
Hokage God-Level Development

Travel to the world of Hokage to become Namikaze Minato, the handsome and invincible Fourth Hokage. Originally super talent plus a god-level development system has created an invincible Fourth Hokage. The first stage of Fire Style is developed to reward fire elements, which can make people elemental. The first stage of physique development is completed and the Sage Body is rewarded. From then on, Minato no longer has to worry about not having enough Chakra, because it has become Chakra. The first stage of space development is completed, and I can instantly reach wherever I can see. I no longer need to engrave spells. The most important thing is that there is still a private space, which is simply the rhythm of the sky. Not only that, but when the second stage of development was completed, Minato gained a more powerful ability. From then on, the name of Fourth Hokage resounded throughout the ninja world, and he was also known as the strongest Hokage in history. Seeing how Fourth Hokage led Konoha to the peak, what Danzo, what elders all had to kneel in front of the domineering Minato. ..

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Chapter 100

With such a comparison, the strength between the two will be judged.After all, the samurai are still very disadvantaged to the Jōnin.Sanzang stared at Mikoto firmly, the vigilance in his heart had already been raised to the highest level.This woman is very strong, he must play ~12 points of spirit.There are only three matches in the competition, and the outcome of each match is very important.So he can't--have no slack.But he didn't know who the person opposite him was, so staring into Mikoto's eyes was his biggest mistake.How could Mikoto miss such a good opportunity, the Sharingan opened instantly, and the Sharingan of Sangouyu spun extremely fast in the eye sockets.Although Mikoto's Mangekyō doesn't have the ability to perform illusions, but with Mangekyō Sharingan's powerful spiritual boost, casting an illusion is a breeze.Sanzang on the opposite side fell into the illusion without any reaction.As for the outside world, when Mikoto's Sharingan was exposed, there was an uproar."Sharingan? This is a member of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Mikoto, yes, when Cloud Shinobi Village took action against Konoha, this Uchiha Mikoto was one of them.No wonder it looks so familiar. It turned out that I saw his file a few years ago, but now it has become bigger and changed a little, so I almost couldn't recognize it. "Yeyueai's eyes are shining, but she has other thoughts in her heart. This is a good opportunity. Konoha actually sent this talented girl from the Uchiha clan. If she doesn't act, she will be really sorry for herself.Don't underestimate Yeyuegai's ambition. In the original book, he is very rare in Konoha's blood succession boundary, even to the point of overtly robbing him, such as the supercilious eyes of the Hinata incident.Anyway, his competition is over, and now hurry up to send back the news, let the old man come over to surround him personally, it is useless for other people to come over, and there is no time.For the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, the adventure is worth it.After quietly speaking to Killer Bee, Ye Yueai retreated.Of course, Minato also noticed Yeyueai's little tricks, but he didn't care at all. The combined strength of the three of them didn't mean that they were playing, and they were really not afraid of any tricks from Cloud Shinobi Village.Let's talk about Mikoto.When Sanzang was hit by the illusion, Mikoto rushed up immediately, without using ninjutsu, and planned to use this technique directly.After following Minato for so many years, his physical skills should not be underestimated.Sanzang didn't react at all after being hit by the illusion. It's really because the illusion added by Mangekyō Sharingan is too powerful. It's okay if you don't get the trick. of.A powerful Konoha Badyansheng kicked Sanzang on the head, and then he punched Sanzang in the abdomen with a straight punch, knocking him out of the air.And these two attacks also woke up Sanzang from the illusion.Feeling the inexplicable pain all over his body, and the instant change of the scene, he still didn't know that he had fallen into the magic bed."Damn it, it's from the Uchiha clan. It's really careless, but this woman is too confident, so she didn't use Sharingan at first."Seeing the Three Tomoe Sharingan in Mikoto's eyes, Sanzang still doesn't know how he fell into the illusion.The Sharingan of the Uchiha family is well-known in the ninja world, especially the other party is the tallest Three Tomoe Sharingan, so it's no wonder that he didn't hit the illusion when he looked at the other party.It's just that this woman's illusion is too powerful, so that he doesn't even feel that he has been under the illusion.This is the disadvantage of being ignorant. If you don't know Mangekyō Sharingan, how can you know how powerful he is.It's really a bad start now, Sanzang was pressed and beaten by Mikoto not long after he played, and now he has started to feel anxious in his heart.But the more anxious you are, the more likely you are to make mistakes.On one of his mistakes, Mikoto took another chance and a Leaf Great Whirlwind knocked him out."Ahem, no, I'm sure I'll lose if I go on like this, I can't go on like this, let's decide the outcome with one move, I'm going to use the strongest move to end that woman."Sanzang coughed up a trace of blood from his wounds, which indicated that his internal organs had been severely injured.But Sanzang did not give up, but held the knife with both hands, closed his eyes and mobilized all his energy and spirit to gather together....asking for flowers..."One sword style, profound meaning, ghost and god slash."Sanzang who had closed his eyes suddenly opened them, and then a black slashing wave with purple light came out from the knife in his hand.This is his secret strike, which was originally prepared for the three ships, but now it can't be controlled so much. If you can't win, everything is White Hits.It's been a long time, but in fact, only a second passed between Sanzang's eyes closing and his slashing. For these sword masters who have been immersed in the way of the sword all year round, it takes a moment to mobilize the strength of the whole body.This blow was so fast that Mikoto, who was running, had no time to dodge it. This might be the only advantage of the samurai, he didn't need seals, and he could cut out the chopping waves quickly.However, chopping waves are not something ordinary people can chop out.Facing the slashing wave that was right in front of our eyes, Mikoto's Three Tomoe Sharingan spun extremely fast, and then connected end to end into a Mangekyō writing wheel of flame.At the same time, a large amount of Chakra and pupil power leaked out, forming a red skeleton around his body, the color of flames, full of blazing heat.Yes, it is Susanoo.Mikoto didn't continue to send pupil power. In the first stage, Susanoo, who only had a skeleton frame, was enough to withstand Sanzang's slashing wave."boom."The black slashing wave with purple light hit the skeleton's body, but it was useless, and the most powerful strike of the master did not cause any damage.Susanoo's powerful defense was beyond Mikoto's expectation. Although this is not the first time she used it, it was just practice before.This is the first time to use it for real confrontation.However, the side effects of Susanoo are quite powerful. Mikoto has already felt a little pain in his body after just taking it for a while.So I closed Susanoo without hesitation.It was too late to defend just now, so it was turned on "Now there is no reason.Besides, it's not good for the eyes to keep it open all the time. He hasn't officially become Minato's woman yet, so if you know the side effects, it's better to use it less. .