this was very similar to the six-stick light prison he had just been hit by, but the way it was presented and the intensity were very different.Although the original intelligence had mentioned that Naruto had learned many new techniques, personal experience was another matter.So he became more and more curious about Naruto, but it was a pity that he was not the main target this time.Just as Orochimaru was thinking, Naruto took a step and the tree trunk under his feet broke with a sound.The next moment Naruto appeared in front of Orochimaru, and his clenched fists instantly blasted out, aiming at Orochimaru's head and heart respectively.Naruto's low voice sounded: "Double Bones!"The huge destructive power of the double bones shattered Orochimaru's body, and the fragments of his body flew everywhere.The big tree behind him collapsed with a loud bang, and the surrounding animals, frightened by the terrifying aura, fled in panic.The body fragments even fell at the feet of Sasuke and little Sakura, who stared blankly at Naruto who was looking around.If Sasuke hadn't activated the Sharingan, he would have had no way of seeing Naruto's movements clearly. He would have been like little Sakura, who only heard two loud noises and couldn't keep up with Naruto's movements after several levels of strengthening.No soul was sensed! Naruto shouted at the two: "That guy is not dead!"Orochimaru got out of the half of the body next to Sasuke, covered with disgusting mucus. Before the three could react, his neck stretched out as if he had eaten a Rubber Fruit, and bit Sasuke's neck."Uh ah ah..." Sasuke groaned in pain."As an Uchiha, you shouldn't just be a spectator. Chase me, Orochimaru. Only I can give you the power you desire."When Naruto mobilized the few remaining Reiatsu and attacked Orochimaru, his figure had already blended into the environment and quickly fled away."Don't worry, Nine Tails kid. The attack just now was quite beautiful, but it didn't work on me. If it weren't for the annoying guy approaching, I would have played with you for a while longer." Orochimaru's voice came from the forest.Looking at the painful Sasuke, Naruto used Hakufu to make him fall asleep.This was the first time Naruto failed since he came to this world. His body was shattered but he was able to recover in a short time, which reminded him of the two scientists Kurotsuchi Mayuri and SzayelAporro in Shinigami.It was not a failure. In the end, Naruto had not fully recovered his strength. If he was in his prime, he would have directly annihilated the entire area. He didn't believe that Orochimaru could still be resurrected. He just chose the wrong move.