
Hokage: Instant Full Level

Travel through the world of Hokage and become the patriarch of the Uzumaki family, and the full-level system will be awakened instantly. "Ding, I found the body of a fairy, and the level is instantly full..." "Ding, I found the four-element seal, and the level is instantly full..." "Ding, I found Rasengan, and the level is instantly full..." "Ding, found Wood Style, instant full level..." "Ding, I found Sharingan, and the level is instantly full..." "..." There is nothing that can't be solved by max level, if there is, then continue to max level...

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Chapter 2

The Uzumaki family, as the descendants of the second son of the Sage of Six Paths, inherited the immortal body, known for their former vitality and huge Chakra.Now Jiang Yu relied on the instant max level system to directly raise his immortal body to full level.The strong vitality and huge Chakra also allowed Jiang Yu to awaken two abilities that are very rare in the Uzumaki clan.Kagura heals mind and body.Kagura Mind Eye: The unique ability of the Uzumaki family, which can easily sense the abnormality of Chakra within a radius of tens of kilometers.Physical Healing: The unique ability of the Uzumaki family can restore injuries by biting the skin, sucking the blood and Chakra in the body, the effect is quite strong, even if the body is broken in half, it can be restored intact.In addition, even the powerful sealing technique, relying on the instant full-level system, has also been upgraded to full-level.It can be said that relying on the instant full-level system, Jiang Yu can easily develop the strength in his body to Ultimate, and instantly learn all ninjas."Haha, the instant full level, this feeling is really cool..."Feeling the powerful force constantly surging in his body, Jiang Yu laughed out loud.Just when Jiang Yu was excited, the door of Jiang Yu's room opened, and a cute red-haired head popped out."Hey, Jiang Yu big brother, you're awake..."This is a little loli, a very cute-looking little red-haired loli."Kushina, why are you here!?..."Seeing this little lolita, Jiang Yu also had a smile on his face.Uzumaki Kushina, the little princess of the Uzumaki country.Because the Uzumaki Country is a small country, there is only one family, the Uzumaki clan, so no matter whether it is the patriarch of the Uzumaki clan or the daimyo of the Uzumaki Country, they are all members of the Uzumaki clan.And Jiang Yu is the patriarch of the Uzumaki clan, and Uzumaki Kushina's father is the daimyo of the country of Uzumaki.In the original book, the country of Uzumaki was destroyed and the Uzumaki family perished. As the princess of the country of Uzumaki, Uzumaki Kushina came to Konoha Village, became the second generation Jinchūriki, and finally died in the conspiracy.Thinking of this, Jiang Yu's eyes flashed coldly.But now that Jiang Yu has come to this world, he will definitely not let this kind of thing happen.Looking at the red-haired Kushina with a little baby fat, Jiang Yu smiled and ruffled her hair."Why do you look unhappy, who bullied you...""Dad came back and said he was going to take me to Konoha Village...""Jiang Yu big brother, I don't want to leave you..." Kushina pouted with a look of reluctance."Don't worry, I won't leave you, you are so cute, how could I be willing to leave you!..." Looking at Kushina, Jiang Yu pinched her cute little face with some baby fat.Sensing Jiang Yu's movements, Kushina's entire face turned red, and she lowered her head in embarrassment.Children in the Hokage world are really precocious."By the way, where is the daimyo..." Jiang Yu asked Kushina.Now that Jiang Yu has become the patriarch of the Uzumaki clan, Jiang Yu must make preparations early.Jiang Yu doesn't want the Uzumaki family to be destroyed like in the original book, and finally become a wave country without ninjas.As a time traveler, Jiang Yu has no wives and concubines, and wandering around the ninja world who was beaten while lying on the lap of a drunk beauty, that would be too embarrassing for the time traveler.What's more, Jiang Yu is now a person with an instant full-level system.Anyone who dares to attack the Uzumaki family must be prepared to be blown up."Father and the elders of the clan are in the meeting room...""It seems to be discussing about going to Konoha..." Kushina said still blushing."Konoha!? Hehe, you are looking for a dead end..." Hearing Kushina's words, Jiang Yu's mouth showed disdain.Jiang Yu is very clear that in the original book, there are many sealing techniques of the Uzumaki clan in Konoha Village.If it is said that the destruction of the Uzumaki clan had nothing to do with Konoha, even Jiang Yu would not believe it.Even Jiang Yu suspected that the destruction of the Uzumaki clan had a lot to do with Konoha Village.Because as long as the Uzumaki clan is destroyed, Konoha Village can take the sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan as its own."Kushina, big brother has something to do with the elders, I'll play with you later..."Before leaving, Jiang Yu rubbed Kushina's cute little head hard, making Kushina's face flushed.Before Jiang Yu entered the conference room, he heard Li was discussing about evacuation."Although the barrier protects the village, it won't last long. We must find a way...""Are we the Uzumaki clan really going to perish?...""Let's go to Konoha! With our relationship with the Senju clan, Konoha Village should protect us...""That's right, Konoha Village will definitely protect us...""..."For a time, everyone pinned their hopes on Konoha Village."Haha, what are you going to do!? Go to Konoha to die!?..."At this moment, Jiang Yu's voice sounded, attracting everyone's attention."Young patriarch, you are awake...""Young patriarch, this is not a place for nonsense, you should leave quickly...""Yes! We are discussing the future of the Uzumaki clan...""..."Seeing Jiang Yu appear, the four old elders scolded Jiang Yu.There is only the Uzumaki family in the country of Uzumaki, so the elders in front of us are the elders of Jiang Yu.In the hearts of these elders, Jiang Yu is just a junior, and he is not qualified to speak in front of them at all."Hmph, don't forget, I am the patriarch of the Uzumaki clan..."Looking at the four elders who relied on the old to sell the old in front of him, Jiang Yu snorted coldly, and went directly to the seat in front of everyone."The patriarch, we are discussing to take refuge in Konoha Village, I don't know what the patriarch has to say..."An elder looked at Jiang Yu very unhappy and said."Take refuge in Konoha Village, I think you are looking for death...""Don't forget, Konoha Village broke the agreement with us and watched our Uzumaki clan perish...""And now you actually want to join Konoha Village, if you want to die, don't take the whole Uzumaki clan with you..." Jiang Yu looked at the elders with great contempt and said."How is this possible! Konoha Village won't do such a thing...""The Senju clan will definitely help us..."Hearing Jiang Yu's words, these elders obviously didn't believe it, and still firmly believed that Konoha Village and the Senju clan would definitely help the Uzumaki clan."Nothing is impossible. Konoha Village is not what it used to be, and the Senju family is not what it used to be...""If the Uzumaki family wants to survive, they can only rely on themselves...""I now order everyone in the name of the patriarch to prepare for battle in three days and defeat the invaders..."Jiang Yu looked at everyone in front of him and said.