
Hokage: Instant Full Level

Travel through the world of Hokage and become the patriarch of the Uzumaki family, and the full-level system will be awakened instantly. "Ding, I found the body of a fairy, and the level is instantly full..." "Ding, I found the four-element seal, and the level is instantly full..." "Ding, I found Rasengan, and the level is instantly full..." "Ding, found Wood Style, instant full level..." "Ding, I found Sharingan, and the level is instantly full..." "..." There is nothing that can't be solved by max level, if there is, then continue to max level...

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30 Chs

Chapter 27

At this time, Kushina was in a coma, and it seemed that he had been under an illusion."untie..."Jiang Yu tapped Kushina's forehead, instantly deciphering the illusion on her body."Ah... how dare you catch me and die for me..."Kushina, who just woke up, still remembers being caught, so as soon as he woke up, Kushina opened his teeth and claws and beat around."Kushina, what are you doing, are you going to hit me..."Looking at the rejuvenated Kushina, Jiang Yu said with a smile."Ah... Jiang Yu big brother, that's great...""There are villains who want to catch me, and you want to avenge me..."Seeing that the person in front of her was Jiang Yu, Kushina threw herself into Jiang Yu's arms and said coquettishly.Although Kushina has just been kidnapped, it seems that she has not been affected by it and is still full of vitality."Don't worry! Kushina, with me, no one would dare to hurt you...""Whoever dares to hurt the lovely Kushina will have to pay the price..."A cold light flashed before Jiang Yu's eyes, and he looked towards the other men in black."Damn, what should I do now...""The captain was actually killed by the enemy...""Attack, we must bring the target back...""..."The men in black looked at each other and rushed towards Jiang Yu again."Since you are looking for death, then use you to try the power of the ninjutsu I just practiced..."Seeing the man in black rushing towards him, Jiang Yu didn't move, but quickly made seals with both hands.When he got all the ninjutsu scrolls in Konoha Village, Jiang Yu started researching them without any hesitation.Jiang Yu has the body of a fairy, so he can't waste this huge Chakra.For other ninjas, ninjutsu requires day and night research to learn, but Jiang Yu is not an ordinary person, but a person with a full-level system."Ding, I discovered Fire Style- Great Fireball Technique, and the level is instantly full...""Ding, I found the Fire Style-Dragon Fire Technique, and the level is instantly full...""Ding, found Water Style-Shui Qingbo, the level is instantly full...""Ding, found Wind Style-vacuum jade, instantly full level...""Ding, I found the Flying Thunder God Technique, and the level is instantly full...""Ding, found multiple Shadow Clone, instantly full level...""..."With the help of the full-level system, Jiang Yu soon learned all the five-element ninjutsu on the scroll.It can be said that the current Jiang Yu has practiced all the ninjutsu in Konoha Village to the full level.Now that Konoha Village dares to attack Uzumaki Kushina, let Konoha Village see the power of their village's ninjutsu."Fire Style-Great Fireball Technique..."A flame quickly gathered in front of Jiang Yu, and the scorching flame turned into a huge fireball with a diameter of about 50 meters, rushing towards the man in black."What, what ninjutsu is this?...""This is too exaggerated! Is this the Great Fireball technique?...""..."Great Fireball Technique, just a very basic ninjutsu in Fire Style, gathers Chakra to release a dozen or so fireballs to hit the enemy.But Jiang Yu is different. Under the ability of the instant full-level system, the Great Fireball Technique was developed to Ultimate by Jiang Yu, releasing a giant Great Fireball with a diameter of about 50 meters.The most basic c-ninjutsu was used by Jiang Yu in a b-level ninjutsu scene.The Pang Great Fireball distorted the surrounding air, making all the men in black dumbfounded."Quick, defend...""Use Ninjutsu, use Water Style..."The huge fireball surprised the men in black very much, but their reaction speed was also very fast, one by one their hands formed seals quickly."Water Style-Water flow wall..."More than a dozen water walls rose up, successfully blocking Jiang Yu's attacking fireball."Is it blocked?...""Then try this...""Fire Style-Haolong Fire Technique..."Once again, a piece of flame boiled up, and the fiery flames continued to condense, turning into a huge fire dragon of a hundred meters.The flames all over the fire dragon's body were boiling majesticly, and it rushed towards the man in black in front of him with baring teeth and claws."Oh no..."Under the shocked eyes of all the men in black, the fire dragon directly destroyed the water wall, engulfed them, and turned them into ashes."boom..."There was a huge explosion, and the fire dragon exploded like a muffled thunder, shaking the entire Konoha Village, and a blazing flame rose up, attracting the attention of all Konoha people."Wow... so beautiful...""Jiang Yu big brother, actually knows ninjutsu!?..."Kushina, who stayed not far away, looked at the continuously boiling flames and said cheeringly.Pretty! ?Hearing Kushina's words, Jiang Yu was speechless for a while. It was the first time Jiang Yu heard such a description of killing ninjutsu.Perhaps for Kushina now, beauty is more important than power.The loud explosion also immediately alerted Third Hokage and Shimura Danzō in Konoha Village."What's going on here!? Where did the explosion come from...!?""Who dares to release ninjutsu in the village..."Seeing the flames flying up in the distant sky, Third Hokage asked loudly."That direction!? Not good... something happened...""That's the direction the root group members are going to capture the Uzumaki clan..." Shimura Danzō rushed out immediately."Anbu's ninja gathering..." Third Hokage also summoned Anbu and rushed over.Jiang Yu quickly discovered the movements of Third Hokage and Shimura Danzō relying on Kagura's mind.There are a large number of Konoha Shinobi followers coming to their side."You guys, take Kushina away first..." Jiang Yu said to the ninjas of the Uzumaki clan."Jiang Yu big brother, will you be in danger..." Hearing Jiang Yu asked him to leave, Kushina said reluctantly."Don't worry! I want to leave, no one can stop me...""I can defeat the enemy only if you are safe..." Jiang Yu touched Kushina's small head and said comfortingly, and then said to the ninjas of the Uzumaki clan."You must keep Kushina safe...""Yes... the patriarch..."Just as the ninjas and Kushina of the Uzumaki family had just left, Third Hokage and Shimura Danzō rushed over with their people.Seeing the members of the root organization lying on the ground all around, Shimura Danzō's face turned dark, and he took the lead in asking the teacher for the crime."Chief Uzumaki, what do you mean, why did you kill our Konoha ninja..."