
Hokage: Instant Full Level

Travel through the world of Hokage and become the patriarch of the Uzumaki family, and the full-level system will be awakened instantly. "Ding, I found the body of a fairy, and the level is instantly full..." "Ding, I found the four-element seal, and the level is instantly full..." "Ding, I found Rasengan, and the level is instantly full..." "Ding, found Wood Style, instant full level..." "Ding, I found Sharingan, and the level is instantly full..." "..." There is nothing that can't be solved by max level, if there is, then continue to max level...

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30 Chs

Chapter 11

Hatake Sakumo, Sarutobi Baizuki, and Mizushima Kaze are the Konoha Shinobi.They received a mission personally sent by Third Hokage, that is to go to the Uzumaki Country to bring back a tribe from the Uzumaki Country, and at the same time bring back the sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan.Konoha Village also knows that Uzumaki is being attacked by Cloud Shinobi and Mist Ninja.Under the attack of these two ninja villages, the Uzumaki clan simply did not last long.Although Konoha Village and the Uzumaki clan have an agreement, the two advance and retreat together, but the agreement is only valid when the strength of both parties is equal.When Konoha Village was founded, its strength was very weak. It is precisely because of this that the help of the Uzumaki family is needed.For example, the huge barrier protecting Konoha Village was built by the Uzumaki clan.Only with the passage of time, Konoha Village continued to develop, and now it has become the first ninja village among the five major ninja villages.In contrast, the Uzumaki family has declined over the years.The declining Uzumaki family has no use for Konoha Village and has become a dispensable existence.Therefore, Konoha Village resolutely rejected the support of the Uzumaki clan, and lost the strength of the village for a dispensable Uzumaki clan, and the senior management of Konoha Village would do this kind of loss-making business.Konoha Village doesn't care about the destruction of the Uzumaki family, but the sealing technique of the Uzumaki family is a good thing, how can Konoha Village let it go!And the current Nine Tails Jinchūriki Uzumaki Mito is aging too, and Konoha Village also needs a new Jinchūriki.Therefore, Third Hokage sent a team of ninjas to the country of Uzumaki to snatch the sealing technique of the Uzumaki family and wait for a member of the Uzumaki family."Be careful, everyone, we have entered the territory of the Vortex Country...""Cloud Shinobi and Mist Shinobi are attacking the Uzumaki clan, we may encounter enemies at any time..." Hatake looked around vigilantly.Wood Ye Baiya, Hatake Sakumo, and Konoha Village's long-established ninjas are not only powerful, but also very famous.It is even said that other ninja villages have issued notices that anyone who encounters Mu Ye Bai Ya can give up the ninja unconditionally.Konoha Village dispatched such a powerful ninja to the country of Uzumaki, which shows that Konoha Village attaches great importance to the sealing technique of the Uzumaki family."yes..."Hearing Hatake Sakumo's words, his two teammates also became vigilant and looked around.The speed of the three of them was very fast, and they soon came near the residence of the Uzumaki family."What's going on here!? It looks like a big war just happened here...""Could it be that Cloud Shinobi has already defeated the Uzumaki clan!...""Let's go! Go to the Uzumaki clan right away...""..."Although I don't know what happened, but seeing the uneven surroundings, it is obvious that a big war just happened.The first thing they thought was that Cloud Shinobi had broken through the Uzumaki clan and took away the sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan.As for the Uzumaki clan defeating Cloud Shinobi, they didn't even think about it.Cloud Shinobi is one of the five major ninja villages, second only to the existence of Konoha Village.And the Uzumaki family is just a small family in the Uzumaki country.The Uzumaki clan defeated Cloud Shinobi! ? What a joke! ?But when the three of them came to the Uzumaki clan, they found that what they imagined Cloud Shinobi would defeat the Uzumaki clan did not happen.The Uzumaki clan looked damaged, but they were still alive and well."What's going on here!?..."Although the three were very puzzled, they still planned to visit the Uzumaki family.Their task this time is the sealing technique of the Uzumaki family. It would be best if they could get the sealing technique from the Uzumaki family.Find out what's going on even if you don't get it."Stop, who are you!?..."As soon as the Konoha trio approached the Uzumaki clan, they were discovered by the alert Uzumaki clan."We are Konoha Shinobi...""We want to meet your patriarch..."Hatake Sakumo said immediately, while pointing to the Konoha logo on his body."Konoha Shinobi? Come with us!...""I'll notify the patriarch immediately..."After confirming that Hatake Sakumo and the others were really Konoha Shinobi, the Uzumaki tribe walked in with the three of them.Seeing the orderly Uzumaki clan, Hatake and others were very puzzled."What happened to you Uzumaki clan!...""Didn't you hear that Cloud Shinobi is attacking your Uzumaki clan...!?" Sarutobi Baiyue couldn't help asking.Sarutobi 百月 Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen's tribe, although Hatake Sakumo is the patriarch of the team, but the real spokesperson is Sarutobi 百月."Cloud Shinobi, they were all killed by our patriarch a long time ago...""Your patriarch!?...""That's right, it's our patriarch...""Our patriarch killed all the invaders by relying on his own ninjutsu..."When he said this, the Uzumaki patriarch showed an expression of admiration on his face.Hearing what the Uzumaki people said, the three Konohas were very puzzled.What power does it take for the patriarch of a tiny Uzumaki clan to defeat Cloud Shinobi! ? They were curious about the head of the Uzumaki clan.At this moment, Jiang Yu walked over from a distance."Konoha Shinobi!? You are looking for me...""You...!? You are the patriarch of the Uzumaki clan!...?" Seeing a boy, the three of Konoha Village looked at Jiang Yu in disbelief."That's right, I am the new patriarch of the Uzumaki clan, Uzumaki Jiang Yu..." Jiang Yu said with certainty.Hearing the arrival of the Konoha Shinobi, the four elders of the Uzumaki clan also rushed over immediately, looking at the Konoha three with great enthusiasm."Konoha Shinobi, it's great that you are finally here...""Are you here to support our Uzumaki clan?...""You four from your hometown, what are you doing out here!?" Looking at the four people who looked like they were licking dogs, Jiang Yu said angrily."Master Patriarch, how can you talk like that!...""There are still Konoha Shinobi here!...""That's right! Konoha Shinobi is here to support our Uzumaki clan...""That's...that's..." The four elders looked at Jiang Yu strangely.But in the face of the enthusiasm of the four elders, Sarutobi Baiyue did not appreciate it at all."I'm very sorry, our Konoha Village has just experienced a major war and has not yet recovered. Now we are unable to support you Uzumaki clan..."